
With a touch of reality?

Aladdin - The Ends of the Earth
Mary J. Blige feat. Grand Puba - Whats The 411
Lumidee - Never Leave You (Uh Oh) 
Brick & Lace - Love Is Wicked
Wyclef Jean - Perfect Gentleman
Mario - Let Me Love You
Sorry but how can a Ghanaian mother bread boy think he can mess with a Tatar Nigerian girl? I guess my heart let me down. Guys should be smart rather than trying to be clever.

Mario - Somebody Else ft. Nicki Minaj
Nico & Vinz - Am I Wrong 
By the way a gentleman is likely to push his lady through a revolving door with guns blazing on the other end, while pretending to be caring. Podstavka, that's the cynics way, the British style only works in politics or with materialistic persons. Don't know what the Russian heart is capable of? destroy, can always rebuild. Sorry but cynicism turns around to bite because they get lost in the lies, better have a huge memory to sustain that.

Тайные знаки. Любовная революция Инессы Арманд. (ТВ3 03.02.2009)
How To Change Careers - Dealing With The Fear & Transitioning Smart
If there is something about me that maybe a bummer for guys it's beating on pity. I grew up with doctors for parents and basic medical care isn't something strange. I had been sick a lot at youth with malaria, went through horrific surgery at 16 as well as  my pregnancies were C's, so when an adult in one second says he is sick there are signs that give indications on the problem. While in Nigeria I never needed to take my kids to the clinic and sorted things out myself. Now when a guy says he is ill yet minutes later stands up like nothing happened, no temperature, healthy diet, no running stomach or vomiting, what am I to think?

There is a tale of the shepherded boy and the wolf, so many times the boy called out in joke to the crowd on danger and each time he laughed at them, they warned him once, twice and on the third time when the wolf really came they passed by. This story should teach people that when you joke with people sooner or later when there is real danger they wouldn't listen.

The core issue to career transitioning is in the reasons why one chose a career in the first place. Given that the industrial system didn't really give people choices ie people were told this is what is available and this is what needs done left the aspects of passion away, hobbies were ways people sought expression for their personality traits. Now personality trait is also a tricky thing as kids are often cultured, this removes an individuals perspective of self hence rubs them off communication and analytical skills. If kids are allowed to grow in their own image or pick by yourself who you wish to be like then it's easier for them to self govern themselves.

I am asked how is it that I started what I do today at 18, same question applies to my brother. He started as a kid at 5 and gradually developed himself, he was supported by dad constantly taken to matches and support tools like boots and balls as well as advice, he plays with both legs because dad told him that a football player isn't a player if he doesn't play with both, which today gives him the versatility in playing both in attack, on the wing, while his mental dedication to team play places him in the positions of defence "defence is an developed attribute of most attackers subconsciously" and midfield. In this example you will see that apart from a direct skill the mental capacity is also developed through will/care.

In my case I had projected for myself a career in socials, while surrounded by professionals for parents and ancestors gave additional orientation on functionality for trade and design. For me to be a doctor isn't my passion because of certain factors I don't wish to go into, it has to do with the impression I have of women in medicine however therapy is also in the line of medicine, being a social person as well as having a natural instinct in psychology I am inclined towards being best with people. On another side my will is strong which places me to understand any profession from a generalised point of view, should I decide to go specific then that's not a problem either. Now, my interest is in social arts and that puts me in a position to handle an array of professions, my personality is in leadership, funny but to most I come across as a tyrant and that's simply because of my personal principles, it's what kept and keeps me alive in the midst of you all know 󾌩 I have loads of friends who aren't complaining but the x's, that's because they couldn't tie me down. Ok let's move on, I am trying to make this fun to read because that's none existent in the natural "industrial" or overly professional environments today.

Fear is failure and is as a result of people being worried about not being accepted, acceptance is as a result of not being understood. My question is, is being not understood the problem? If so then put effort into being understood, regardless of what it takes.

Transitioning revolves around connecting. Let me give an example; it's a scenario thing.

Someone who is a doctor wants to have a restaurant, what career analysts usually do, is they ask questions starting from why? Usually people transition because they want to make bigger income, that's where the error/focus comes from. To make a bigger income one needs to invest and not just in tools but in oneself. The latter is much easier to do because people are more likely to feel that there is little risk in investing in oneself than on things that they feel it may not yield returns. To think like this is dangerous as investment in oneself and not in the business can be just as risky as investing in the business and not in oneself. I've been there but what I did was investing in parallel, on both sides. I have lost money but not myself, on hindsight I really haven't lost as I know in time I will recuperate so I consider that expenses rather than investment.

