
Why do staff make themselves more important than the business?

That's because they seek validation of themselves "reflecting their need to be relevant from the boss and surroundings developed from their parental home". In reference the work environment where we spend most of our lives is no different from situations that happen at home however they miss the point that the objectives of both environments are different although interwoven!

A kid who reaches age 3 is plunged into the work force from kindergarten and from then on spends less and less time at home. Surrounded by strangers and that in turn makes strangers of their parents! What if a child is kept at home until they are of age where their personality and emotions of care are satisfied? It would mean that they will develop a stronger emotional balance however we live in a world where both parents are working "the human mind needs to be active in order to remain proactive" so there is no way to avoid the neediness raring its head!

Schools on the other hand should be developing the EQ and IQ of an individual while the parents support it but what happens is that in school the metric "evaluation methods" are curbing the EQ of an individual. How can one measure the true IQ potential of an individual if their emotional state is always compromised?

Well not everyone gets to a point early enough in their lives to send everyone's metrics of them to hell, this often happens later in life when some degree of self resentment kicks in! For someone's potential to unravel itself one literarily needs not to give a damn! Very few are capable of placing things where they belong which is what I mean as sending the world to hell! Parents just as the society have their place in life but not at the expense of ones sanity! Validation is in the art of shelving! Get cracking and stop whining about how your boss doesn't notice you and make yourself noticed through delivery of the business objectives! "How to achieve?" isn't often the first question it is in the "What to achieve and When it needs to be delivered" that measures success at work!

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