
There are no absolute rules only definite consequences!

With God on our side! There are no absolute rules only definite consequences!

Wisdom is the ability to produce results. The ability to see vantage points and choose the best option to achieve a positive outcome! The will to put oneself in the shoe "circumstance" of another before an action is taken. A perceived positive action may not always be fair to one or the other, someone always takes the fall but who knows if a fall in the eyes of the seer is actually a fall?
  • Prudence "truth seeking/inquisitiveness/comparison/separating issues (see vantage points): also called "wisdom," the ability to judge between actions with regard to appropriate actions at a given time.
  • Justice "How best to execute" (facts/evidence): to achieve "fairness," the perpetual and constant will of rendering to each one his right. To whom much is given much is expected!
  • Temperance (interaction/inter-relativity): also called "restraint," the practice of self-control, abstention, and moderation; tempering the appetition. What helps is the understanding of oneself during interaction with others "supply and demand"
  • Courage (taking action/timing one's steps regardless of not having all info): this develops "fortitude ( the ability to confront fear, uncertainty, and intimidation),"
  • forbearance (the understanding of the carnal nature of ignoramuses/circumstances beyond human control ie it's Gods will), strength ( of character to stop that which may have lingered), endurance (to take upon responsibility by not casting blame on just one party or take the hit for a moments peace or to resign all together), giving up is also an act of forbearance when all attempts in a respective timeframe has been exhausted, there is a deadline to everything.
Missionaries are like physicians who came to do a surgeons job. Rather than prevent they aided in rooting out cultures. Help refine the redundant traditions of a given people. Should they have had patience (long term plan for occupation) and understood the con of men who aided their expeditions, they would have succeeded at achieving their mission without bloodshed and retained respect!
"They must learn to follow the will of God" they said. The missionaries  should have understood that they in their ignorance were used as an instrument of the self-serving parties for economic interests only! Too much good can turn into evil when blind!

What is the will of God? The Will of God is in free will but he will not spoon feed those who he had already given the wisdom to lead. Every nation has a right to protect their way of life but they must also know that success of survival is constant growth and growing sometimes or most times means changing! Humans/nations perish for wanting to reman as they are, even when it is obvious that they are sinking!

It is said "don't throw the baby with the water" Habit is hard to throw out for fear of not knowing or seeing "wisdom" the difference between the baby, water and the bathtub! Ie as a mother I love my son but I must also know that my bird must learn to fly! Knowledge "experience + information" is the only treasure a person/nation can possess to secure and safeguard their future! If the past is lost how can one see the future, if effects are not recorded how can one trace to the cause and learn from it?

An aliai ( the enemy of my enemy is my friend) can become your enemy. Why? Because when they have seen you deplete your resources to fighting an enemy that isn't theirs in real terms they will capture you and your enemy too! An aliai isn't a partner! Those who don't start with you can't see you to the end nor can they see your end! An Aliai is an alibi "short term solution to an immediate need! Choose wisely!

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