
Captain, i take heed.

Mel Gibson Bio | Life and Career | Filmography 

Queen - Under Pressure 
Jennifer Hudson - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
Cadillac Records - I'd Rather Go Blind
Jennifer Hudson - Spotlight
Beyonce - Listen 
Anna and the King Soundtrack - The Execution
Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs To Self-Actualize
There is a reason why business managers aren't able to effectively utilise the skills within their subordinates. Apart from dealing with the demands of the company managers themselves aren't aware that Marslow hierarchy of needs revolves around emotional demands. It's fine pacifying people's demands for higher pay but seldom do they look into the meaning behind the terms used on the levels.

What is physiology? What makes up the core of a person or personality that is working for you or under you? The logic with which a society conducts itself can and does compromise any efforts that a progressively inclined person/executive wants or needs to reach hence the actions that need to take place have to be designed to target those obstacles that lay in the way. Businesses are affected by trends in cultural values at a given location or a people.

In marketing I look to the word breathe and I ask myself how do I breathe, what directions should I take to breath new life into an organisation,

In terms of food I ask and search for tools that I need to serve and deliver.

Water is flow, how do I move with the tides of time using its meaning as a way to float or creating new or shrinking the size of my unit.
What methods do I use to achieve enlightenment not just for me but staff and my clients.

Sex: what kind of chemistry do I use to motivate people into being self sufficient and in return contributing to achieve theirs an my objectives. A slap works i am blunt with anyone, :)

Sleep; knowing when to slow down or take off. To sleep is to understand the seasons of growth that businesses go through.

Homeostasis:, now this is big grammar as far as I am concerned, how do I break tasks for faster execution.

Excretion; how do I recycle the old for the new or how do I find free tools and materials to work with.

On the second level it should be quite obvious to managers that everyone no matter how well institutionalised they may be needed to be reeducated as how I do business and the skills that I need in order to produce differes from company to company and this revolves around culture, culture in business is methods usually these are trade secrets.

Security are those tangibles that keeps the business growing, and trust my stubborn self to find unconventional ways to approaching the needs of my clients.

Love, belonging and esteem doesn't come in as these are external projection of image. Personally I can hardly be bothered in pressuring myself to meet up to the expectations that bigger companies have placed, which is a factor that stops most into starting in business.

Self actualisation and transcendence revolves around futuristic as well as in  personal desires to win, if not for my kids then society at large. Transcendence revolves around what in biology is called metamorphosis, it's the interchangeable values that a person who owns a business knows quite clear. In all this what I do is I develop my intellectual capacity for me to sustain and feel fulfilled while in return opening conquering odds to produce opportunities for self and others. Captain, i take heat/heed.

In relationships marslows hierarchy of needs also apply's as every person goes through a process where personal values are intertwined with social values. In my case I disseminate what ever I hear from the outside and gage it based on my circumstances, aspirations and desires as a woman. My desires come last, physical state of being when compromised through neglect "sex drive/energy" transforms into work energy, this way I can and did forget about intimacy with men. I have my ways of releasing the physical tension from emotional/hormone cycles, meditations help in controlling the urges. alcohol and smoking does help but not in quantities to make me an addict. I have that discipline.

Circumstances; there is nothing one can do about it, you have a child you stick with the situation while setting plans towards aspirations in the future, laying my bricks, building experience networks, working on my first portal assessing the strengths of support contractors who in conjunction are building the first titanic :), nothing wrong with it even if it wasn't supporting my needs for independently changing and tweaking the needed tools as is on the second, was in an environment where electrical power wasn't available to give any encouragement in having it interruptible, Nigeria sucks when it comes to IT support skills and tools, students are underdeveloped and in many cases undermined so plans were set to see where I could relocate, from then on till now conquering the World Wide Web and it's hearts.

