
Why does it seem easier for government to give monetary compensations than create Jobs?

Looking at the environment that we are in now it will be fair to say that the problem is the educational institutions not placing themselves early enough to transition towards the current  dynamics required! Being technically equipped doesn't mean one is entrepreneurial in mind! This relates to the global economic crises we are experiencing but there is hope if some aspects within the educational sector transforms i.e. adding a number of crucial exercises! 

On the other hand In Africa and most undeveloped countries the individuals who are in government are not educated nor experienced in economics. The continent is underdeveloped structurally and infra-structurally so this will take considerable time to catch up with the rest of the "developed" world. 

Africans have little exposure, the repressive policies on migration in order to develop perspectives from other countries is limiting vision! Let's take for instance the example of the breakup of the USSR. Until Gorbachev was invited to see, he wouldn't have started the ideology of perestroika! 

Let's be a bit insightful as to the nature of change; it can't happen without having something to bounce an idea from! Comparison based evaluation is the best way to reproduce perspectives! I understand that one can't just take all Africans and tour them around the world but educational materials can be shown through TV. Discovery channel sure can replace the biology class in remote areas, visual perceptiveness is a much quicker way to educate people. TV unlike real human beings standing with a stick has a better shot at keeping ones attention! Yes one is asking for more jobs not taking away the jobs of the teachers but how about moving those teachers from the class into TV, let them present their findings through TV. A class or TV what's the difference? The platform for conveying a message has changed but the message is delivered with more variety! If you look at it from a perspective Teachers are actors, they project the reality of their findings! People can be thought right at home, there isn't enough time to build schools to educate everyone neither is there time to wait if the government is really interested in its county and the well being of its people! After all technology has gotten to a level where exams can be done online or even through TV!

Education expands vision, creates jobs and opportunities that's why it is power and accepting monetary compensation is demeaning to a nation or continent that has soo much to offer not just in physical resources but the mental resilience which has developed over centuries  of self and others enslavement!

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