
My big Mouth.

Forest Whitaker Bio | Life and Career | Filmography 
A moment with you - George Michael
Bee Gees - Still Waters Run Deep
Des'ree - Life
Волшебная лампа Аладдина. 
Often times I put myself through tests with finance in order to know how it feels for those who maybe going through financial difficulties by simply spending on things that makes me happy. I am likely to spend more on buying movies and music than clothes or frivolities. I often get the odd amused looks when I buy them at stores and the funny thing is people who spend most of their earnings on substances are more critical of me spending on my habits. It does beg to ask why do we judge others for the habits they have rather than looking at what ourselves. A  quote in the bible says first remove the log of your eye before trying to remove a pin in another eye." I would presume that most people prefer to distract themselves with the issues others have as a method to feel better about themselves than actually sorting their own issues. What is judgement? It comes from the probable realisation that one isn't happy with their state of mind rather than the state of livelihood as there are those who seem to have all yet they feel like nothing is of value or of essence to others.

Why do some people hide who they are? Simply because they have come across situations where something or someone has been taken away from them by prying eyes. At this point in my life I am likely to find myself hiding than showing who I am. Things have never mattered to me beyond its basic or functional use. What is practical to me may not be practical to you, what memories do I attach to things as regards what is important depends on the circumstances, as soon as an event is over I am likely to dispose of it in exchange for another tool or thing if it's possible, that's the essence of saving through recycling.

I am the type of business person that can lend my staff to another firm for a time even if they are competitors In order for them to have a job when in low seasons. Businesses don't make money always, there are seasons and if people are aware of the functions of seasons they are likely to design strategies and tactics to move and shift resources from one department to the other. Same it is when it comes to managing money, I always shift my interests to maximise time and effort. Priorities may not always fit as initially arranged so being flexible with changing times helps transition from one aspect into another.

Jill Scott - Womanifesto
Osunlade feat Divine Essence - My Reflection (Manoo Stella)
Celine Dion - I Remember L.A. 
Celine Dion - There comes a time 
Tina Turner - Golden Eye 
As regards how I treat guests who come to my home I give them their space, I have no attachments to my home except my bedroom, even my kids mind their manners there, when we play we play but for the most part they are free to turn the house upside down, I will also make them clean it up but while they are playing they play to their hearts full.

The kitchen is also a restricted area as that can be dangerous for them, as well as I like full concentration there. As a mum who wishes that her kids be familiar with the business environment I always try to bring them in and my staffs kids also find their full day too. I am not of the conventional type business person and half of my work is directed at mothers and youth so pretending in front of "corporate" clients is out of the window.

Be A Priority, Not An Option
People that don't think of themselves as a priority seldom fight for their rights for consideration in others actions towards them. The essence of being a priority is to agree on exclusivity, it is a conscious decision rather than an automatic thing, weddings is only an announcement but true commitment happens when both are in their private moment. None committal relationships are considered nonexistent only in the eyes of the public, should there be a bond between two people it seldom breaks because both are aware of the vow they made for each other. Promises are actions not words blown in the air for social effect. It's vital for people who are looking for intimacy/companionship to have an agreement and it shouldn't be about others but each other, at least that's how it is for me.

The Player Vs. Mr. Right
Dean Martin - That's Amore 
Julio Iglesias Never Never Never 
That'll Be The Day-The Temptations
Enigma - Turn Around 
Lloyd Cole - Downtown
"The Girl from Ipanema" Astrud Gilberto, João Gilberto and Stan Getz
Taylor Swift: Stay Stay Stay 
Anthony Hamilton - Clearly
Matt Dillon Bio | Life and Career | Filmography 
Arabian Nights (Reprise) - Bruce Adler 
ЛЮБЭ «Ребята с нашего двора» 
Phil Collins - Inside Out
Shaquille O´Neal & Phife Dawg - Where Ya At
The Wedding Planner 
Stevie Wonder - Part Time Lover 
Modern Talking - Brother Louie
Shakira - Whenever, Wherever
Cristian - Azul
Bole Chudiyan - Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham 
The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers 
Aladdin - Jafar Song
Most players are attitude based, mr rights are often those who make choices, who create options for others and make final decisions. People who jerk with others are players, a girl that is evasive is often more attractive to guys, which is why most girls are thought to play hard. The issue with that is just because someone is easy doesn't make it valueless it's just more fun and at some point that needs to be addressed simply because girls who come across as easy don't really want to push the other towards a decision as guys often run when such discussions are made, its widely known as a general rule, whereas mr right can look and sound all serious only to attract and when they get what they want they end up being unhappy.

