
To honour and to cherish!

Marriage they say is an institution so why then in order to enter it we aren't going through exams to get in but there is a penalty for getting out?

I would presume that to guarantee the successful establishment of the vows we all need to be aware of things that will happen before it happens but then the question arises; "will anyone make a commitment if one knew the responsibility and effort it takes to make a marriage successful"? I read this standard vow taken by many newly weds and I think......

Does one know what the law is? A vow is a law. The taking of responsibility to be there as a constant friend. To be faithful while in the presence of friends and family. To be there for that someone when sick and healthy, in good times and bad, in joy and in sorrow, promising to love unconditionally. To support in achieving goals. To honour and respect. To laugh and to cry and to cherish for as long as both shall live!

Looking at these words and being able to translate it into action is where we all get lost in translation! How is it possible to be unconditional when the vow has already put the conditions? Rich or Poor, sickness or health, joy or sorrow and all this with no intimacy because it all happens in front and because of friends, family who place their perception on what they think a marriage is supposed to be! If one is to cut off everyone in order to be successful in marriage then one is cut out from being able to survive physiologically, so it seems that every marriage is doomed to fail one way or the other. It doesn't matter what one does, there will always be someone who comes between! I pray God intervenes on our behalf when needed and not people who themselves seem not to grasp the meaning of honour and respect in the bid for their own profit! It is hard to find a friend(s) who truly cares for your well being rather than protecting their own benefit!
The other side is the major issue: do the individuals entering the institution know how to be a partner when they are lousy as a friend to their friends? Have they ever supported a goal of anyone of their family or even just one person before they choose to enter a union? Do they know what honour or cherishing is before they make a commitment to another?

We push children into matrimony while failing in raising solid adults! Yeah marriage isn't love, it is a social contract; a public spectacle where everyone is responsible for the outcome because we as people put asunder from the very start by pitching subjective opinions at the very moment the two meet and have not yet a relationship! Why do we put out the flame from a couple rather than fuel it up in them?

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