Ryan Gosling Bio | Life and Career | Filmography | 
Enigma - Beyond The Invisible
Daniel Goleman: "Social Intelligence" | Talks at Google
Алла Пугачёва - Не отрекаются, Любя.
Rene & Angela - You Don't Have To Cry
Kelly Clarkson - Miss Independent
In business the word fusion sorts out most of the difficulties in finding ways and methods of expression. In relation to technicalities project design must imbibe in today's markets a variety of cultural backgrounds to make for multilayered business concepts that gives people from all facets of life a channel for exhibiting their inventions or creations be it in models or discussions. If a nation is considered a rainbow nation then there shouldn't be a problem with fusing DutchIndian concepts or AsianSouthAfrican perspectives on growth to enrich the foundations of personal skills and socio political connectives. If everyone thinks they are smarter than the other that attitude can only go for so long. What stands as an obstacle on the paths of Societies blending, well given that I come from a mixed race culture I have witnessed the effects of bias, it's a prejudicial stand in blindly supporting your own race in order to have an identity, to me that's laughable as the events of today's economic issues are evident.

Now let me give you a factual example of how events took place in my organisation when I just started. In the group of youth that was selected the only youth that chose to participate on the program were the blacks, as we went along a group of other kids were present made of both coloured, Indian and white but gradually one by one they left until I was left with my golden 5 at start, well now we became more. Now if the business community is interested in anyway tackling the economic and security issues as well as a view on a nation wouldn't it make sense to fuse strengths rather than focus on habitual prejudice?

Trade is different from entrepreneurship simply because it is focused on knowledge generation which fuels growth on a national level and enables global participation for exchange of strengths and primarily for lifting the average Tom from his ass. Ignorant people are dangerous no matter how outwardly presentable they are.

The difficulties in youth projecting themselves on business grounds is prejudice that has sipped through hurt ancestors, there is only so far for so long that a people can use history to prep growth, it's an emotional stimuli that should have its own place, looking at NIGERIA I wonder why we are celebrating Independence Day when we are like babies who haven't been born. In reference to the South African history of apartheid today not showing what had been developed during the times of sanctions belittled the image of a country, what has been developed as fuel when they were shutdown from supplies? Certain technicalities on national developed produce are visible but on overall economic growth plans on a social and technical levels are none existent. Where are the associations of industries who produce reports that the common man can understand? Why bamboozle the public and international markets with grammar that tires most politicians? You can tell me it's all there alright but when educational institutions are blatantly showing and implementing mediocrity then where should one draw futuristic projections from? If people are not interested in collaborating between each other uniqueness can't be projected as that leaves room only for negative critique.

This is not a technological/industrial era any more, this calls for commercial skills development and commerce isn't trade it's only a component, who is inventing? Who is producing? These are the only guys who are able to raise jobs on technical and creative grounds. Political banta in my view is only for bored and idle old men and opportunistic youth for thugs, the whole world is like that not just SA so we might as well not delude ourselves about what nation is better than the other, everyone is in a mess, bite me but I won my battles before anyone even knew what I was aiming at, where and when I was going. Yeehaaa ain't this chick just hot? Psssss steaming with pleasure, can I be of any service? Been there done that. Cruising for a bruising the avengers in the air.

What's social intelligence? Ability willingness to connect on a higher level than succumbing to petty issues such as colour, it speaks for nothing but a bunch of similar looking people with different features, whose nose is bigger or whose dick is longer doesn't do anyone any better it only shows that neither are better than those who chose to live in that mindset. They destroyed my family the same way they destroy their nation, isolation.

Texting That Attracts vs. Repels
It's quite simple, when courting somebody text that indicate dirty talks often rebels young girls but seems to attract boys. When people are dating them sassiness mixed with sexy flirts works. Should someone feel tender about someone then the words are often mellow, when someone feels passionate towards the other it is often filled with words that express physical desire, when someone is missing or looking forward to being with somebody it's filled with longing, people that are rational or crude barely know how to express feelings that attracts the other, that's how you get to know how someone feels about the other. Guys for the most part are physical creatures hence they come across as crude. When a guy is in tune with his self image and knows what he wants and who he wants there is often confidence and playfulness in the messages. People who aren't passionate will often refer to a sincere expression of affection in lame terms and indirectly are showing envy or a form of contempt. People that aren't ready for relationships often send the wrong impressions of themselves while those who do are in tune as they express action and desire in combination.