Right, what's right? Loyalty, dedication all the strong words that guys who aren't able to manage themselves throw around to catch girls who have been brainwashed/traditionalised to think in that direction, there is a difference between sounding right from being right. Disciplined guys are often mr rights and it can be daunting living being ruled. Haba life is hard enough going around earning money and then coming home only to labour, please a home is a resting place not a battle field, guys that can't relax are those who end up loosing their wives. With kids it's a different thing as they need attention for safety and care reasons/needs, with spouse it's play and collaboration, if that's hard for guys then it becomes a drag.

Stand Your Ground, or Get Jerked Around
When someone is honest they don't believe, when you start fooling around then they start asking why the change, that's how you get to know who is who. Some people like to mess around so you jerk them up. Guys that get nasty often end up being tricked by their wives with headaches, constant periods or fights.

Men Who Don't Act Like Men
After not seeing somebody for a long time and there are feelings for the person it's advisable not to rush however knowing the type of person I am, I am likely to devour the person hehe. When people are looking forward to being together after a long time there is a build up of emotions that may not have been expressed and that builds a potential for a rebound, it's advisable to talk the first day than end up exhausting all that potential energy on just sex or it will end up just that, it's happened to me before and it's not a state one wants to find oneself in. There are relationships that are unbelievably great, in this context the personality plays a big role, if the person is gentle then the approach should be as gentle as the person. What's the process; its in warming up, you don't rev the engine after a long period of standing parked in the garage, there is usually so much awkwardness in those moments, sensitive people often know this intuitively. For the but-heads they often misjudge situations and seldom know how to be around personalities due to not being interested in the person in the first place.

Isn't this just a suitable brand to clamp my mouth for an early afternoon brunch @bigmouth sushi restaurant, Sandton Mandela Square.

In a world where a persons identity is compromised over world's norms there is no option but to fight for your rights, my space, my life and how I choose to live a legacy, be it sassy or nasty is all susceptible to time and it's priorities. Those who hate me now will love me or kill me, those who love me now will see what's coming. Leadership what is it? Is it a mediocre life or a global perspective of actions and it's repercussions on self or toward others who seek not ways for growth.

What is Leadership Coaching?
"How Coaching Works"
Can someone manage others when they can't manage their own life?
To own your life is to learn through acting, managing the setbacks of self and in turn being able to support others. If someone doesn't discover who they are at least at the beginning take up a role model regardless of who it maybe. Following others is different from becoming like the other. Should people who lead others project a false image are likely to mislead those who look up to them which is why leaders are asked to have integrity. What is integrity and in what areas is it applied? For the most part my personal life is no ones business and only I choose what and how I reveal it. If I am with the youth who need to be as independent in thought and deed and I am posing a front that is false I will be likely setting them on a path that may or may not hurt them, so why I choose to be upfront and personal about my activities and actions is for that reason, while in the process demanding that they be analytical/critical as I am of them.

On a business level being a leader has a lot of facets should I reveal my trade secrets? Depends on what I think is my intellectual property, the thing is I am unique simply because there is no other like Alsu Eki Odemwingie and the experiences I have gone through and skills developed can't be duplicated even if I have similar traits with others, my decision making depends on a variety of factors such as interests, values. The circumstances I face change from time to time and place to place hence the characteristics of leadership styles will also differ in aspects not entirely. It is impossible to be a one style leader as that depends on the people you meet and tasks at hand.

