
Why do people misunderstand What someone does for who someone is?

Why do people misunderstand What someone does for who someone is?

It is presumed that when someone stole he is a thief! Wrong! Robin Hood may have been labeled a thief by the Sherif who had his eyes on the throne but to the people he was a hero. He probably was stalling the Sherif until Richard the Lion Heart came back! Sometimes to be cruel to be kind is risky to who takes on that journey! We often times look to many as the bad guy's but it's the result I am interested in! 

The result is what speaks of who one is! We have many a people who say but do not do! We have many a people who speak good to pacify the fears of the masses yet live many in delusion. It's amazing how we love the rat that blows air to our feet while chewing at it! 

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