There is a difference between advice and communication between couples as in consulting it revolves around directive mode of communication. In counselling it's explanatory with vivid facts, consultants that wish to succeed should imbibe their messages with counselling methods. Saying to someone go is different from saying to the other would you be willing? In this example you will see the difference in approach, kids can be directed but to adults curtesy applies as violating someone's space or independence often results in breakups.
Encouragements don't often work when someone is going through a situation it's always best to say if you feel that way then act in that manner, in cases when someone is about to get into a relationship a directive always allows one to notice what may or may not be so in effect when speaking with couples or people always provide options as only sales people types employ one directional solutions. As regards those who are in tune and are able to persuade they often provide information broader than the average level of knowledge to a client. It's like selling real-estate people need to see a variety before they make a choice how ever in relationships a variety is called dating, should people agree to be exclusive then we all know what breaking an agreement/bond leads to.

Just Asking For Drama & Trouble!
Those who think that being pretty is a blessing should think twice as that to many girls is a curse. Being hounded? At first may seem nice but when one becomes used and slandered by guys who seek their own validation then that becomes a nightmare. Guys that are cuter than the average are often as insecure as pretty girls, as most times poachers approach with only one intention, be razz if you are a pretty gal, be rough if you are a cute guy.

Love my beau he's cute and his smile makes me swoon hehe he will be blushing now and that's what makes me love him more. Can't get over you, do you see how mush I want you in my eyes? I miss my sweet. There is how you speak to someone dear to you than bashing them with loathing.

When You Care TOO Much
Was brought up by a dad and grannies that gave their all so I don't know different, sure felt like a doormat but not for long as my grandfathers also thought me how to get out of situations where one is taken for granted. My question is how much is too much? I always seem to be the one running from oppressive and needy people how is that caring? Nice perspective isn't it. A gal that is running they call her names yet they don't ask the guys why, that's a lame way to push blame. If I care I give it's a simple policy with those who are family based people and often times their actions bring positive impacts on people's lives rather than destruction. There is a difference in caring and interfering. Caring people take care of aspects in people's lives that eases than creating trouble, when I attack that's for effect for someone to wake up or ward away poachers, oh I can be fearse , the turnado within can send a guy flying to the other corner of a room, even I am scared of myself in those moments󾆲󾌩󾍔😎. Injustice enrages my sensibilities, undermining any body brings out fury.

How Your Brain Can Turn Anxiety into Calmness
Boney M - Rasputin
LMFAO - Shots ft. Lil Jon
Sting - Desert Rose
Ciara - Like A Boy 
Lágbájá - Knock Knock Knock!
Kirk Franklin - Revolution
Lagbaja - GRA GRA
Montell Jordan - This Is How We Do It
T-Bone - Name Droppin'
The Avengers - Hulk Smash
Will Smith - Men In Black
The funny thing about anxious people is that they create the problems while those who are trying to break out of that influence are under stress due to scrutiny. People who are anxious are often those with either guilt, fear, envy. We all know the source of guilt it's either caused by fearing to be punished for acts or being persecuted for the acts of the wicked that they may have ran away from or lifelong scorn for nothing which I would attribute to burden than an actual guilt.

On the stance of fear it's when someone faces a task that they are contemplating to implement but may due to having a lot to handle end up being afraid to fail. People who hold a task to fulfill which is greater than they think was apportioned at a given time or place often find themselves having anxiety attacks and in these cases there should always be a support unit or person depending on what the volume, complexity or resources which doesn't necessarily involve funds but the vastness of operations.

Envy also causes anxiety its that feeling that makes people think about others ability over theirs "unhealthy competitiveness" is an indicator. People ought to understand that projecting on others their insecurities will not get them any where but to self destructive acts which is why I do as much as I do not because I am envious but because I do not want to find my self at the mercy of those who sought to keep me trapped in their minds. Envy is an emotion that is built over years in persons who have been made to feel inadequate but hadn't done anything about it. We often mistake behavioural acts by people who were labelled to be one way or the other but the funny thing is those who are quick witted to accuse another of a deed are often those who perpetrated certain circumstances around them and people like that we call the wise.