John Maxwell The 5 Levels of Leadership
Не вешать нос - Гардемарины вперед
Дорога-Гардемарины вперед
Will Smith - Wild Wild West ft. Kool Mo Dee, Dru Hill
Will Smith - Men In Black
P-Square - Danger 
P.Square Ft. 2Face - Possibility 
Will Smith - Switch
Will Smith - Party Starter
Ludacris - Get Back 
Ludacris - How Low
Britney Spears - Sometimes
Britney Spears - From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart
There is a difference between tools and methods, tools are easy to identify its either you buy or you find free available. I consider my brain a tool, I use my senses to lead my executive style. I am an action management person. I am not docile nor static hence I demand same in similarities from others. Now this is where the difference between leaders come in. My personal perception of people within nations in general influences my actions, in specifics I tailor it from person to person. I do not presume people are daft I know that many are ill or uninformed about who I am. I either choose to perpetrate it or I inform them of what actions I will take in relativity, as factors such as what I see or who I see in front of me. If someone has offended me I have a choice to either leave or pursue. My pursuit depends on the actions the other takes towards me or mutual goals. The lovely trick here is that I use my Arsenal daughter, sister, mother experiences that have cultivated my management skills and style. If a guy who stands in front of me behaves like my child I will treat him like a mother, if a person who speaks to me speaks/sees me as a sister I will treat him like a sister/brother, not like he thinks I should be as a sister, if a man speaks like a friend I will be a friend, hmmm maybe with a perk or two, same applies when a man stands before me. So leadership styles depends on my mind frame and the projected actions towards me.

What a grenade of skills, no wonder guys don't know how to catch the mouse, Everybody knows things but few know who they are or how to manage themselves around others.

Never Hold Back Your Feelings
People that havnt healed are likely to hide their feelings through inaction, or in abusive actions, those who tend to project it through words aren't often desirous to establish it through activities which is why it's said talk is cheap, to people like that they usually get a hit in the jaw/senses or they get to loose with what or who they have been with. Now saying something and doing what confirms otherwise sends a message of trust. People should realise that trust hurts when let down and develops when actions are taken, everybody in my view deserves a level of faith ie giving people a chance to prove their desires in action or it just becomes a banta. Some expectations are unfounded and that is what I call instigation, my question is often for what purpose, is it to shut someone down or raise them up to a level that they can be self sufficient and reliable, not just to themselves but to be able to support others as we are a society. If people are raised to be self centred there is a likelihood to take someone for granted, there is a positive way of being self minded ie in the process of minding your own business you are sharing to encourage same in others. We often say trust me but on what basis when it comes to relationships?

In business trust is in action and support activities that establishes continuous management of side effects that happen when all things aren't in place, now it is impossible to be in business and being perfect, it's a continuous enhancement/revamping or tying up loose ends. It's same with relationships; when a girl says this hurts or please don't do that; it's an indication that there is an uncomfortable aspect about what one or the other maybe doing. When someone says don't do that or this to me but the person doesn't listen it indicates that there is no care, if the reply is listen I can't do this for this reason or that reason then usually tensions subside, there are those that live next to people who even if they don't have are capable as their will to search and connect/give is high.

Growing up youth aren't thought to handle themselves simply because they are directed/mismanaged/rule of thought and in the process it has made people oblivious of how their actions affect others ie they are likely to become insensitive to their environment as theirs was violated/manipulated, this causes them to rebel, the issues here are often crude and insensitive characteristics of people that havnt been made to notice that there are human beings around them that are affected by their behavioural patterns, behaviour is not in thought only but in action as well. In cases where people feel hurt they either shutdown or they succumb to a pattern of treatment/life enforced by others.

In cases where I meet youth who go through these circumstances I simply aid them with encouragement even to a point of going the distance by being as them so that they can see that not all adults are like the adults they came across or lived with, same in aiding with craft skills that gives them a basic understanding in the foundations of professions, in my area for the most part it's planning, planing has a variety of attributes which involves what we know as research and analysis, the crucial aspect is image ie style/mode of communication and understanding what effects it produces, here mathematics and language culture apply's itself to form a path.

Being that I was born and lived in a variety of cultures predisposes me to understanding people easily, I am also likely to be misunderstood as most people in business form patterns that are rigid, it may work for them in their environment but should they find themselves outside of their usual mode of operandi they feel isolated and disillusioned both mentally, and in areas find their skills useless because an environment isn't ready or aware of the need or for the lack of met desires, in cases where such emotions are projected I am likely to find alternatives and switch from one plan into another. Being a deliberate kind of person I analyse all possibilities at a given time, place or circumstances and I enjoy the process of beating the odds, where and when possible with what ever tools I can find even if I may have a backup.

