
Why does standing by someone out of pity not help them grow?

According to the dictionary pity is defined as the following:

the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others.
a cause for regret or disappointment.
feel sorrow for the misfortunes of.

People want to see strength. A strong person gives confidence to others but demanding strength always from others and not giving back is a selfish act that leads those who were once strong to feel sorrow. when one sees someone in sorrow it is an opportunity for those who had fed from it at start to give back in kind.

If when you are weak when you were strong you don't find a friend who lifts you up then you had no friends in the first place. Interrelationship is the core of a good foundation for friendship be it in marriage or relations with others.

Sometimes giving a slap to a friend is a better remedy than pacifying their pain. It is crippling to keep on hearing sorry over and over again. The threshold for endurance is limited in humans. We are not machines and our brains are not elastic to the point of absurd expectations placed by others. Those who have been really low can spring up higher than ever before and vice versa. Personally i never knew what pity was nor the experience of compassion so i may come across as stone cold. I have my moments but no one sees it at least i try. A wounded animal goes away from the pack and into the forest to heal. Mother nature does a better job at bringing one back to life than any human possibly can. I indulge myself in my silly girly habits which could differ from other women's ways but they help me. I walk bare feet, i eat my fav foods and fruits, go to have a beer at a bar and simply don't give a damn about putting up a fine appearance. Connecting back to my original sins :)

Strong people are often an example to many and in effect those who look up to them cage them in their demands. Sometimes you can send everyone back into the hell they put you in let them have a taste of their own meal.

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