
Moments of weakness.

percy sledge you're all around me
Bob Marley - Dont rock my boatMothers with children who have any form of development issues often find it hard to settle their lives because men usually shy away from the responsibilities it takes to be around such kids, as well as managing the emotions as a result of such responsibilities.

Most women are blamed for having kids who have problems in any way that seems to be out of the norm. If strangers are not aware of what a woman goes through they are likely to create more emotional pressure on such women. If a woman accepts the blame for the scorn that society places on mothers they are further plunging the person as well as the kids in a bracket they don't belong to.

I have known a supposed father who when called to address issues by a mother creating a Facebook group with the counsellor withdrew from getting and taking about the adequate emotional care both of the mother and the child needed leaving the woman to bear the responsibilities. In reference to such happening the withdrawing party ought to go for personal development training as a way to support the child rather than asking for reports that will speak nothing for who the child is.

In my case I leave the duties of the counselors to do their job rather than interfering simply because it distracts from the duties the parent has to take in order for an extreme situations not to happen.

As regards the emotional state of mothers who are alone rearing kids with difficulties they hopefully should try and remove that stigma and look at it as a task rather than shame. I have been told by some well meaning persons who have normal kids to be quiet about the difficulties my boy is going through and to that is the example of what I call stigmatising a person for what isn't their fault.

My boy comes first in my mind, somebody who will be dear to me would be made to know of what I am facing rather than keeping them in oblivion and then breakups happen. The issues women like me go through are enormous and outsiders who aren't committed would not understand even if one tries to explain. I am always around mothers and parents who I see experiencing such and it is scary as well as heavy emotionally as everyone wants their child to be able to function amidst the supposed normal people, as it is even I am perceived as weird as my sons development process. It's always about time and being focused rather than succumbing to emotional tantrums of men and fathers who aren't there to manage the side effects of being in such situations. My sons issues aren't as bad as for those who are going through similar situation but it can hinder my ability to retain a stable relationship. I am just like other mothers in such situations on guard as from time to time I am sharply reminded by the social environment of how intolerant/ignorant they are of children and adults who go through what they can't wrap their heads about. Personal development also revolves around social education of adults who are around kids or happen to meet people with any form of disadvantage that has been labelled by the medical industry. For all I see everyone has one weakness or the other and should people realise that rather than denying themselves awareness of life's trials are also likely to fall prey in their moments of weakness.

The universe assigns tasks for every individual and in reference to that are the demanded or desired actions.

The Grand Model Of Psychological Evolution - Clare Graves & Spiral Dynamics
There is what I call Neanderthals they can't seem to have nor do they will growth to others as they are not interested in their own development. Someone who practices everyday at a craft without being pushed is likely to be evolving the what I call concept of self.

In the process of social evolution it goes through similar growth as personal development, a society will stagnate if they don't reach out to seeking new or reworking the old into new. Maybe being a housewife suited the few who made it a policy but as it looks now it seams that societies are comfortable in the old identity, I strongly hope that people are aware of what is called an apocalypse, it's a way that the universe evolves by design both willfuly and automatically so it's either a society pushes itself onto a higher plane or as shown in historical facts becomes destroyed, the automatic aspect to this is where a gradual degradation of persons within a society leads to what we all know in history as Pompey. Nature is quite brutal to a social order that doesn't evolve. I hope that people are not deluding themselves that they can live and pollute yet there will be no repacoution for it.

To take heed of what signs nature is showing over the last 10 years is to reverse attention to people that the world has been ripped by greedy, nonchalant behaviour of man on nature. In example someone who constantly eats indiscriminately ends up hurting his or her own health and it's same in reference to what is being done to nature and societies between each other both openly and internally. To awaken and go through the psychological evolvement is to be aware of physical signs given by nature or through those who over the years were calling the attention of leaders but i guess they preferred to kill them in order to retain their lifestyle and experiences that life shows to people or a person.

In the face of social degradation it speaks of degradation in family units and this has been going on for a very long time only now it's obvious that everyone has stopped fighting for what is right by outlining what is truly wrong. Manipulation in order to move people into growth only rebounds through generations. In example; how many "leaders" who supported Apartheid thought of the backlash? I am sure that most men and women who claim to have foresight would hate to admit that their methods were only shortsighted. When societies create laws they should be aware that those same laws will in return cage them or their kids generations over. Political systems disintegrates when people aren't objective, aren't educated, or forcefully kept docile, hiding secrets can only go for so long and sooner or later it becomes very obvious and when it rears its head people are usually ashamed as a society of their acts.