Transitioning is a mind frame, hearts desires and ones ability must meet at some point and that's where the journey is, having people mentally and heart-fully supporting at transition moments is crucial, it helps the development of a stable mind/healthy emotions. For each entrepreneur it's different but this is my story in business. The more I travel the wider my perspective is on self and markets, my travels started when I was 9 and experiences fuel my ability to orientate myself in locations, cultures and traditions are indications of both threats and opportunities in an environment, I find within, honestly i don't trust what i am told and i prefer to experience, i don't trust because i have been lied to and i don't mind anyone holding me to same as what ever information i bounce off can be fabricated, the only thing i can vouch for is i will get to the bottom of things and put the best effort at recording my findings and emotional experiences both good and bad alike, in the area that i am painting a false image is dangerous as i am responsible for generations both young, old and my mates, my image is of least concern, my children's well being comes first, why? i have lived through abuse which is as a result of angry adults and peers who took out on me the grievances others caused and hopefully with my actions i can only try/hope reducing it. The more rigid an environment the greater the opportunities, rigidity is as a result of monopolistic minds, the more walls I see the happier I am, this sounds like a bummer for those who sought their ways, while they distract themselves with placing obstacles, I developed skills that few have.

The Power Of Routines - How Your Daily Routine Holds You Back From Your Dreams
Haddaway - Who Do You Love
As a youth I was free, free to sleep when I wanted, go where I wanted, when I got married the problem weren't the kids, it was the adult and his female hens, so internally i regrouped myself. Since my personal life was out the window, sure it gave me emotional turmoil however all that anguish I placed it into work, which allowed me not to come out a bitter person even if some may think so. As a mum that is an entrepreneur I simply apportion to everyone the time they need, how? I may not work for days but that doesn't stop me from thinking of the steps, the big baby was eliminated long time ago so all the nagging of his went from one ear through the other but I know it did hurt my physical health. I have been through extremal situations so it's almost a natural thing now that I just take as another issue to deal with. Divorce sure hurts and can cripple a girl like me however even that I guess with time will go away.

I have learnt to be swift and living a simple life helps, what drains people in business is the accumulated overheads, even if they have money the distraction in paying those bills can refocus someone, how? you may have a pressing issue to solve or an idea in mind and in that moment instead of being sent an email or sms you get a call from a rude call enter person, which is why sometimes i don't pick my calls, the municipalities don't send the invoices on time yet they are good at calling to harass so i am as obstinate, on normal times I take a day or two and clear the basics and head on to doing what I like.

I don't feel guilt about time spent with my kids as I apportion the time they need. Having Jordan and his issues has made me stone cold towards myself as well as what demands they think they try to place on me.

The hardest was managing the husband as I find it distasteful to order an adult around so I preferred to be silent and moved rooms where I work from. As a business person I refuse to be forced by the conventional ideas that people have of what a business person is. I don't wear suits to work only when I meet clients or in presentations and even there I am not limited to what I wear, after all style is an image.

I find it unnatural when business people put up a pristine look yet paparazzi start hunting them, for fuck sake aren't they people with real life? Don't they fart?

Shakira - Hips Don't Lie (Live) ft. Wyclef Jean
Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us (Prison Version) 
Michael Jackson - Earth Song
Whitney Houston - My Love Is Your Love
I keep asking myself this question why do I keep meeting guys with women issues? I mean that is so distracting it isn't even funny.

Did the baby boomers age really not know what parenting is? Or is it just my fate to have to deal with mamas boys? They are attracted to me for my strength then suck it out and when I pull out I become the bad one.

The biggest hurt I have ever experienced is to see how my brother was treated. He may be a man but he is my little bro. He is mine. No one knows how deeply hurt I am about that.

To what length the possessiveness and greed of men will go to rip lives of of family. You hurt one child and you hurt all. Some people don't realise what duty is, they don't want to know who stands by them, they don't want to know because they are pursuing image forsaking any form of decency yet are asking for mercy.

Daniel Dennett at ZURICH.MINDS: Consciousness Explained
Consciousness is the understanding of consequences. What leads to what. This knowledge only exists within people who have principles. Principles can either be good or bad. When someone says stop being a victim they don't understand the difference between being a prey and a victim. Everyone at some point is a prey, a victim is someone who either murders someone or self, this can be expatiated in simple terms by literary living while dead. No passion, no vision for the future and at the same time doing it to others.

People that don't want to know how their actions cause someone to feel bad will often use the phrase "stop being a victim". Shutting down people makes victims of both, as sooner or later something gives. Loss is real, loss of illusions can turn someone into a victim and when the universe sends aid the universe also demands that you don't turn that being into a replica of you.