Should people understand a simple truth that resources are never always available and by resources I also include skills/undiscovered talents within them they are likely to attribute possibilities as obstacles. This is why I vehemently fight against placing finance into any and every situation. It's very easy to spend but the first thing that should come to mind is to ask oneself, how can I or we do it without expenditures/waste. This is the essence of my drive not the conventional understanding of who is who or what is what. I have met people in the course of my journey through life and business that pull the rug out of you, I see people who's identities have been marred by bullying be it subtly or not and they crack, so what is there to do for a youth to rise above the haters who deliberately kill the spirit within? Go into hide mode don't succumb to others perception on things or people. Violence may be but why violate others or abuse yourself with substances for the lack of control over yourself as an excuse?

Leadership is for the most part about self and when it isn't positive it becomes self violent and towards others. I have learnt to trust others but instead of rubbing them of their dignity I prefer to stay away, should I be pursued I will fight back, it's a simple and complex thing to understand for many and that's for the average thinking lot.

Lack Of Self Control
How To Overcome Shyness - Transform Yourself Into An Extrovert
I doubt that anyone after being with me will ever be shy, there is a difference between being shy or timid. Proactive people can be shy and usually a nudge in the form of taking action as an initiator instead of bullying someone into productivity. Timid people often complain that this isn't what they want or that isn't good enough, so in that process it creates a nag. A nag is created when someone who is capable is subjected due to social norms, in my case I say once, warn twice and then I move, It's that easy, I can love someone from a distance while achieving my goals, if the person becomes needy I simply cut off or deal with them to a pulp that even I have become uncaring about what anyone thinks of my methods. As it's said a stick on fools backs. Someone that is sunny is weathering away day by day why wouldn't you first ask what have I done than scorning. I am an extreme introvert when it comes to managing people, I ask myself first what actions did I take to cause a person to behave the way they do and in the process I try to mend, its the length I go for people who I care for but should they think that my being quiet is because they are doing something right I simply blow the roof. I don't have a temper, I simply scream to defuse/ward away manipulators.

When In business there are also people who are like that and I lead them to teach them a lesson, it's a principle where not more than once I have been taken for granted, I am in dialogue constantly and those who know me in business know that I have no regard for their social status even if making money is at stake. Sorry to say but if a president sits in front of me and makes a mess of my life on social grounds be rest assured the fire will be out. What nonsense, who's life should I preside over? Does any leader in the world allow himself or herself to be jerked around? Should they get away with acts that takes lives of people for granted? That's a tyrant and I become one without any fear.

How To Act Like A Man Around Women
John C. Maxwell - Law of Leadership!
Acting like a boy isn't difficult for me, yeeehaaa swinging opinions isn't a problem for those who are willing to achieve their life's or business goals/objectives.

With guys I am a G same with girls only softer, except I need to demonstrate a point physically, which includes hugs and flirting to lift their tonus/vibes. My partners often hear a full blown whirlwind of affections when I see or feel they are down, its what I call monkeying around, should the guy I date misunderstand that for being not liking them then hey that's where the hell starts. It's fun, guys like it while girls go oh who does she think she is, Haba do that too can't you handle it? I have never projected jealousy when a guy shows curtesy towards a lady outside in fact I will drill a hole in his head if he doesn't. What I think is wrong in relationships with boys is that to be complementary of a woman outside and project neglect on the inside is asking for a breakup, what's the point in pretending only to keep others in illusion while you are in denial. I guess a happy smiling woman is attractive to all and invites poachers but same it is with an unhappy woman she goes away.

A lot of people think that those who are leaders don't have a "love" life well some do and some don't. Life doesn't care what aspirations you have if you are neglectful of the helper or helpers in your life, hence leaders divorce. Should the person next to you compromise your life's calling then you drop them, should there be situations where you are compromised by others through the person you hold dear you simply display warding methods to clear when being unable to function, there are bastards in this world who for the lack of knowing how to beat you at your game are looking for ways to compromise you through those closest to you. I wouldn't doubt and will take note to the probability on why Mandela separated from Winnie. There are weak and strong people due to how parents bring them up and there is no shame in that but if it proves difficult to achieve an aim/dream living next to someone who is being compromised it's best to take that painful pill. I am unable to function with emotional people when in business as clear cut decisions need to be made, in private family or social instances I have no reservation to the methods I use. In business I'd rather work for free than compromise a partners ability to succeed. How I treat my siblings is how I treat my staff, how I am with friends is how I am with partners and I reserve a special place for somebody in my intimate life but I can be as ruthless as any other man should I be provoked. Rules don't apply only to women but men as well, youthful daft steps maybe for a variety of reasons but when I was a child I behaved like one and when an adult I mend my ways.