I should call it a NAWA show, this seems to be more horrifying for people than watching how soldiers are dying under the wicked/weak lot who can't get their act together compromised by image yet the world is in disarray. I have even lost my sense of humour, what's there in the world to make me laugh. I miss my smile.

When people are running with the wrong ideas how will they see whom to connect with? Like draws alike as they say but always for a minute or two until they show their ass. Want to kiss you and spoon you bad. I guess I am getting some sassiness right?

She Wanted Closure, But I Got Her Back
Meant To Be (from "Teen Beach Movie")
Aretha Franklin - People Get Ready
Yolanda Adams - Yeah 
yolanda adams-fragile heart
I can be funny but I don't think I have a sense of humour. I presume for the most part humour revolves around laughing at someone, I'd rather yab myself than beat on sensitivities of others that's like slander and only works with comedians. Clowning is great mimicry, sure enjoy parodies on movies and "leaders". Hehe Lagbajas song knock knock sure makes me laugh as well as gragra and 1million Naira fool or something like that. Artists can make a mess of anyone that's the groovy part about it.

By the way about comebacks hell will reign on earth before that happens, I guess that's a tease.󾌩😈😎✌️

Why Women Disappear From Your Life
For the most part prejudice drives me nuts, how much can someone spend the time for hugs and cuddles in proving to someone that one is there? If somebody needs attention the only thing it should take is come over and do to me what ever you like. If people are unsure about where they want to be in life relating to career aspirations then where would one be able to connect? Sex ok what after the banging? There should be some essence for a relationship to sustain itself, there comes a time when decisions need to be made not necessarily about kids but both. I am the kind of person that has a purpose in life and I seek to apply myself to what ever I get my hands on, of course interest plays a big role in sticking to things how about the people you meet even if it's for an hour, what lasting memories can one establish in the moment, I am not referring to sexual attraction as that is just physical, in reference to ceasing the moment to build a continuum. Is there nothing in physics that refers to momentum? I suppose inspiration can grab  someone in an instance and off one goes towards a direction that wasn't planned before, well in my case I don't get refocused I seldom deviate from a path as that in my understanding is failure, not reaching a target is a waste of time. Just as I am in business same in relationships. Business partners/people need to understand the basics of chemistry from the standpoint of fusion for any form of creatives to happen. There is no doubt that when it comes to delivery a clear head is a demand as per design and modelling dialogues need to flow as without chemistry there are only certain aspects that can be covered, transactional personalities who speak of money only can't get past the gates in completing projects.

As per lost relationships hey good reddens not in a personal way but I sure don't hesitate in cutting off unnecessary strings that yields nothing but drama. I am an action babe with a twist of naughtiness, being cheeky at this hour as my mind is raging from not sleeping for hours, blasted I don't even sleep when my eyes are shut, dreams have been my guides since I can remember. When I lay next to negative people I seldom see what's coming ahead which is why I seek solitude for the most part of my life. I am not a beurocrat/procrastinating i seek to simplify things for progress to happen efficiently rather than being dogmatic, should i meet dogma or people who like to make things difficult based on ego i simply shoot to kill :)

Motivation Theories Chapter 5
I suppose that every environment has attraction zones similar to relating that which business people are always seeking. Problems within a society creates opportunities for creatives as well as solutions are designed when people are driven to look for the source. If one is at a river right at the middle wouldn't

It make sense to try and find the source of it rather than it just being there? In search for topics sources instead of just listening to the content, i analyse the tag lines or key words used it leads to the discovery of what message direction a speaker intends to convey or lines within a draft to seek the subject matter facts to seek confirmation, sometimes it's misleading however one can use it as a starting point.

As regards film making I had been informed that the Marslow hierarchy of needs also guides film makers in developing content or designing directives for camera crews placed preps for character depictions/capturing in situations.

So if there are 3 major levels such as physiological, then security and third social and the above 2 (esteem and self actualisation) on the hierarchy is based on personal level of aspirations/goal setting/resourses in relation to the 3 lower levels.

Which means when someone is designing a scenario one should focus on 3 major aspects; the essence, which are the activities, the relatedness; I suppose this would mean influence on other characters which could be inflated depending on the effect one wants to establish in a dialogue, then growth is a progression which can or is divided into 3 steps ie where does the story start to where it ends and then the third point is set as an effect based point which I can call climax.