In Africa we praise leaders who are wicked because our minds have been exposed to manipulation as well as through experiences that hadn't been heald through the side effects of poverty, wars, violation of rights and in return that creates a people who are mentally impoverished regardless of how much or how little they have and there are those who naturally have the disposition to hurt others and in cases where it's a parental upbringing, kids who have been spoilt by parents who let them get away with attitudes towards others, fathers tend to do this with their daughters where they pet them to such a level that they no longer see the difference between other beings and animals. Arrogance is envy in reverse its a diabolical trait of those who haven't felt for a day for anyone.

There are cases where to meet up to deadlines people fall into anxiety levels, time is of essence however the world's that have unhealthy competitive streaks tend to have problems with increased crime rates especially among youth. Kids that are pushed to steal are kids who have anxiety problems due to being pushed by peers to show off. It is important for parents to address their growing kids about placing expectations on their friends, now teens that place pressure on others are usually transferring the pressure to perform from their parents or a family member. Workaholics are usually people who fall into the addiction to please and there are those who work for the joy of it, in my mind id rather do what I am best at than running crazy trying to measure up to others unfounded expectations.

My talents aid my ability to produce more than is expected, my talent is the source of my productivity, I only become anxious when I am surrounded by negativity or negative people and my pill is honesty which keeps me calm. My nature is that of an active person and when kept docile/oppressed I develop anxieties and it can reflect itself through skin rash. The only person I ever worried about is my little bro but even he never knew about having anxieties as that's how calm I am, violent I become when I face violence. I am a very pretty and visible personality from birth, it's impossible for me to hide and through that i have attracted regardless of where I found myself always fighting for space with the men I dated and who I married so I guess my anxiety issues revolve around relationships which is why I am likely to run, I feel at ease in the forest, at the sea or water areas, I am Bruce. I have always looked razz in order to hide.

Save A Life - Shaggy & Friends
Get Busy 

When a girl goes through a bad pregnancy and pumped with steroids to keep the child from being born before time what happens is the steroids have a tendency to affect certain cognitive abilities in the child, in similar regard the pumped in steroids affect the mother for the large part, rapid weight increase and hair growth in other cases it affects the mood swings which predisposed to depression especially when someone is living next to a Neanderthal for a man with no affections nor understanding of the effects postnatal depression that happens to most women especially those with traumatic experiences. My pregnancies only worsened the influences from the past violences experienced but my will is far stronger than the average persons who I come across.

When I am in love I become a clown, when pissed I crash and burn, nothing matters much but the one who holds me strong. Rhymes and jokes make me swoon for the smile i see on your face. Funny and witty just as serious as can be.

My kitty is having kittens one is out waiting for the next 3, what a thing to witness birth regardless of if its an animal or a person. My home will be swooning with cats running all over my curtains, childhood memories are coming back. My dog needs a girlfriend can't seem to wrap my head why cats with ease find their way while dogs demand special attention for being a nuisance. 󾌩✌️

Angel Activity in the End Times?
Shanghai Noon - Movie Trailer
David Spade Bio | Life and Career | Filmography |
Percy Sledge - Take time to know her
Beyoncé - Me, Myself and I
The easiest way to make movies for kids is for the producers to write down memories of their childhood events that makes them happy, in return read it to kids of strangers and record the expressions, with that simply create a casting of kids train them on basics and film them. Now what's great for child development is if the movies are musicals as through that expressives are much easier, reason being that through music they are feeling through and acting becomes less straining.

