
I swear/i share, i promise/i will.

Jamie Lee Curtis Bio | Life and Career | Filmography 
Kelly Clarkson - Whyyouwannabringmedown 
Eminem - The Monster (Explicit) ft. Rihanna
Pitbull, Ne-Yo - Time Of Our Lives
Maroon 5 - Sugar
Maroon 5 - One More Night
Fantastic Four | Rise of the Silver Surfer 
Dallyn Vail Bayles-"Better than I" from "Prayer" 
Kindness - Paul Cardall - from Ephraim's Rescue 
X-Men (1/5) Movie CLIP - Claws Out 
Betway Trick Shot League: Ep 3 Three Dart Throw
Blake Shelton - Don't Make Me
Knowing ones skill is different from knowing where it can be applicable this depends on circumstances people face. My skill is useless in environments that aren't aware of the causes of issues within any given environment. I have always been happy that regardless of where I find myself I could address them from my point of view and through that I formed dialogues that leads to offering opinions as well as making friends in the process. In coming back from Russia in 1998 I had seen the stark difference between where I was born and where I was in Benin at the time. It took me quite some time to orientate myself in terms of career placement where to start from or whom to offer my skills. Hey I was 19 at the time and in that process met most of my friends in Benin club. It's almost 20 years now and we are all grey haired and some are bald hehe, Harrison Momodu, Taiye Sule, Gabriel, Omoregbe how about some tasty suya with Guiness Stout Coca-Cola cocktail as usual with the G's rolling the jungle. 󾌩✌️󾍔😎

A Man & His Emotional Center
I guess I have always been too busy at youth, toooo stuck in my head to notice what emotional state guys are in, if they don't say I wouldn't know, I am quite oblivious when I work to be wondering what is a guys emotional centre. In reference I guess being I tune with my feminine and masculine side always left me rational towards anyone. How hard can it be? I guess when girls are brought up to think as a separate unit from men in career terms then that just leaves them in a box. Boxed in desires are represses emotions usually it results in explosive forms than expressive methods in managing people, people with high drive are often impatient, I know I have fallen into that once and as soon as I realise that within I usually just let a sigh.

What's eye sex? Ogling, that's scary and irritating, I mean what's the difference between any other girl when one doesn't know her yet? It's creepy when guys ogle a girl for what ever reasons even if there is no intention, that's one thing that is considered a no no in the developed word.

The Happiness Spectrum - The Best & Worst Kinds Of Happiness
Balancing Patience, Confidence & Sexual Aggression.
The Notebook - Feels Like Home
Sarah Mclachlan - In The Arms Of The Angel
Somewhere Over The Rainbow - What A Wonderful World (Meet Joe Black)
Walk in the Clouds Keanu Reeves - Christina Perri "Arms"
Elvis Presley - I Cant Help Falling In Love With You
Elvis Presley - I Cant Help Falling In Love With You
The funny thing is I am able to communicate with people on a variety of levels be it on phone, through letters, and when they still don't get the message I become an actor. Giving guys the freedom to make up their minds most times doesn't work, especially those who have no honesty within them. There are a variety of tactics as a girl I have used to get across to unlock the subconscious state of living that guys have, its a secret if unlocked can cause major mayhem as there are women who can use it for their own interests, which is what I call manipulation. Being somebody who hates manipulation I refrain from discuss about these matters. Why I hate manipulation is because it ends up ruling your life eventually it breaks everything you initially planned. There is a difference between not telling someone about your business plans or vision, in times it happens automatically and then in turn it happens deliberately.

In the relationship life those who seek to manipulate often get all worked up in keeping themselves and others on the loop. There are those who when initially agree to side with you end up getting tired of being dragged in an out, there are those who enjoy the game of seeing someone hurting as they are also getting the negative validation as they have similar experiences with whom ever they decide to side. Boys who hate their mothers tend to support guys who lie to their girlfriends or wives, it is hard to know what guy loves his mother as usually in society it is said to not talk nor treat parents badly so in this effect a girl is often deceived as to how would a girl be treated while in marriage, when people pose a face of propriety towards the society they are doing that to attract and retain family and social graces, in turn when a girl ends up in such hands she is unable to breakout as no one would believe, usually what goes on in their mind is "oh that family", oh no that's not possible but they are this and they are that and they give to charity and they feed the poor, alright I guess until you marry you wouldn't know.

There is always a blabber mouth amidst friends and there are those who when they get fed up with the pretence end up causing all the charade to end. I am the kind that cuts the the bullshit from the start and rather show a direct way for people to be together, guys don't have to lie to get or keep up their relationships, it's in simple gestures, girls know when guys like them but they maybe in a relationship or swooning for someone that they hope will approach, there are girls who are mentally not ready for relationships due to pursuing career, there are girls who have been brainwashed by their parents and friends alike where they keep loosing suitors or marriages, so in these instances you can see what to do to either help an individual or support a couple in their hard times.