Essence I suppose in detail would revolve around elements that compliments the story such as place and tools used in supporting the story line. If someone is meeting a friend then what is established here is the environment and tools used in demonstrating the actions or complementing the visuals through dialogue.

Relatedness is dialogue, what are the two people solving and doing establishes a story for a segment or an entire piece.

In relation to growth usually fixing in history, present and futuristic attributes to building up activities of the characters, current social or personal experiences are and can be fused if a given movie or creative piece originates from the actor himself. Most producers fall into issues when to their story directors and actors can't relate to. Depending on the purpose of a movie various methods are used, if it's a biography feature of a figure it ought to be as authentic or as the person who a film is written on wants to be portrayed.

I am a writer producer so when I write about people I choose to connect through provided historical data not on a physical level at first as it is important for me to feel a persons perspective of self before I meet them face to face, this allows for a basic content to develop at first a sort of rapour/reporte, In order to fuel the words and description of a soul rather than just the surface appearance or image being the influencer for a book or movie, afterwards a meeting is set as a form of curtesy to see the outward person and then gage my senses to see if my understanding of the person is same as what my eyes see, that gives another layer to the personality on a social level. With me it's almost outomatic but for most who aspire to write it's important for them to start as I had outlined even if i may be wrong by omission of certain technicalities, this builds up the needed skill in imagination and the application of words. There is no one way of doing/writing, everyone has his or her own technique. I could write something to provoke inquisitiveness in someone and that creates a dialogue but the essence of a story lay in finding the core of a message from the subject in question be it related to things or people. to be continued...

If only I could tell you how much how many times I daydream about being with you, it takes my breath away, feeling faint under the sun and cooling off during the night.
How much depth how wide my affections are to love you beyond my imagination. How do I show how much I appreciate you being in my life forgiving me the light of your smile, that nose, that bud, that tender loving carefree nature you possess when around me. My heart embraces every beat of your sense of self which has left an ever lasting tattoo on my mind, my soul reaches out to you, my heart beats for you, how wicked time is that I met you only now to loose you too soon, you kissed me out of the slumber of a world's view, leaving only dreams and hopes of you. You are where I belong, you are where I want to be, in your body out of your mind and deep within my soul, only my God knows how deeply I feel for you, I am just like you lost in time only willing to return to your embrace how else can I show you how much I long to be with you. My head bowed in fear that I may lose you to time wasted in vain but I shall make it up to you every beat I had missed, every second that I wished I never left your side, I had lost myself for a moment to the world now coming back to ask if you will be back to hold and love/keep that smile when I make your heart smile as you make mine.

I can kill and heal somebody with my words or acts, can you stand the heat just for a little bit which can't be measured in time nor seconds nor hours nor months nor years but in eternity of faith for being just as you are, no demands, no promises, just basking in moments spontaneity. Should you be angry, be angry. Should you be happy, be happy. Should you chose to be who ever you wish to be be it but only be mine. I am greedy for you 😈what you gonna say, what you gonna do.
Dave Omokhodion beautiful prose....but for no one in particular. I wish it was directed to me. I would have simply lay on the floor rolling; thanking and praising God for having someone who love me to such an extent. hahahah! Whatever I just trust we all should be able to express this type of feelings to the very one we actually loved.
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Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie glad you like it but i feel daft at this moment lol
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Dave Omokhodion You are indeed a great writer. Sometimes i just wonder how you are able to organise yourself swiftly and amazingly. More grace to your effort. And.....i dare say you must also be a person of two faces.....one the easy loving person and the other a typical edo babe. you nor send anybody!
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Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie who does my life belong to? should i listen to those who seek to violate my space and mind or should i beat them back with a stick wink emoticon bros life is to sweet and short o.
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Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie

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John Emmanuel Ditto.
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Henry Iyobosa Legemah Wow! You are so so endowed, try publishing some of this things for posterity
LikeReply51 mins
Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie

There is a tendency for people who have been through their level of adversity to develop skills and a mindset that is capable of anything just as equally bad and as good but their self discipline allows them to restrain those moments when provoked to act. When it comes to the family members of others and people in general I have an etiquette where I establish a dialogue or a mode of interaction. To presume that someone can't react in similar fashion as others, would be daft of an adult who wish themselves to be considered of experience/mature, they just make a choice not to respond to malice and often address it with the party that they are involved with. I don't paint a perfect look, I act in perfect ways ie there are times I am quiet and there are times when I make the decision to create an enemy to prove a point. As a rule I am cool but that cool exterior shouldn't be taken as submission, in overall I respect life and in translation towards people, if any human being who i come across think/assume that the only reason I behave is because of them they are seriously mistaken as when undermined I tear the walls of Berlin down, reformation what does it take? It sure hurts as hell to remodel oneself from a type towards people into a character that may have no reserve for violators of the rights of others. My method of respect is reserve, everyone decides to fight another day.