People that are going through a rebound be it because of someone or an event that was traumatic need to be understood, however there comes a time of realisation and should the party who was in need of help doesn't change then they have taken the other for granted and it's justified for the other to leave. Emotions are a complex thing and those who have been through such need to go to therapy in order not to pass on that vicious cycle. If men think that by sleeping with different people heals them they should be told that it only makes things worse as being detached is in itself what causes the next relationship go bad, maybe good for business people but sooner or later the realisation kicks in.

Jennifer Lopez - Dear Ben
To show appreciation to someone doesn't require gifts, only the young fall for gestures of grand things, a gift can be very simple, either a thing or a word, or a gesture such as hugs and kisses, its what giving attention encompasses, an affectionate display towards another. I don't know but maybe I have always been there for everyone and never really demanded that someone sacrificed their life for my loss, that loneliness doesn't exist within, maybe I am just crazy but I still don't understand what the word marriage is.

Otis Redding - I Got Dreams To Remember
Ronan Keating - Lost For Words
Boys that are tied to their mothers sorrows are always looking for solace in other women or girls, that is overwhelmingly suffocating, having a doll to parade around to feel relevant is an illusion. Don't mothers who are cold not understand that? i guess they don realise what a dispassionate heart feels like to live around with. The lack of father figures in boys lives is making even the best of mothers worse. I choose not to be such to my son because I had a father, I have never chosen to be with guys because I was looking for a father figure, I am just too mature for my peers and as it is even too mature for the average 40-50 year old, my father gave me all the strength and love any girl can ever wish for, this isn't to make anyone feel bad it's to bring to consciousness what ever psychological profiling I maybe depicted as by those who are trying to use baseless scientific methods void of any knowledge of me that was designed in the past, everyone isn't the same and there are people who live outside of the conventional mind metric. Spiritual people are far more advanced than those who carry bibles, be it professional or religious. Christ how hard can it be for people to open their eyes and smell the roses of life.

The funny thing I find is when I sit In front of a therapist with peter and both have issues yet they want to convince me that I have issues. How blind can the psychiatric profession be if a guy can put a woman into an asylum to convince himself that he is ok.

A Whole New World -- Aladdin
Дешева обида на Руси - Гардемарины-3
People who are highly intelligent have always been used by the wise. I said neither of them had any principles nor morals when they tried to threaten me with keeping me there. A doctors daughter is a pchyco, wonderful. How about a heart breaking realisation that a man denied himself by sleeping with a body but never knew what care is.

Brave - I'll Never Be Like You English
Brave - Sorry, I dont speak bear!
The funny thing about those who try to profile you only end up exposing themselves. Why waste lovely moments of life to pettiness? I guess those who have nothing better to do with their lives end up in their own trap.

Merida wins her own hand by skill of archery in "Brave"
Whitney Houston, George Michael - If I Told You That
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Legendado)
1942 - Bugs Bunny says: "What's up doc"
Bugs Bunny - The wabbit who came to supper

Space Jam - The tune squad introduction
You Never Can Tell "C'est La Vie" - Chuck Berry - Pulp Fiction HD
For a Few Dollars More Soundtrack - Carillon
Andrea Bocelli - Sogno
OST Braveheart - Track 03 - Wallace Courts Murron
Clips Not Shown in Pixar's Movie Brave
Some people would say my father should have spoilt me with girly stuff, he did that and more. He didn't forget about what life is. Should a girl be spoilt only for the sake of men having an easy way yet totally oblivious of a person? Life over the years with people exposed me to the truths of the world, should I have been shielded I would have been a brat, void of any understanding on how to make things work for myself and people at large. When a friend calls and tries to impose his own judgement of a man he doesn't know I smile. Thanks dad. I am out now with the kids talk later on the power of will.

Whitney Houston - It's Not Right But It's Okay
Whitney Houston - Run To You
Beyoncé - Signs
When a woman doesn't share in the ideology of her spouse there is a tendency for her to divide the family rather than bringing them together. She tends to favour those kids who share same views be it ignorantly or not. She makes an enemy of the spouses of her children who stand opposed to her beliefs. Should cultural traditions violate her space she turns on either the culture or on the family. What is will? It's often driven by pain or reason. What is reason? It's an ability to see the root cause to issues and addressing them according to who causes the effects rather than indiscriminately making everyone pay. Emotional people often transfer aggression or malice towards those who have nothing to do with an issue even if the person is silent. Should that kind of person be led to think that a silent party hasn't gone through similar experiences but chose to use reason than being same then they have woken the sleeping giant.

Parents often choose those kids who appeal to their sentiments, who is the true son, he who says yes yet does not or he who fights his father for the principles that had separated family? Whose wife is blamed for the indecision's a husband makes? I suppose everyone chooses their own path and are made to carry their cross.