Jon Bon Jovi Blaze Of Glory
tyrese I'm the other man
Aaliyah Feat. Drake - Enough Said 
Elton John - Crocodile Rock
P-Square & Matt Houston - E No Easy
No Mercy - This Masquerade 
Bruce Springsteen - Badlands
People with a strong sense of self find it hard to accept compliments simply because that feels like a label, to be good or bad is their personal choice as they have a discipline that sets them apart from those who on an average are seeking approval rather than giving themselves the space to find out who they really are. In their minds when they picture themselves they see not an image but actions they need to take in order to survive or help others find their path, they are called guardians, they often have no identity in its sense as they are always focused on duty. In reference this is how they act; when told that they are bad or good they rebel against that subjective notion by others especially when the people that label them are those who are barely able to help themselves be it emotionally for the most part or in circumstance. People with the guardian mindset always live outside their physical self as that imagery traps their soul, they are likely to sacrifice themselves for others than seek their own comfort zone. Everyone and absolutely everybody are seeking their inner calling and in this respect they either are able or unable to connect. To connect is to travel in someone else's shoe deliberately or by difult when similar identities are found through experiences. In the advent of meeting people those who don't have a strong will often find themselves in submission. In this respect I would draw a conclusion that most women are able to sacrifice their identity when they have been brought up by caring parents or parent, should they meet someone who violates their beliefs they often find themselves leaving.

In nigeria there is a tendency for parents to bringing up their children in a military fashion where kids are woken up in the morning with a sort of brutal manner to their senses how? When physically waking up a child with a forceful tap on their legs and a scream wake up hurts their senses after some time they become used to it but that approach eventually becomes a habit and when they grow up that turns them into aggressive/neglectful beings from time to time.

In my family when we wake up our kids we use low tones almost in a song like manner, maybe because my father is a doctor he understands the sensitivities of his kids but it is important for people to know where the sources of aggression comes out from, some are aggressive when they loose faith in their guardians and some loose it when they let themselves down by realising they succumbed to manipulation, in this regard I would conclude that the origins of aggression is either in physical or mental in some it's both, for loosing or never having faith in themselves which is why it is important that people at what ever stage they find themselves reanalyse their life's path to find where they had lost or missed themselves by surrendering. to submit is not to surrender. to be committed to somebody is different from succumbing to a lifestyle or mental state. In my case I am always able to live outside my bodily experiences ie even if I am static my soul experiences things outside in far distances and places, it's a spiritual thing that was always present from childhood. An ability to feel a soul from afar and appearing in the needed moments is what I have always known myself to be. Instincts.

How To Get Shit Done - The Inner Game of How To Be Productive

Benicio Del Toro Bio | Life and Career | Filmography | 
kiss - God Gave Rock 'N Roll To You II
I'll Be Home for Christmas - Carrie Underwood and Elvis
Shaggy - Hope 
Hezron - She's All Woman & Cant Come Between
Am I Being Used?
When people find themselves surrounded by the wrong set of people or their values don't align they are less likely to find common grounds to connect. People have different methods for implementing tasks, some are managerial and some are directional, some are operatives and some executioners. In all of these there are strengths but when neither knows what style they are nor willing to choose to start from a direction before settling then they end up unable to implement nor collaborates as what happens is they are often pushing blame on each other for things they should have found between themselves. Often in organisations this happens between people as there are wicked or headless, people who instigate situations rather than focus on a goal and move. One thing for sure is put people to implement and you will know who is who. In my business I call the shots of course in collaboration with my staff and partners and I make drastic decisions whom to fire and how, sorry but errm my business isn't a ride in the park unlike for some.

However in relationships especially when surrounded by butheads and those who try to use their age over you what do you do? Drag and pull tactics. Rugby is great hmm but who is the springbok? Hop hop catch me if you can. Lived with men all my life and the only reason I hesitate to mess with people is that I hate to see any man on their knees no matter how daft they are. As regards stupid women well those simply get shamed and left behind. Tearful eyes after a fist fight doesn't appease anyone.

In my opinion and i have practiced this managerial, directional, operative and execution are action based positions and instead of making people settle and develop habits that are detrimental both to the company and themselves i shuffle. Rotational principles creates gravity. Just as the planets rotate around the sun they also rotate around themselves. If people studied the alignment of the planets they will understand what principles to have when it comes to delivery. No one is indispensable and i also place myself in that in order to keep a check on myself even if i am irreplaceable in the lives of those who have come close enough to know who i am. Sounds hard? but those who have been bitten are always twice shy even if they are brave enough to start again. Love to tease it keeps the ginger lemon twist cocktail sweet with a hint of gin and juice. Where is my Dowg? who let the bull out? Dunking as always.

