
Ancient Egypt's temples!

Proverbs were written on Ancient Egypt's temples and monuments. The language is a little fancy, but if you think about them a moment, they start to make sense. Give it a try. What do you think these proverbs mean?

Empty not your soul to everybody and do not diminish there by your importance. Egyptian Proverb.
  • When people get to know the source of your wealth you will be of no interest to them! One friend could tell everyone so what's the point in hiding?! There is always Judah in the midst! To those who find treasure within the earth, build first the tools find the buyers and then go digging! Should you announce it first you may find your passion put down or worse rubbed! The parable of the Good Samaritan! Help yourself, help others! Pass on the good will!
2. The nut doesn't reveal the tree it contains.
  • As much as a seed does not speak for the tree! Potential is seen in a seed! An idea when explored reveals it's potential, it's limited only to the amount of participants exploring it! Too many can be too much but not a bad thing if organised!
3. The seed cannot sprout upwards without simultaneously sending roots into the ground.
  • To establish a great thing it has to have good foundation! The root of all findings are in our daily lives! Our experiences with nature and it habitants as well as our emotions!
4. A house has the character of the man who lives in it.
  • Not always the person may not have enough to take care of it or a house can be setup to attract others!
5. A pupil may show you by his own efforts how much he deserves to learn from you.

A teacher should inspire his pupil to show what's within him/her! In return they will feed of each other! The art of exponential learning! Assuming that a child can't surprise a teacher with knowledge is ignorance on the part of the adult! Bring the heinous or the genius it's all in the power of the teacher!

6. Social good is what brings peace to family and society.
  • It's the other way round as well! Thinking this way only breeds hell into homes! Social security in form of making jobs available as well as physical security brings a relative foundation for peace to family! If they say from within to without then it is from the family the source of good while the socials support it!
7. Knowledge is not necessarily wisdom.
  • Experience may not teach people a lesson. Wisdom is cunning, a honest man may not learn how to survive!
8. Each truth you learn will be, for you, as new as if it had never been written.
  • Truths written can be forgotten but can be revisited from time to time!
9. Listen to your convictions, even if they seem absurd to your reason.
  • A conviction that seems absurd isn't a true conviction. Beliefs can be absurd but it makes sense to the mind that holds them!
10. Have the wisdom to abandon the values of a time that has passed and pick out the constituents of the future. An environment must be suited to the age and men to their environment.

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