
Could it be the tone?

Why when people like each other words that should feel like an insult is accepted and when they don't even GoodMorning is taken in offence?

Could i use this statement to drive a point "familiarity breeds contempt"? It doesn't really say it for me but close enough to start a conversation. 

In knowing 2 very distinct languages and being familiar with a variety of cultures i can understand and intuitively feel when one uses words to offend and when the same words sound like a friendly banter. With words come tones "a reflection of attitude/emotions" speaks of its intent. In Russian communication there are dual words just as in English but where in english one can feel instantly assaulted in Russian one can feel pacified. For instance the word "Rabbit and a Bunny" the tone is pretty much clear when one is called up in a tender way.

Difference and Comparison. People don't mind seeing their differences but don't like to be compared. Making an example of someone is different from comparing them to others.

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