If someone gives attention and it isn't reciprocated then people feel used. To claim a position one ought to have a mentality that creates stability rather than bringing in disorientating affairs, it's what the law states as conflict of interests. There are guys who can't settle simply because they are looking for the perfect match, now what is beneath that is when people feel less of themselves yet failing to develop themselves so there is a tendency to impose on another the actions they aren't prepared to take.

In business the same happens, lazy or insecure people tend to load on others their tasks rather than interchangeably passing the baton, in managing operations I look at it like a race where 4 people with a specific set of strengths are managing the problems that need to be tackled. During meetings what should be discussed are situations within a market place and each person chooses a task to deal with, this way as the manager I am able to stock and distribute tools necessary. In my type of operations most times resource is time and logistics, logistics vary and being in design and modelling of concepts implementation is through dialogues and feedback generation. I know that my kind of skill is rare while at the same time I train and drill people to be able to do same as I simply because my market zone is huge, I alone can't meet up with the needs of the public as well as those who need hints on economic or political strengths and weaknesses. By exposing weaknesses I am therefore giving out pathways for others to align themselves. To speak of strength is to boast of ones abilities or paint a picture of a location that may not be true as we all know that political systems often lie. If someone cares they usually warn and guide people in sorting out the issues rather than leaving people hung and dry in illusions.

What is a situational analysis? It's the ability to see past what is being shown. Strengths have weaknesses and weaknesses have strengths it's all in experience and will, tech information are technicalities specific to each industry and influenced by values cultures uphold, should a culture be compromised by traditions then those traditions need to be dropped. Countries that use end up using themselves, check out what waste is, wastefulness diminishes any valuable resource be it people or things, skills developed creates more things, things are a representation of effort, every effort has its value regardless of its price tag,  in example. if I have children that are growing by the hour what's the point in me buying designer clothing that in 3 moths will be dusting on the shelf. What I do is I buy oversize twice a year and then a few of expensive stuff. I disagree strongly to bringing up children on labels that creates false identity, people are recognised for what they do not what the wear. It is in a Russian parable which says people invite you by how you look and escort you by how you treat them, this has a dual meaning as those who choose to be with people for their own interests often loose out on the rough diamond in disguise. In same respect why I treat my staff or people, I am only as strong as the weakest link. I chose to build people up while remaining in the shadows, I guess now that's almost impossible even if it's an option to consider. There are those who put themselves in a position to be used but they are never slaves.

What's collaborative efforts? It's a merger of strengths against the odds, if people can't see past their nose then hey who's fault is it? I am the bull in the china shop the knights rise.󾌩😎󾮟󾍔

How To Lose All Of Your Fears
Missy Elliott - Work It 
MC Hammer - 2 Legit 2 Quit
U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name
We create our own fears/demons through the actions we take in trying to possess what is already ours. When someone tries to hold someone down they are invariably creating tension within themselves while the other is feeling and transforming themselves form one state of mind to another state of being. There are those who are able to live under pressure and they even enjoy it as it pushes them into developing or noticing weaknesses which is why it isn't advisable to project on others your fears, it's in the bible said do not threaten thy neighbour because that puts a person in a state of mind when they begin to prepare for a set off, this is why I don't like quarrels, I'd rather slip away or open the door through which they indicated they wanted to go. Men who say oh why didn't she fight for me, I say trace what had been done, women don't leave men and vice versa who treated them well, which is why I don't judge people who separate even if it helps to know why if they themselves knew the subconscious drive they had, when someone tries to speak they are bring out the subconscious into the conscious and that is a scary process where the actions are revealing their intentions, in that process negative people often try to shut you down. In cases where there is transfer of aggression or surrounded by enemies slipping through their fingers is a better tactic from grabbers. Greedy people like to grab and oppress so what you do is you keep giving till they get arrogant, when they are over fed you leave. Fear is a mental state that people place on you to keep you down, the tricky part is when someone is misjudged that type of manipulation only goes from one ear to the other after a point when the effort to address the issues proves futile take action.