Why I am opposed to scorn as a method for managing people or children is that it breeds shame and guilt for absolutely nothing having to do with them but the effects it produces in their after life in society, I am being specific here to children as adults have a choice weather to remove that loathing imposed by bad parenting  methods. When I hear a mother address her adult child in matters that are serious with a tone that may be appropriate but un-thought then I blame the mother.

As a mum when my kids misbehave in my opinion and either of them comes to complain about the other I drive the complaining party away as I know that those who come to complain are often at fault, should I here someone crying I beat both since they couldn't negotiate between themselves. Jordan as a boy doesn't realise his physical strength towards Sia even if he is a silent and behaved person, Sia is a pain in the butt because she has a nature of a trouble maker and she often gets reprimanded as well as whooped because her mental will is like that of my mother. God help me with her which is why I chose not to move her to conventional school, she isn't emotionally ready, before she gets in something needs to happen as her intelligence is making her cruel, if she meets cruel acts of others then she will become even worse, this is a probability but i don't need to see it come through simply because childhood experiences tend to linger in the subconscious. Annette and Andrew were bitten for their arrogance and that wasn't sorted by their parents, history always repeats itself and i don't need to be ignorant of that. I understand this because I watch what propels her inquisitiveness which can also be misconstrued for middling in places that she shouldn't. Her problem is because she is the youngest as when she is with family friends her focus is diverted towards the younger sidling of my friends, at home she turns into a baby, I guess I clung to her while in SA. I hold strong beliefs that a child doesn't belong to the parents alone but the surrounding members friends. I am open about this because I know others are facing similar situations with their children. In my home every child is mine and I know that sometimes strangers are in a better position to speak to children just as Anna was with me. Anna is my joy and her death is my sorrow. Things that went wrong with me she corrected them though discuss.

A man that is oblivious of his personal characteristics is likely to misjudge the reasons and situations that trigger a behavioural pattern within himself in relation to kids and people. Having personality evaluations on people from outside is only one sided because people are different in different situations and environment except they have grown themselves and know how to handle matters and people within who are affected. What is sibling rivalry? A notion of success motivated by parents be it good or bad. People should be competing with themselves and not on each other.

Psychology should be appropriately divided into segments, personal "self image", family "duty" and social "responsibility to others in relation to self" aspects. Regardless of how a parent might be a person is to be in charge of their actions after the age of 16, which is the conventional states understanding of maturity, people should be held liable for their actions and judging a person based on their parental background is wrong as that doesn't make the person grow nor does it allow people who were forced into parenting to shed that blame, that going on makes them continuously interfere in their lives even wile in relationships with friends or a partner. Mothers that are holding on to their kids know that their kids aren't meeting up with societies understanding of well brought up children which is often crap as those who voice out dissatisfaction without reason is simply projecting intimidation so parent(s) need to be objective about whats ok and what isn't, most times kids express their individuality in different ways through different phases in their lives.

If my father isn't worried about me it's because he knows what he had done to make sure I am who I am today, he worries because he brought me up too good and as he sees now he should have brought up a nasty girl for me not to be in the situations I found myself, however his fears, maybe he knows better that his daughter was never a complete fool. Parents never completely know their kids and that's by default not because they didn't do enough but life tests and ties everyone for character with situations, the soothing aspect is that he is still alive to give a shoulder when I call.

Personal will to stand is different from professional will to succeed, one is driven by the other and vice versa. I have achieved all a 35 year old can possibly do and for that I consider myself successful as determination never ceases so long as I have my mission and kids for whom I do what I do and being who I chose to be.

What is scorn? a derogatory act or word that is void of reason or explanation. An idiot doesnt know where a path leads but should he experience becomes wise, should there be no learning or will to turn around is called a fool. Who is a fool? someone who doesn't learn from mistakes or events. We are all idiots until we become wise, we are all fools until we stop making the same mistakes or refuse to turn things around. I am glad in my heartache.

To pollute the earth is to breed like cockroaches, if it's said go forth and multiply it means go search and experience life. if it's the aim of a government to have mass in order to have strength then be prepared to manage such policies. Overpopulated nations are either in poverty or at war, I am sure not looking forward to breeding only for some twit to kill my child for self gratis. Uneducated/inexperienced men and women create more strife than good.

