
Measure for effort!

A phrase caught my attention while watching a program revolving around economic crises and it said "the world is focused on saving the dollar", it is horrible to think that the focus is concentrated on saving paper rather than people or nature!

If i should replace the word "economy" with "responsibility" then its  quite clear to me that we at all times must be aware about the manner in which we are consuming energy of the earth as well as self consumption which has reached critical levels. Why do i say critical levels? We are consumed by material things at least that is how the measure of currency value is made in the hard world but how about the soft world? Our morals and values have been degraded to a level where paper and things are now more important than a person or people or in whole nature. 

Money is a measure for effort and when ones effort is degraded to 0 then what is there to say when one feels like 0. How one feels about themselves and their craft is reflected in the asking price.
i went to wikipedia to find the definition for the word Credit (from Latin credere translation. "to believe"). Ones level of credit is equal to the level of faith. In the past ages ambition was the "it" thing when it came to surviving against nature, while now the level of ambition needs to reduce or if i may put it right redirected in a different manner, either to the moon or back to earthy ways of living.

Let me give you a perspective through a story of a lady i used to know who was forced to close down her business. She had a passive income stream that she in return had been reinvesting in another arm of her business. What shut her ability to continue growing was the fact that the partners that she had had been compromising her through none payment of her earnings by delaying it for 3 and sometimes 6 months at a time and this prevented her from being able to stand as a credible person and business in the face of partners or banks. Her business belongs to the NGO like type of operation which meant that most of her energy life line came from her heart and when at every point she was compromised and blocked through nonpayment she lost the battle to anguish that her partners had no respect for her business. As much as the hard world side of business is saying that she should know better and that it is the fight of the fittest they shouldn't forget that the foundation of the hard world of businesses that exist today was by same altruists. Every established industry today was founded by those who sacrificed their hearts and minds hoping for a better future and wasn't often based on self service in terms of financial gain.

All she could say was "At least i tried". Now i am asking myself "does one really get back what they give in the business world and in life itself"!

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