Sometimes technical terminologies are used as a disguise for directing people towards a direction, deciphering industrial codes is essential when there is stagnation. Monopolists aren't dubious they are only protecting their market from looters however there comes a time where even their tactics turn around to bite them.

Ryan Phillippe Bio | Life and Career | Filmography |
Tim McGraw - The Last Dollar (Fly Away) 
Des'ree - What's Your Sign?
Des'ree - I'm Kissing You
Michael Jackson - Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
Michael Jackson - Will You Be There
Indifference & Effortless Seduction
Life just as business has principles and principled people know when to adhere to changing times or they are by default left by themselves. When someone has a will their intentions are often revealed through the results  achieved, to sit and watch how people are squirming in pain is wicked, nations that are on a better development level have either gained or have been oblivious of what their actions have produced over the years    that affects the coming generations. I have a personal policy of being honest which is why I seldom find people around me in a strong state and in return I am held strong, I don't believe in calling for help when I know I can do something to move the foundational mountains to build pillars, I have an open door policy restricted with time but there are those moments where I simply shutdown from the world, it's called recuperating from the effects of long battles, yes I leave everything behind indiscriminately of who or what they may have done.

Bobby Helms - My Special Angel
Shakira - Obtener un sí
Shakira - Waka Waka
I don't see the benefit in making any efforts to seducing guys maybe because I never really had to, I would rather do that in action when the doors are locked. It  becomes tiring to spend time entertaining guys who aren't interested in your person but your body or what ever they find in someone to pose in front of their guys. Indifference is a form of discrimination on a private level, on a social business level it's a tactic used either to ward or to draw attention, the louder the noise the better.

Effortless seduction, that happens when someone is passionate about themselves and the other. How do girls swoon? Does it really retain a relationship or does it only exist for attraction? I smile that's about it, over Skype one can be naughty because there is no physical but when face to face there better be action. I am even having a headache talking on this topic. For cryneoutloud.

Dunlop Sessions: Marcus Miller
Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry (Personal)
The Art Of Charming Banter
The Friendship Vibe Vs. The Lover Vibe
Elton John - Sacrifice
Gladiator - Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard - Now We Are Free 
Tom Jones Till 
Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You
Tina Turner - The Best
Tina Turner - Proud Mary
FROZEN - Let It Go 
There is a difference between hard talk and friendly banta. In cases where a person is out to compromise themselves or others hard talks are held either directly or through warning signs. As a youth and an adult I don't stand to question the choices people make when they are with an affectionate other. When people are friends they are inclined to  speak in a friendly manner but if there is a person around who is intense there is a likelihood for a misdemeanour effect to happen. When friends gather to have fun they often beat about the bush on different topics, when certain aspects touch people deeply they tend to have quarrels. Certain areas are a no no simply because questioning personal choices of others such as spouse or child rearing topics are personal and individualistic.

Let's assume a scenario where someone is dating/courting a person and they are in the midst of others who have ulterior motives selfishly manipulated by a third party there is a tendency to blurt out compromising statements as a directive towards another in factual terms that has nothing to do with issues at hand.

When I see a person playing with fire I use a defusion method to redirect situations that could result in blame and shame to an unknown party. When someone asks me a direct question I simply answer as is, if a question is asked by another in order to gain leverage I simply employ subliminal tactics to warn. We are living in a society that likes to make escape goats of others which is why being smart demands that people be made to think of the consequences of their actions. A friendly banta can only exist between friends same it is in tender situations.

When it comes to diceminating on issues a banta turns into a ban. Instead of dividing couples or spouses I look for ways to bring them closer simply because I have no personal interests. They say don't kill the messenger they often do that by themselves that's in cases of adults. When it comes to youth it's a caution on what is their business and not.

I am hard on youth with attitudes passed on from others or triggered by insecurity. If people have no manners in discussion then a caution in a friendly way works.