What is happiness? It varies from person to person. There are earthly kind of persons and there are those who like to live in the clouds. Earthly persons are often serious and their issues often maybe to relax, cloudy people can be very flaky and there are those who can live in what I call the middle earth neither there nor here and focus is what their problem maybe so in cases like that they need support with a tip and not on their relationship but work, projects for them to develop a base and there are those that walk alone who may look to the world as not having anyone or anything yet they are sorting people out, that's what a pilgrim is in essence, they are often spiritual kind of people, tied to nothing or no one even if they have a base where they sleep, persons like that are called free spirits everyone wants to keep them but they loose them when trying to possess, that spirit weathers and becomes extremely dogmatic as their senses have been caged forcefully/manipulatively. Should they regain their senses back they usually leave. Waterfalls, rain, wind, ocean shore, the moon, the light......so much that words can't express if only I could hold you, if only I could be with you sooner rather than later, my soul yearns for your embrace, my lips crave for your taste, my mind reaches out to you, Oh I have shared so many tears, my senses lay in wait until I see you again, through time through space, through memories we made.

Ha some guys are going to be in tears.󾌩😇✌️

John C Maxwell at Nerium, 15 laws of Growth, Leadership, Motivation, Inspiration
Gloria Estefan;N Sync - Music Of My Heart
Boyz II Men - Pass You By
Кристина Орбакайте "Поговорим"
I don't know what makes people happy which is why I am quite direct in my ways of dealing with people; for one, I don't sit to presume and knowing that people are barely open due to not exposing themselves to live and let live. Boxed people box others.

Good leaders make others feel and think of their actions, they don't sit to praise themselves nor do they belittle others beneath them. To grow is to lift oneself and others. Leadership is a figurative word in building and supporting self first then others, I wouldn't advice people to do both at the same time as not everyone can do so and earn a living at the same time. People like me aren't able to see beyond time and keeping pace with what's truly important in life. Being able to negotiate between people and set priorities in tasks is what leaders do. I am able to juggle a variety of things while making a living which is why in a relationship there are usually 2 and hopefully I am in the midst. Telling stories is like setting plans, some may not work and some may.

What's motivation, it is purpose itself, why are you doing what you are doing? To have a life for one if not for money/livelihood. I feel wealthy because of what I do, there will be those who say but where is the money in it, I simply say come closer and I will show you how to be leaders of men. Sounds quite abstract right? But with leaders talking money is cheap in my understanding so I leave that to my accountants or lawyers.

There is no way someone who thinks about money will ever find the words to motivate others. It's a task that is done after the planning stage and it always involves probabilities. What is the probable fact that what I do others will need it? I create anyway. It's circumstantial not a definite yes as certain things need to be in place, for one dedicated staff who feel in same respect towards what I do. Personally I hate discuss on money when no one wants to work.

Law is theory applicable when in action not before or later, laws are rules someone set to define for themselves the boundaries of life and for others to know where they stand and if that law restricts them from growing you will find them looking for ways to breakout of it. Rules and regulations well I guess regulation is a better word than coating it as Law. Law my ass act bloody hell stop talking and do then show your scars. Some of my words are direct simply because there is no way to disguise my contempt for laziness. Those buggers who tell you you should look and be perfect are judges who themselves wouldn't offer a hand yet have a lot to say about how you do what you do, same it is in relationships, the biggest buggers are those who aren't, weren't not willing to do anything in their own lives but ave the time to be in others lives. Those people who tell you sex is not important are either not having it or can't wrap their heads around how to approach.

Mark Wahlberg Bio | Life and Career | Filmography | 
Harry Potter: Theme Song (Hedwig's Theme)
[Battlefield 4] Jay Z Ft. Rihanna & Kanye West - Run this town
Simple Relativity - Understanding Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity
If my experiences are to be hidden, from what point will I be able to connect with those who are in need of support? If people think that managing people in business is all about technical skills then I guess we can all see the results in today's results. People coming into business for the most part are choosing businesses in areas they are most comfortable or knowledgeable in however there are personal issues that they maybe going through that hinders their ability to grow, so in that regard regardless of the technical expertise that a hired consultant may have their personal life experience always leads them in the course of conversation. If I am dealing with youth for instance I would presume that being a youth with a full life experience be they bad or good are useful, like I mentioned before the baddest people on the streets who have overhauled themselves are able to guide as well as able to manage setbacks when people get emotional/notional or distracted. The stubborn heads are often left behind.