Willpower - Scientifically Proven Techniques to Increase Willpower
When it's said silence is gold it means knowing when to speak, how to speak and not to be quiet. Depending on the environment, circumstances and people who surround you. I have often found myself with people who want to know what's my next step or plan, being spontaneous is the key, time waits for no one meaning in other terms that regardless of set plans there are issues the universe sends as signals to what is going on. Sitting and procrastinating is to loose those treasured moments that can't be brought back or without considerable effort that may waste even the little one has. Will isn't scientific but more of a spiritual direction towards something or someone, denying that inner voice misleads every other event that would have happened should you have heard. Doubting is a characteristic of the lazy/weak or a tactic used by the wicked. The obvious dangers is in physical harm, hardship is an exercise for the brain and character development. I am not moved by what is going on around, I am moved by what I need to do to turn things around or enhance what I see. Bad events turn good and good events turn bad when no attention is paid to the fine or subliminal details one comes across. It's a self challenge has nothing to do with others but myself. So for those who want to stop me they can proceed so long as they are aware I am capable of similar acts of good and bad as anyone. What is guts? It's a date/dare to face provocateurs, the unknown is that they don't know who they are dealing with. Know yourself, know your enemy and know the terrain, key to winning battles. Debates/arguments only infuriates those who want to have their way, a good sport knows how to keep the discuss without getting personal.

Bad Habits - A Live Exercise For Dropping Any Bad Habit For Good
Yanni - Paths On Water
The Lion King - I Just Can't Wait To Be King (1080p)
What is a bad habit? Something someone does that inhibits their ability to be productive or happy. What is perception? Something someone doesn't like about you or what you are doing, we all have them if one should look from the point of perception. Anything in excess is sure bad, some people are slim and they have eating habits that ruins their health witch is stress. I put on weight when I am stressed but my health is in tact, someone could be relaxed looking but their health could be bad.

I refrain from pointing finger at what people do I simply speak of the consequences, that is a way in helping people notice, the other that I find hard to comprehend is when a person who perpetrated a habit in someone yet sits to nag just to look good for the public not to draw attention to them but at the person they violate, people that behave that way are those who are guilty of the plight of that person. They say don't take drugs but same people are shoving abuse pushing that person into additives.

Michael Jackson - You Rock My World (Extended Version)
Michael Jackson - Scream
Michael Jackson - Will You Be There (Free Willy)
We Are The World 25 For Haiti 
Save A Life - Shaggy & Friends
You chase a girl? Be prepared to keep her, you look for ways to get rid of her by surrounding yourselves with goons to grope her? That's tactics of insecure guys.

The thing about moods is that predatory mind-set people can sense when someone is weak, the way to deal with that is to project same aggressiveness when violated, when guys take women to places that is familiar to them they should be prepared to stand up for their choice of partner and place. Is Sheraton hotel safe or a den? I guess night shift is now none existent.

Michael Jackson - Jam
2Pac - My Block
I guess people don't like it when their evil deeds are exposed but when you tell them to stop they don't listen, I wonder who's head is spinning now from the revelations.

Fally Ipupa ft. R Kelly - Hands Across The World
Tupac - Changes
What happens with information is that when its translated to other languages other than the original tong its spoken in it looses its real meaning, void of the emotions/objectives it was projected with. The varying attitudes nations have affects the translation. The formation of words changes and that misdirects the intent initially depicted. Translators often are mechanic in their approach to explaining, same it is when people who can't feel can't communicate a message.

Same it is with the bible in Russian it sounds differently from the bible written in English or French or any other language. In example, when you see two people talking who know each other the conversation will be different when each speaks to a stranger about the same thing. Being straight forward in another country will come out as being rude, I guess values dictate who a person is perceived as, to some I am a friend, to some I am a mother, to some I am an enemy, they should check their thoughts, experiences and emotions before reacting and later regretting they lost a helper.

Social etiquette, what is it in reality? What people can relate to, what they can connect to makes them able to succeed at tasks together. I think and feel like a Russian and that makes my pieces most times incomprehensible, should I loose my gift just to please those who don't care? Hell No.

Dr. Dre - Been There Done That
2pac & Eazy E Ice Cube - Why We Thugs
Ice Cube - Why We Thugs
Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E. ft. Snoop Dogg
2pac feat Dr.Dre - California Love HD
Ice Cube - Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It
The Game, 50 Cent - Hate It Or Love It
Nelly, Fergie - Party People
Nelly - Dilemma ft. Kelly Rowland
People want you to be motivational all the time, well how is that possible without a touch of reality? If people don't know the truth how can they embrace a message? Everyone is saying the bible is made of fables, that's because they choose not to read and look between the lines. What is a message without facts? I don't know I didn't care to look deeper.

Patti LaBelle - Stir It Up (1985) Beverly Hills Cop - Soundtrack
Overcoming Fear - How To Slay Your Greatest Demon
The starting point with being in business is entrepreneurship, it's like picking up the pieces of the puzzle/vision, if people are put through puzzle assembling as well as using monopoly game to explain, its easier on the go for motivation/dialogue in piecing the picture as well as understanding the basics of finance and investments.

