
Why does sometimes the eldest loose their birthright to the youngest?

Because they didn't create their own niche! My understanding of birthright is Respect or Identity.
the eldest kids in families are usually burdened with the issues of family and replace the duties of the parents. Although they are told they are leaders they have been burdened into managing issues rather than standing up for themselves. their individuality is rubbed off in the mud of problems that the parents didn't handle or didn't want to. It may not have been done deliberately but never the less in those cases it happened and it is left to them to pull out and head on the road of self actualisation. Everyone has dreams "aspirations" and it is your God given right not to surrender it to anyone regardless of responsibility to others.

The following is defines as birthright by the dictionary
  • A right, possession, or privilege that is one's due by birth. 
  • A special privilege accorded a firstborn.

I would ask what is the due of a child? what is a privilege? is privilege allocated based on the order to which children are born? i would hate to believe that our creator just chooses who he wants to favour, i think he favours those who choose to assert themselves. Should one eat if they didn't work? a hungry man is an active man not a wimp who expects being catered for for life. Regardless of if one is rich or not there is a level of self respect that comes out from applying oneself to anything. If one mops then be the best at it.

To him who much is given much is expected could mean if you wish to be more then do more and don't expect a pat on the back just or only because you are the first born. Stand and be recognised because simply wishing for recognition wouldn't give you recognition. Its the sheep with spots that the shepherd notices among the spotless. As the first born you may have been subjected into obedience but should that erase who you are as a being?

Its easy to say that "my parents loved the youngest more but i ask that you do not mistake affection for cuteness that you may not have felt to be that they didn't care." If they gave you same shelter and education as to the youngest then they simply were pacifying their need for attention from the youngest while you were supporting their duties but got too wrapped up in it and maybe they got so comfortable in you that they forgot that you as the oldest need to be cuddled as well. I am the eldest in the family but i never lost sight of myself in the shadow of my parents affection, well maybe i am a lucky one but then i had to tell myself that i needed to find my own happiness and identity.

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