People who have been brought up within four walls can barely offer any advice nor can they make decisions in critical moments. Rehabilitation of youth and persons who have been labelled unjustly is a delicate issue as most tend to doubt themselves and in return others. Time isn't a healer without effort, time is in memories that align to bring back a sense of self either for self or towards others.

Simple question, should I die first before my story is written by men who would seek to make an image of themselves by labelling my efforts as theirs?

John C Maxwell Vitality 2014 Visalus Values
Jessie J - Said too much lyrics video
Cheb Khaled - Moule el Kare
Usher - U-Turn
Just For The Record - Jordin Sparks
Trikhala Bellydance Troupe- Amirinta Habibtna- Culture Shock 
Blue - Love At First Sight
U2 & B.B. King - When Love Comes To Town 
Those who are setting boundaries are only shutting themselves down, what is a boundary, how does it form? Reckless people destroy, they have no regard for what another has worked for. Reckless people use words to label people without discrimination. Black white blue green slim fat, how about understanding the concept of what can or does bring people low? How about what to do to raise people up?

When someone can't do something about a situation best to say let me help rather than drop what you doing.

When a kid for instance reaches out but can't get the fruit from a tree what should an adult/mature people  do? Don't pluck it bend the branch low enough or lift them towards it. What happens when people pass by while seeing someone struggle? Oh it's not my business that's her problem, I can't do it even if they can. I'll be damned if I see a person struggling and pass by, what I will do is I will flog a person for saying I can yet haven't even attempted, that's a mother, that's a sister, that's a keeper. Nations with self serving leaders and people are in desolation and destitution I can't lie, I can't be passive I am aggressive in business when I am implementing while surrounded by lookers rather than doers.

Having a father that does his own laundry and never passed his duties to his wife made and makes me intolerant of men who wait on their wives or maids to start off or on. These things are learnt in boarding houses or at home. Ah daddy how hard it is for men to measure up to your image, are they forced or made? As soon as you start informing they blame you to be a nag, my father should have been useless for me to be a housewife who sits in the corner and wastes her life and the life of her kids. Damn this housewives policies that breeds slaves for children. You cuddle up your child/shield to a point where they can't breathe?, that's a slave, you throw away your child and they become rough?, that's a user, leaders are born in homes where there is balance, there is also a factor self will regardless of the homes people are born in they turn things and people around to believe in themselves.

From Beta Male Into Alpha Male
I will approach this topic from beta to Alfa in terms of leadership. When someone seeks approval they are neither beta nor Alfa simply because acceptance exists in everyone however the actions taken and the results it produces determines who is what. Considering a factor of upbringing of a person and their will to make things work is what speaks for who is exhibiting what strengths or weaknesses. If potential is forced upon someone as well as a person takes another's strength as an intimidation then they are exhibiting beta vibes. An Alfa person always checks him or herself they are constantly reevaluating themselves rather than trying to change the other. Guys make mistakes when they are ill informed girls make mistakes when they are pressured, should either of them have a cool disposition towards life they are likely able to explain their position form an opinion point of view.

My person only speaks or asks questions when I seek dialogue or advice but I still have to implement or solve issues so just because I hear a comment doesn't mean that that's how I will implement it because I only know what are my resources or strengths in skill, as well as motivation/interest levels. I am always aware of the values of the family I come from, we are blunt people and that in relation to others may seem as rude hence I take the time/effort to explain, should the person I speak to take it negatively rather than objectively there is a likelihood for a fight to happen. As a girl I react and respond differently from men, when I act I try to measure up in mind while in action I pace my energy due to factors such as knowledge or physical strength. I am aware that I am a girl and there are things and issues that my affect my health, same I apply to men but it's quite obvious when a guy who can or wouldn't lift a 5 kg weight is trying to impose himself on a girl who is raising double if not more and it's in those instances that disagreements or breakups happen.

Let's assume a single guy meets a divorced mom of 2 with a child who has difficulties and the guy is demanding for attention that she can give but needs to prioritise, what helps in these types of situations is to help out in sorting what ever in order for her to be glad to be with you, but when a guy is pressuring her while  she has to deal with and the baby father at the same time, in such cases I will advice her to drop them both and face her duties.

The issues in relationships that arises is unhealthy competitiveness where people in the relationship/resolution-ship are unwilling to meet each others needs. Relationships is about resolving issues either between people or persons who are involved. I have seen relationships where guys are with women who have baggage's and they do their best in petty things to ease the person for them to have their own time and there are those who can't handle it and they go.

What The Tone Of Your Voice Communicates
Maroon 5 - Not Falling Apart
2pac feat Dr.Dre - California Love 
Barry White-The Right Night
R. Kelly - Step In The Name Of Love
Sting - I Was Brought To My Senses
Someones tone may be friendly but if the experiences the person is going through are hard or heavy it really doesn't matter what disposition they may be trying to relay, if you hurt someone it's best to just silently help rather than begging to be heard. In a fight between people always look at the things that causes a fight not who is screaming. Women or people scream when they are under duress or being violated so remove the violator or the circumstance that causes tension. People who are lookers are like the cheerleaders in stadiums who are always right in their own eyes but when you put them to move a ball they get lost.