Theories of Personality 
Cultural experiences as well as traditional narratives/rules of a given family unit affects for the large part a majority of people and people at these levels usually generate moods, people who are exposed to a variety of experiences be it within or outside of their origins/environments tend to see a broader perspective on matters be it socially or globally. A social experience is limited to a location like that of a closed family unit, this is expanded through association with other family units which we often see as strangers. Should people be kept within a family unit they usually are shortsighted in relation to the world outside the unit and in return globally, nation wide or further, hence even the spiritual level is limited. Interaction helps to increase spiritual understanding of life, a global perspective is a higher level which depends on an individual's exposure to experiences with a variety of places and a vital factor such as the will to rise above negative or positive experiences hence enabling people to control/regulate their inner energy and being able to reduce negative side effects within an event hence testing oneself is important as that cultivates a will, to drive oneself to achieve their aspiration/self actualisation concepts leads to what we call character. As a rule a character is either reactive or responsive to actions of others in situations and the ability/will to decide when to back off or step in can be misjudged, luck is subjective as a level of attempts need to be made to achieve a solution. Attention seekers as a rule are reactive rather than responsive, accusatory statements are reactive, communicators are responsive. When someone is a coach or a counsellor a variety of methods is used in bringing out subconscious emotions into the conscious or complimenting to produce response.

Knowing that for the most part I am surrounded on the social network by reactive people I choose a variety of tactics to either wake people to realisations or I speak to confirm emotions through situational analytics. as a sidekick a question, after messing with a girl why should she be expected to listen? isn't honesty the best policy?

George Michael - Faith 
George Michael, Elton John - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me 
George Michael - Careless Whisper 
Guys who are In tune with their emotions and are able/willing to connect are often
called sissies yet the beta makes/males are destructive to themselves and others, go figure, is being gay a problem to those who can't seem to get past their libido/insecurity issues for their own good? For all the critics who can't wrap their heads around oral fixations which revolves around being blocked from expressing themselves in the light that they tully are, beings with talents beyond the average thinking male and females. Femininity and masculinity exists within everybody and that also drives the ability to succeed where others hide.

Emotional Intelligence: From Theory to Everyday Practice
If most people are compromised by their unawareness of moods and it's swings how much for people who are medically diagnosed to have disorders? Today I took my kids out and a wave of moods swept through, all I did was to lay on the table and snoozed a bit, in that instance Jordan came over and gave me a hug putting his face to mine and saying lets go home, he usually needs to be dragged home from playing on the Wii games which by the way is motion sensored that allows kids develop motor coordination, Now Jordan is a highly sensitive child who if not understood maybe labelled as incapable of being around people, let me give you a contrast Sia at the same time approaches and instead of being attentive proceeds to irritate me, now the source of my moodiness is as a result of Sias exuberant disposition, she seeks for attention too much, Jordan gives attention, Sia when you give her too much attention will sit on your head so what happens is that Jordan always gets hugs and kisses while Sia gets a smack to focus on herself rather than trying to make me focus on her and others. Now if I am a daft parent I would be likely to react negatively i.e. screaming rather than focusing her on entertaining herself, maybe she is doing that at my expense as she does have a wicked streak, most would rather than understanding the source start beating their child, Jordan as a boy he is fine and cool because he is getting the emotional gamma from me, while Sia is lacking that gamma as I can't give her those male vibes she needs, now I can either become a father figure to her or I chose to send her to my friends so she can have that dose of vibes they both in equal measure need.

Now let me give you a perspective of what in worst scenario can happen. If I as a female figure dominate her life and there is no balance then I am likely to put Sia at risk in becoming an attention seeker from men or she becomes susceptible to becoming gay, this is also possible even if she has a father who is unattractive as a male in her eyes i.e. being weak to her demands as guilty tripping and no firmness when with kids because he seeks validation in their eyes. So let's get to understand the root causes to why some people make the choices they do, rather than hunting gay people from supposedly straight parents, it's best to fix that bugger straight about what parenting really is or what should be on an emotional level. Isn't this scary? To me no because i don't care.

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