I had a folder where I placed pictures but my pictures were a code, what it was was a farm house with details of various animals which represented character, what it was is a picturesque maping of an incubator. Since I had IT as a skill but was in an environment where there was no infrastructure I simply kept it at that, went to work to accumulate needed skills to support both my hobby in writing as well as direction in management.

At 16 an article was published in Russia on my aspirations as an ambassador and that was kept at the back of my mind as a reformative because of what I saw going on in the professional world. I was afraid then that should I go in conventional ways as my parents did I would end up just as them,  screwed by a system because it didn't consider difficulties of interracial kids at the time. For my brother it was the same thing, as a black boy in Russia even football was under question. I spent my time watching and making decisions on how I would go on about my life and career, so in combination with my desires, skills and work experiences I rounded up my path and direction.

At 22 I least expected to be married so I spent that time structuring and developing despite all that was going on. My aspirations for myself kept me sane. I can't really say I had fears about my career but had those unnecessary hassles in my relationships, that can mess with even the smartest of people.

Cause & Purpose - What Are You Willing To Bleed For?
The Sting | Soundtrack Suite (Scott Joplin & Marvin Hamlisch)

Purpose is a quest, if as a business person or entity you are not solving a problem they want then the conventional business environment deems it as useless, the reason why it is taken as useless is because it doesn't connect with their mentality. Quick and easy is trade where minimal creativity is demanded, whereas in business it is multifaceted and people who are business minded think in dimensions, one directional quests are transactional "sales" it doesn't embrace aspects of marketing per say.

If an idea is considered useless to an investor or you can't find options to sell a product the choice is to keep it aside and wait for when the opportune moment takes place, while at the same time you keep developing the skills that would support what you are aspiring towards. It's hard to hear when one is told it's not possible meanwhile your heart is burning, same feeling when someone is rejected.

Rejection for someone who seeks a relationship rather than marriage is debilitating to a soul. It's easy to sleep around how about knowing where you put your mind to rest? Those who put people in prison are most scared of it itself. What a nice way to create traps for those who build it.

Yanni - A Word in Private
Mischa Barton Bio | Life and Career | Filmography | 
Millie Jackson Isaac Hayes You Needed Me 
Bryan Adams - Heaven
Ludacris get lit
Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker, Op. 71 - Part 1/16
The heat is making me dull and irritable the very source of anger and cruelty if someone doesn't realise on time may take hasty decisions that later when cooled off realises their mistake, which is why I prefer to speak to people or a person in the evening. A word for the wise to sleep on. There are those moments when mischief is fun on a social arena while in business it's considered cruelty, messing with people's lives gets to a point it's considered arrogance. Sometimes people let others get away with certain events, taking it for mishap or lack of knowledge in doing the right thing but when it's a nurtured trait it becomes unpardonable.

Devaluation of a nation happens when certain issues aren't separated, such as what is appropriate on private, social and business grounds. Being on a social platform and having to analyse events and opinions I am forced to blend statements to call on a variety of issues that affects all regardless of how obscene it may sound. I do not state things only because it affects me but people at large so for those who may have a hard time reading what I write all I can do is say kpele.

What is the cause of the image most Africans are labeled by? Cookery, what's the root cause of the Nigerians economic decline from 1985? The military regime provided no support for farming and industrial development hence no jobs and no freedom of expression, when that exists there is bound for foul play to be justified in the conscience of the people, what currently perpetrates it is no education of self or in general from the state.

What are the solutions? First to be conscious of the actions that leads to old systems that are compromising growth, that in itself brings solutions, on the other side after certain propositions are made then analise them for the strengths and weaknesses it holds against the current market situation, then design a development approach. This is the business form of sales not the understanding of what trade/transaction is. Even the word to trans-act means mutual discuss on issues and matters. There is little point in proposing more projects when people have limited analytical skills which is why you find only grocery and shopping malls around. A shopping mall is a sort of incubator for starting or display of concepts in physical perspectives, how about drawings and markup design of strategies and tactics? I guess this is what people consider as secrets because there are competitors around, in my case I don't care simply because I am able to make more than had been proposed, the sad thing about those who think they had grasped an opportunity is tracing an intellectual property is easy, how? Try implementing an idea that didn't originate from you, which is why I am not bothered, as how I do it is different from how others will, if only people knew how to work together the favours spread wider.

By the way what creep designed the Nigerian new drivers licence. A disgrace to carry it around, my identity is questioned because of the look regardless of if I have been driving since I was 18. Bumped cars cos I was distracted yet the attitude projected is taken as not knowing how to drive. There are people who go for driving schools yet can't drive, they cause more accidents than ever.

Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake - The Kirov Ballet
When I Need You - Julio Iglesias
Yanni Nice To Meet You
For those who are watching take notice of the energy that flows from the composition better than taking drugs to calm the neves. On the art side staging a variety of events in theatres gives jobs to painters, fashion designers craftsmanship, needless to mention the orchestra.
There are many other details/elements to it so will leave you all to see for yourselves. Although I am a tomgirl that has a hard time being roved around appreciating ballet allows a girl to know what touch feels like.  Tenderness is of the heart and it's easy to know when guys are sincere.

Торт Наполеон - Napoleon Cake - Mille Feuille
Easy Greek Salad recipe, super healthy and delicious, how to cook.
Chef Gordon Struggles to Make Naan Bread - Gordon Ramsay
Learning to make Sushi - Gordon Ramsay
Rhythm Divine
Luther Vandross - Love the One You're With
El Sueno de Morfeo - Reencontrar
True Vision - I Reveal My Life Purpose Until You Can Feel It
For me it's a dare to act on plans that seems impossible to others. Like I said what is impossible is only in the minds of those who aren't willing, which is why the words why don't people mean what they say comes in. If someone doesn't feel passion for themselves and others then it's easy to derail them, every no becomes an excuse, every yes is a fright, so it doesn't really matter what you tell them it's how you show it, some are still blind to what you do even when it's done right in front of them, those are people that I consider either uncaring, uninterested or unwilling. In this three words I chose a variety of tactics the uncaring either are lured or you take what they dear, the uninterested also get the same treatment, the unwilling just get dumped. Personally I don't want to miss every conscious moment or thought given from above, I feel I will have time to sleep in the grave be it tomorrow or not the essence of consciousness is the now, towards something or someone in relationships be it spousal or partner. As a leadership type person for me to move myself isn't hard simply because I am not waiting for anyone to fulfil my life, I am not seeking to be pleased before I do anything. Having babies and situations my slow me down but never my will or passion for what I do or for whom or with. I work even for my enemies let alone who I love. I don't care if my posts are relevant to anyone, I work for myself and kids, if I didn't have them at least I have myself.

Be it in thought or active duty I am always busy, in bed I am also a busy person, I don't see myself being passive, but the partner I am with can affect my energy level same in day today life with or without people.

Sensitivity - Why Personal Development Is Impossible For You Right Now
Cutlass - Timaya ft. 2 Solo & Wrecoba (Official Music Video) | Official Timaya
Timaya -God I Beg
Tony Tetuila - My Car
2001 Honda Civic Review
Custom Knight rider intro 1 - Classic
Christina Aguilera - Reflection
When people open themselves to being vulnerable they usually are able to transform themselves, ego is as a result of suppression, self defeating affirmations of conformity and in return they do it to others, I was never there, as conforming was never in my nature, I left home twice because of an oppressive mother which is why I can't stand seeing kids and adults who are subjected to their parents for comforts that they made them used to. My father knows that I am not a demanding child and that's what makes me strong as I am not looking unto others for support or approval. That's the tear head in me coupled with my fathers mentorship of me while I was young. Daring? Oh yeah put a wall in front of me and I will break it down, I don't have "designer" clothes I will walk bare feet. I have been laughed at by girls that I don't look hip to their standards and I know that that is a tactic of either the wiked to draw me into their world or the weak who are trying to put on me their emotions. When i lived with my parents they gave me all and designers, food, money but i never made it my identity which is why to threaten me and lure me is hard, for me clothes is just to cover what i needed, same it is with food it never dictated my life which is why greed doesn't exist in me, people that eat for eating sake rather than for the pleasure of taste are often greedy, hunger in excess is greed in it physical representation same is triggered within people who never feel fulfilled even when they have it all. To be content is a realisation that time is still ahead and even if you miss an opportunity another will come your way.

Honestly I am the kind that will walk and drop every thing that I created and rebuild again because I know that I put every beat of my heart to what I do. The concept of self towards the world doesn't exist, my self image and strength exists within me. The quest for achievement doesn't exist within but from without.

If I can't connect to someone's advice I simply say ok. Insensitive people are always full of this is what you should be doing with your life rather than this is what I did with my life. When you speak of your experiences people are likely to draw knowledge from it, there are those who get personal when someone speaks of actions that they had taken simply because it triggers a negative reaction from the realisation that they should have done same. If someone's experience is incomprehensible to you there is no need to attack that person by saying how dare you or what are you saying, these words are indicators of persons who are scared to follow a path or are simply trying to trigger in you the desire to prove or show so they can follow. Someone who is happy about themselves are always willing to show, all you need to do is show and guide. Personally now I don't know what anyone wants to know about me or what I do so I simply lay it out weather I am asked or not. I know I haven't stolen from anyone, I know I haven't murdered anyone, my pain does come from the fact that at moments I feel I cheated myself maybe because I expected even a slight acknowledgement that I gave my best and all to one person who trashed everything because he didn't feel on top "controlling" my life and by taking that control from him I took my Liberty back. To me a parent or person that uses money or comforts to control people is not a parent or a human being. You wan burry me before i start to breathe?