Moderation Is For Cowards
In environments were there is obvious stagnation to sit an pacify people or a society into growth is to blind them from the realities of life, business or relationships. Just as people take people for granted by oppressing them same happens in business between partners and clients. Some clients are asking for the boot so give them a taste of it.

I had been providing domestic services for mothers who were looking for nannies, first time she complained about the nanny and I replaced her for another, same thing happens again and on the third time I drew all the nannies into a discussion. In the process I found out that her child was so insultive to the ladies that instead of hurting her child they preferred to leave, then I get a call from the lady and she went on a tangent that the persons that I sent to her were useless and etc, in that process I have her the lowdown only to hear from her that why didn't I tell her. This are situations people who work in service areas face when it revolves around the sacred family unit. We have brats in our society that presume because they have what ever it is that people who work for them are nothing and there are instances where staff end up taking things for granted.

In managing people, investigative skills ought to be present and then based on that you make a decision. If I can remove a spouse from the board of directors what do clients or staff think they can get away with? Everyone needs to understand that those who are in business also have lives they are sustaining rather than ripping a company for their whims, how many people read terms and conditions that are endless and drafting those laws can also lead a company to disruption, as paying lawyers to draft and then defend the boundaries of companies against crafty clients can and does lead to bancruptsy. Yes it is crafty to use a companies service and sit to back yourselves with consumer rights acts, same applies to those inlaws who think because a girl married their son that she is subjected to their whims, drop his ass, let them manage him since they brought him up that way.

Attraction, Seeking Approval & Dishonest Friendships
For the most part I don't have friends who seek approval neither do I put them in those situations, my friends and family don't even need to ask for my help I am there whether they like it or not, i am a riot that they know :). It isn't about giving free or being available it's a pleasure, should they misbehave I am just as capable of drilling them for it. The only time I had hurtful persons for friends around me is when in one relationship and in another in the marriage but neither of them were ever friends of mine they were all the friends of the person I dated and who I married. My family and friends are well behaved even if we have our moments of disagreements on issues.

John C Maxwell - The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership 
Linkin Park - Until It Breaks, Recharged 
Shania Twain - I Ain't No Quitter
Slone - Da Real
Cocek - Guy Mendilow Ensemble at Kenyon College
P-Square - Personally
Cliff Richard & The Shadows - Summer Holiday
Kiss-Calling Dr. Love
Someone once said; "you get to know a man by how he plays his game", well, one can either be oblivious by playing a sloppy game or be proactive by swinging with a force that creates recognition for skills developed while walking the fields.

If golfers pay attention too hard on the game they usually hit the ball. What? is it so hard to make decisions? If one is tied up by being surrounded by emotional beings who are for ever procrastinating then that swing will never take place. The crew you gather around and the commentaries that transpires between each other allows an insight to how a person is.

I have played golf and honestly I got a serious hit in the head from a kid who was so excited, boy it hurts. Excitement while being sloppy is dangerous, focused and excited leads to goals. Practising my swing allows me to understand how much strength should be applied to situations, how far or how close do I need to go to achieve in the shortest of time my dreams. Do I really have the time to waste my life on small talk when issues are pressing and taking my breath away! Walk the walk! talk the talk! is the essence of succeeding at acquiring knowledge and then processing it to deliver.

Laws are applicable to circumstances and the only way one learns is through bending them without breaking what's important. Making separations to issues into priorities, now that's a tricky thing when it comes to relationships. Being able to negotiate between strengths for all not favouring anyone but sharing duties according to tasks/goals and in the process helping or supporting those who need or ask for it is irrefutable to a person that has a vision and mission in life, business is just an extension of who a person is.

If people play golf just to relax then it doesn't really matter what kind of banter goes on, people who are determined to play the game well are usually either alone practising or quiet while at the game, even if they are in a group.