As regards communication styles people have it indicates what effects will result, people who have a strong self of self when they meet lightheaded people tend to quarrel, people that have a light disposition about themselves tend to be deep and serious about themselves but are easy towards others. It's easy to not care about others how about being serious about somebody? I am shy when I like someone I tend not to do well when I am nervous, it's that private equilibrium that I choose not to cross be it with friends or family let alone with the significant other. Guys are generally tense when interacting with girls as they have been forewarned on various violations they could be accused of when girls are devious, honestly when girls aren't able to handle themselves they usually run to daddy and mummy. My dad brought me up to give back in kind rather than run to him for being silly, yes I am hard and gentle to those who are sensitive, insensitivity incenses me.

Lower vs Higher Self - Understanding Your Two-Faced Nature
There are 2 aspects of lower and higher image. How you see yourself and how you act and how you are cultured and how you are perceived and hopefully without bulshit for compliments. There is always some form of influence around everyone. When a person succumbs to to external negative and positive influence what happens is the goals they set turns out either for good or bad both to self and others.

Demands are a form of influence and when people don't stop to think about where the influences are coming from then what happens is they are unable to be responsible for the results of their actions, that they were persuaded to make. If the influence comes "reprocessed" from within there is a likelihood that they will be able to change their actions and control negative attitudes. Higher and lower is conscious and subconscious realisations of self. This is complex for the average person to understand simply because many are managed through fear, few make conscious decisions in silently rejecting those emotions.

I am open yet rational, when I am surrounded by people who are shutdown and emotional I tend to absorb their energies and in form pull out the negatives in me, it becomes emotionally draining when you give your strengths to others while left with their weaknesses. What does it take to be brave in a world of cowards? It is a literal fight on a spiritual plane for ones souls ownership. What amount of courage does it take to strip all the layers that has been woven over centuries in the minds of men to believe beyond the visual plane? To have an imagination yet not to loose ground to sustain sanity.

It's very easy to be careless what does it take to be selfless in the face of life and people who use every means to prove themselves right with total disregard for the human being next to them. When someone is open the emotions that it takes to remain open after all is in its form self violent on the inside. Just imagine what it would feel like when a heart is physically freezing and you are in search for what would sooth the pain, constantly having to regenerate oneself from the experiences In order  to give others a chance and yourself a chance to love again. It is scary for a people who have been violated by systems to open themselves to opportunities.

Low Self Esteem In Women - Why Women Have Lower Self-Esteem Than Men
It is impossible to sustain economic growth on negativity, what it does is it erodes the soil, by soil I mean the hearts of people, the more negativity is fuelled with terror/aggressive based words and emotions into sound the more violent a nation becomes, nether is the absence of energetically charged words going to do any good. What in specific I am referring to are news channels at work that are affecting the minds of men, they come home disillusioned and proceed to also watch that in their bedrooms and that sips through to the family, their attitudes towards their kids change, it's always furled with rejection and discussions are always fuelled with objections rather than a proactive approach to life as well as it affects their sexual drive for intimacy. Now watch that amount of men watching and see the effects it is having on the counts the world has on broken homes and violent youth who in a strangers hand performs better than in their own home.

Health conditions of men is skyrocketing because they are seeking that hard energy drive and tell me later why men wouldn't drop dead with heart attacks and then the youth who can't control their emotions living under or without fathers. The media doesn't realise the consequences of their constant repetitive abuse of minds. Politicians creating wars and then shoving that to channels, sex is considered pg rated yet kids are exposed to seeing bloodshed on tv. Somebody tell me what is wrong, would men prefer to be shown the shame of their acts instead of feeling sexually inadequate due to their lack of will to assert themselves?

Who invented the Kalashnikov? A single, lonely, angry guy, if he had a family would he think of inventing a weapon to murder? Men are proud and in that pride there is violence rather than affection. I hail those who aspire to hold guns yet don't understand the drive behind it. It hurts, iron man is full of micelles only mine heals others and tears me apart, his pain is my pain only he doesn't see.

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