My brother is the same, is it a club that made him or he made himself available to a club? He has a family who isn't looking to rip him so why should he be afraid? He has an almighty sister and hey thats what most don't have. Suck on a lemon if you don't like what i say but thats what gives us strength and always did through the rough times, we may fight but thats because of growing pains we had. He is a boy and i am a girl and our differences come from that perspective.

If I no get car I get leg reach were I need to go, no boyfriend fit use me, if I de wit person na because I want and I like am. Who wan hold me go loose me, like say my life belong to dem, see me see wahala. A girl that works and takes care of herself, goes to a bar to have a drink, dates who she wants is considered a whore, who pays her bills, who never asked for money is a nobody to him, that's the average Nigerian mentality gotten from the sugar daddy era. If the girls and woman he met were such does that make everyone so?

Men that don't believe they can be liked just because they are breathing will question every gesture as an intent meanwhile they hold their own evil plots. Looks like they don't know what destiny is/means. You betray it you pay the price for loosing it.

His sister who is pampered breaks homes in conjunction with his mother and I am painted black?

The first car was given to me by Osas so I see no reason why a guy thought I wasn't cared for or had no one. Men that can't wipe their own ass often think that someone who drives a car belongs to some guy.

Mariah Carey, Boyz II Men - One Sweet Day
Mariah Carey - Angels Cry ft. Ne-Yo
The Pussycat Dolls, Snoop Lion, Snoop Dogg - Buttons ft. Snoop Dogg
Beyoncé - Naughty Girl
Bonus Scene - Revenge - I Took Care of Him
Grandpa's Little Girl / Al Grant
Nina Simone - Take Care of Business
Frankie J - Daddy's Little Girl
Tatar Warrior 
Backstreet Boys - Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely
Isn't it the same story why Mariah who left her former producer boyfriend or what ever he calls himself in her life?

The Nigerian underdeveloped countries have no space for girls to grow; using and oppressing girls which is why I bleed for what I do so no one takes advantage of my daughter. Blasted hell. Gullible men make whores of their women. A nation of fraudsters and bandits.

How Your Subconscious Holds You Back From Greatness
Boys that grow up with desperate mothers often transfer that aggression from their husbands to their boys, boys that grow up with working mothers often have respect for women and in that faith they bring up their kids. Possessiveness is as a result of that subconscious fear of being dumped so the initial reaction in the first relationship is to please when that doesn't work the aggression is transferred to the next relationship. Peters first wife was a mamas girl and all that farce of being a daddy's girl made him take it out on my relationship. He didn't spend anytime analysing the reasons his first marriage broke up and when I got into his life I couldn't explain as he wouldn't have accepted so I had to act in the way I did as I saw my father going through the same. The problem with most grownup men is that they think a young person can't possibly know anything so they end up ignoring advice. Maybe I am that sensitive, maybe I went through instances that thought me how to deal with people who live in the subconscious, who don't realise the core of their problems and transfer to the other.

Annette's youth and marriage life was same as mine only I chose to deal with issues a different way, instead of separating people I knock their heads to bring them back however it's their choice if they sought to. My vehemently leaving Nigeria was for many reasons not just Jordan but to get myself out of their way as it was always convenient for them to blame strangers for their problems. Now I don't care any longer and its history for me.

Тайные знаки. Дай ручку -- погадаю... (ТВ3 05.05.2009)
Men At Work - Down Under
Toto - Africa
Toto - I'll Be Over You
Sun Zara - Lucky - No Time For Love - Sonu Nigam 
2Face - Spiritual Healing 
What many people don't know about guessing what's in their future by strangers is that conversations between persons reveals what is to come, there are a few people endowed with the gift of seeing what others don't. I had gone to one as an excersise at 15 and was told that all depends on me but I have to be watchful. To give someone a direct message is to order a path that may not come through simply because a person may chose to act contrary to the message.

Those who know who they are often follow what their hearts tell them. Of course there are basic details but that's all there is. Every body has an energy stock from birth which is predetermined by the affections parents have towards each other at the moment of conception, during the years of growth it either develops or modified due to a persons will. To act upon a vision/thought is to bring it closer, those who harbour hate often cause hate in others and in return towards themselves. No one is responsible for their actions but those who chose or influence into a choice which is why I don't act on impulse when people are negative about me or those around me. Silence is a better remedy until due time.

Appearing in his life brought back his kids as she became restless and started shoving in the kids back hoping I would run but I wasn't the type to ever run from responsibility, if I did he would have lost his kids so there it is. Hope you all are happy now.

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