In business to deliver to be quiet while in meetings shows lack of participation either by those trying to be clever or intimidated. Now with such people I assign tasks for them to acquire skills so that they can participate while at meetings. For the chatter boxes I outline sales tasks.

What is an effect? That which people haven't heard or seen. Usually an effect creates a shock, isn't it surprising when someone you thought you knew or beloved  turns around not to be who you thought? In relationships that's the shocker. I am shocking Peter by opening up who he never saw only because he never bothered to know. He is shocked that I know him better than even he knew himself, that's the skill of someone who cares, people who don't care are those who never bother to see past what they want, they don't bother to notice the subtle actions that was taken to defuse situations. When someone is blindly walking into someone's life it is important that they keep vigilance of their minds even if their hearts are open.

How To Stop Being Lazy - Solutions For Short-term & Long-term Laziness
The energy level of people is determined through their diet or those around them, for the first time in my life I find myself locked in bed, now I either become depressed or I excersize my brain, I am not a physical sports person especially in a country that had no adequate facilities or programs that lifts up my kind of spirit, shoving someone into the gum doesn't solve the issues of boredom or weight or depression simply because the source of interest varies from person to person, in my case I often fall into a depressive state when surrounded by heavily loaded emotional/needy people. I am more likely to go for walks in the evenings, hate doing that alone and it is also dangerous, I've been there.

Now as regards age that's also a factor and looking for a person to entertain your moods only makes them feel used. My kids excite me even if I get tired, dreaming of them and making them strong keeps me alive, my business and people in it make me want to do more so they are happy, I am always surrounded by people, I am never alone and even if I am I have developed so many memories with them that keeps me busy at writing about them. I interact with people for the joy of replenishing my knowledge of life, sitting and watching tv does not add to my senses ie news channels with negativity, yes those are facts but they are facts created by tyrants for politicians. I'd rather create and develop myself than moan about how life isn't easy. It isn't and I am used to hard, relax? That's for the old people not for those who have a life to live and kids to rear, if I am surrounded by people who have given up I try to lift them up if they don't want to, I simply do what I usually do, run with all the strength that i can summon. I don't care where I live, I will always find an application for myself either by doing the same thing or learning new things.

Judgment - How You Ruin Your Own Happiness
Seal - Don't cry
Rick Astley - Together Forever
London Beat - I've Been Thinking About You
Dr. Alban - Hello Africa
Sting - Fortress Around Your Heart 
CELINE DION: The Magic of Christmas Day 
Terror Squad - Hum Drum
Judgement is applied to things and circumstances not people. What judging does when directed at a person is it distracts from objectivity. Who is slim, who is fat, who has or who doesn't is the way of life of the African society and that speaks of envy not productivity.

When someone apply's themselves to creating things they are usually dealing with hard facts, when it comes to people it's often wrong as only when people talk do you get to see their intentions. To be interested in someone is to ask them about how they feel, to be connected to someone is in intuitively tuned with life and understanding it's principles. Change and transformation that's a reflective way of getting in tune with self. To change things is much easier, to change things apply's to circumstances, you can either get all wrapped up in a situation by creating more issues or you can remove yourself from its influence even if you are still in it. It's what meditation does, in a quote "we are not of this world even if we live in it" should indicate to a person that regardless of what is going on decisions need to be made and waiting for it to pass by or someone solving it for you will not make it go. There are also those who by acting upon situations are able to transform both good and bad interchangeably in a situation. I choose my battles and there are things that I decide to let slip past my mind and I address them later. It is said, "do not leave any stone unturned", this apply's to discovering what is real and what isn't in whats told/directives be it from a person or society at large, I prioritise what's important to others vs what's really important from time to time, from place to place, from person to person, from society to society, me? The concept of me doesn't exist except when addressing issues, the concept of us is relative as until people are willing to collaborate usually one is alone, the concept of we is paramount and not just from a social standpoint but intimacy as well.
in intimacy and even in business competitiveness doesn't exist, support is togetherness; at least to the maximum that somebody can at any given circumstance, be it family or self. Ruin doesn't exist it's a state of mind or emotions that people have no will to manage. Judgement is abstract and susceptible to perception which is a fleeting emotion. I guess this is more of an abstract soliloqui "Hybrid Theory" as my dad often says. :)

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