
African Quotes on wisdom!

When I read the quotes and sayings of a people i can see why they are the way they are, why they are headed by the leaders that they have. The sayings in the bible: "by their words ye shall know them" for it leads their foot to act according to their thinking, and then another passage from the bible comes to mind "
  • So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;
  • It will not return to me empty,
  • Without accomplishing what I desire,
  • And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it", one can predict the destiny of a land and it's people! It's about time that the sayings of the old are reanalysed or completed because many have served not for good even though it's the heart that sees the message in it!

When you follow in the path of your father, you learn to walk like him. ~Ashanti Proverb

Those who one loves one imitates, on the other hand the heart of a child or a people decide if one should or shouldn't follow regardless of who is in authority! In Africa as i have seen in families that i have come across very few children rip out from their parental homes for fear of being disowned or cursed or the notion that they are disrespecting their parents. This has kept a lot of people in stagnation. As i once picked up a saying from a film i think its from the film "Ray" i may be wrong, however it said "in Georgia a black man is still a boy" which should mean "He or she does not know whats best to do with their lives", is as a result of this nesting like overview to life. For those who leave and never come back its evident that they get lost on the streets. Some lie to avert the fear and continue to lie to their parents about their ware a-bouts. Some make it some don't but they die in silence, bitter that they had to hide in order to survive.

Wisdom is wealth. ~ Swahili
  • Not all wise people have honour, not all those who have honour are wise. Be smart, know your trade and sell it.
Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it. ~ Akan proverb
  • Wisdom can't be described just by one word. It is a noun and a verb and could interchange through what heart possesses it! I am not sure that no one individual can embrace it! In thought one can, in deed depending on the scope one can also embrace it!
  • Of course 2 heads is better than one!  But sometimes one of the head can develop a headache or be cancerous, what does one do?
  • In another instance wisdom can be  explained as common sense "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Common sense is achieved in congregating with others. An individual can possess and embrace a truth but to bring common good it may need a community of heads and by His Grace!
The fool speaks, the wise man listens. ~ Ethiopian proverb
  • An honest "fool" man shows the way to others, the wise who have no honour keep to themselves knowledge! But when a nation is in despair those who were wise are not seen for shame that they could have helped but sought their own gain!
  • When someone speaks of their experiences it's best to be quiet!
Wisdom does not come overnight. ~ Somali proverb
  • A craft is not polished overnight!
The heart of the wise man lies quiet like limpid water. ~ Cameroon proverb
  • The crafty seldom speak!
Wisdom is like fire. People take it from others. ~ Hema (DRC) proverb
  • Not all learn from their mistakes, neither does watching others give experience!
Only a wise person can solve a difficult problem. ~ Akan proverb
  • Who has been there can do that! A thief can catch a thief and so with the honest and wise and smart! Birds of same feather may not flock together for too long, life is too broad to be one-sided.
Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand. ~ Guinean proverb
  • Implementation of deeds establishes order!
In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams. ~ Nigerian proverb
  • Do not be wise in your own counsel in this case could mean the wise may be turned into fools and fools can become wise! We need the wise and the foolish as bridges and dams each serve their purpose! Bridges are needed for connecting lands and dams for directing the flow that nourishes the seeds! Sometimes a bridge can be a nuisance: it may allow unwanted guests! 
If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom. ~ African proverb
  • An open heart may be a dartboard but it learns easier!
A wise person will always find a way. ~ Tanzanian proverb
  • Cunning is also an attribute of the wise. To find knowledge or protect yourself; which is your choice to save your neck or to help others? Be smart, know when to help and know when to save your neck.
Nobody is born wise. ~ African proverb
  • Accept your mistakes as a badge of life's lessons!
  • Life can turn an honest man to be cunning. Better to have honour than to be wise.
  • Fools are always honest the wise can be cunning!
A man who uses force is afraid of reasoning. ~Kenyan proverb
  • Reason is a force for persuasion, fists do nothing but reveal who is guilty!
A fight between grasshoppers is a joy to the crow! Lesotho proverb
  • There are parents who create squabbles between siblings for their own gain!
When two elephants fight the grass suffers!  Swahili proverb
  • In a family that fights the children suffer! Where leaders can't agree the people suffer!
Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far. ~ West African proverb
  • A sheep in wolfs clothing!

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