When people are witnessing a game its best to watch rather than interfere, if someone is a referee brought in to see or participate in a game then clearly blaming a referee for issuing a red card is absurd. Same it is in relationship counselling, counsellors have to make decisions as pacifying ignorance will anger both parties, I don't care when I anger a party off than have them breakup simply because when someone is complaining and the problem is obvious I face who is at fault, half the time it's men. When a counsellor is pacifying they are likely making money out of the couple who keeps coming back. Cheering if that happens on both sides then there is a likelihood for war, someone has to be at fault and it's best if it's the people in the relationship than the cheerleaders. How hard can it be to be straight forward? If a guy has clearly messed up why not build him up by showing where and when. It ain't right to be beefing up a person who is at fault or low.

Attachments Create Suffering
The core to attachments existing within people is guilt or regrets. Guilt are acts that others place on people who maybe trying to manipulate their way either in business or relationships hence knowing your rights is important; everyone is free to choose the paths be it business/project wise or in relationships who they feel comfortable with, simply because choices made consciously are choices that people tend to stick with and in same regards when in separation, so long as they are willing to come into a consensus on shared duties towards the kids for the large part.

When it comes to regret a party that looses out often tends to pursue by trying to get back their balance or share, in this case balance is an emotional state and should be processed by each party on their own and not loading it back or on another, which is why I advice those who are going through a rebound to stay alone for a lengthy period of time or at best move from the place where everything reminds them of past hurts, as there is always a probability meeting those who would gladly remind you of why they think what they think, in cases where that's not possible its to show one or two of them the middle finger. When things are broken they are broken there is nothing usually that people can do.

In business if there are attachments same things happen but usually the parties that are pursuing their interests often go to court. There are enemies who still collaborate due to having common clients that don't need to suffer because of disputes in these cases, usually lawyers meditate or external parties who are subcontracted the needs of their clients. It's usually easier to deal with such matters in business but in relationships it's more complex when kids are involved.

If to be a parent a party is causing disturbance it's always best to leave the children at 3rd party members of the family and each choose their visitation rights, in my opinion I don't believe in dumping kids with grandparents even if I had a wonderful time with mine, in cases of such where a consensus can't be reached then certain service providers can by mitigating between the parties in terms of pickups and drop offs. These are situations that creates earning capacity for people. When emotions are running high it's best to avoid contact than have battles of wits, it can and is emotionally draining while some enjoy  the transfers of regrets by that they cause the other the opportunity to move on hence a no contact act is often placed by who feels violated by contact.

Why Closure Is So Important
Lil' Kim - Revolution Ft. Grace Jones
Usher - Prayer for you Interlude
Jennifer Lopez - 04. Walking on sunshine
Anthony Hamilton Georgie Parker
2Face - Rainbow ft T-pain 
Nelly Furtado - forca
2Pac - Toss It Up 
Eternal - Don´t You Love Me
Looks like adults give more credence to a grieving child than to an adult who is going through a traumatic situation. In the cases of separation it's much easier for people who marry for status to move on than for those who truly cared, it's like ones heart is being ripped out and if a person doesn't grieve to gain their balance then the pain usually lingers on and may affect their next relationship which is why people go through a series of short dates in order to gain composure of their emotions, for me I rather write out all my sorrows and put them up to have closure than going to a tech trained counsellors who have been programmed by states to sort out emotions they hadn't gone through. It's as simple as that because no marriage is the same only singular events maybe same. Sorry to feel this way about Counselors in family matters but they are often compromising themselves by dishing out high and mighty slogans they have no clue on, same with divorce lawyers who have shown how they manage public affairs.

Honestly law baffles me especially those who use it as a yardstick rather than a tool of service. To have kids is different from being a parent, to have a relationship is different from being in a marriage. If the men have little respect for themselves then that marriage certificate is worthless, it only indicates and is for record purposes rather than a sign of unity. Those who should go to court in cases where people have interfered are the middlers since they are so wise and they should receive their own share of fines and sentencing so that they know what it feels for someone to live in the cage they built out of ignorance and envy.

Those who are blaming people for coming from a broken home are only looking for excuses to behave the way they like and in return perpetrating the same events that causes breakups. A child that comes from a broken home may even be predisposed to trying more and homes where the two parents are together isn't an indicator that it isn't broken. Those who look for excuses are often showing their intentions by blaming a person for what they had little power over.

Masculinity vs Femininity - Psychology Of The Male & Female Mind

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