
The mummy backs off.

Queen Nefertiti - Greatest Mystery of Ancient Egypt 
Kevin Bacon Bio | Life and Career | Filmography | 
U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing 
Faith Hill - Sunshine & Summertime
20 min Mindfulness Meditation Music Relax Mind Body: Buddhist Monk Chanting Mantra
"Like We Never Loved At All" by Faith Hill ft. Tim McGraw
Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone
Андрей Бандера - Исцели меня 
Валерий ОБОДЗИНСКИЙ Веришь - не веришь
Carrie Underwood - Jesus, Take The Wheel
Matty Malneck's Orchestra - Some Like It Hot closing theme
When someone has been through traumatic psychological experiences they often battle with the never ending noise in their minds, what helps is the practise of mind cleansing, it is a difficult process to silencing ones mind from the rubble of this world. In mediation what happens is the reversal of the state of mind inward rather than a projection towards the world. When practised often develops a form of invisible bubble that allows the person to focus on what is important, it's similar to that of speaking in thongs however using words as a method of cleansing only confuses people rather than an actual release. Those who know how to speak in tongs know how well to work on their imaginative side. If only people knew what is seen by a cleansed heart and mind they wouldn't mess with their faith.

When someone lives in a world of pretence what happens is they seldom see what's coming ahead. Nations that have no regard for family and friendship aren't able to recognise when someone serves from being a servant.

The name Nefertiti in tongs means do not play with lives.

Adrien Brody Bio | Life and Career | Filmography | 
Josh Groban - Hymne A L'amour
DMX - We Right Here
IRON MAN 2 - Grand Entrance @Stark Expo 
Jessie J - Price Tag ft. B.o.B
Adele - Rolling in the Deep
Shaggy - Strength Of A Woman
Sean Paul - Temperature 
Missy Elliott - Work It 
Ciara - Like A Boy 
Ne-Yo - Mad
The Red Queen - A Mayan Mystery 

Blood letting is a sign of courage if it's done to oneself and it is cowardly to sacrifice others as a method of control. The problems voodoo nations find today is that fear clogs their ability to reason and creativity. Open-mindedness and openheartedness is a long journey which also involves a certain level of courage given that most people who are open are likely to be attacked. Wisdom isn't in wickedness it is knowledge of an environment and how things work or finding  useful elements in building their livelihood, wicked people are wise but their ways are always shown in the results and words they author. The Mayans were very aware of time because they lived  in a dangerous environment nature wise and violent lives, they may have been great with mathematics as surviving demands developing calculating minds. They were dreamers as well.

Sodom And Gomorrah - The Real Sin City (ANCIENT HISTORY DOCUMENTARY)
I'll Be Glad When You're Dead You Rascal You - Louis Armstrong
Michael Jackson - Who Is It
Marilyn Monroe I'm Through With Love
Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight
Gangs of New York finale - U2 (The hands that built America)
2 unlimited megamix
Sodom isn't about where it's about what or how people treat people, or how leaders treat their people. Gomorrah is about places and that is spread all over the world be it then or in today's times. The farther people go into oppressing the worse the effects of their actions over time and space. Every generation today is suffering the effects of actions taken by their ancestors, either by their inability to prevent/stand up for their rights or for their actions by reacting inadequately towards others who they target.

If having a big d...k was a prerequisite for ability most men will be good at keeping their relationships. Who thought Africans to steal? We all know how to eat by nature.

What are the true and right leadership qualities in people or nations who seek growth? Creativity and communication, in these two main areas lay productivity and trade opportunities. I don't know how people who use violence expect to be given the gifts of creativity or communication let alone in being able to find opportunities that gives good fortune and growth for future generations.

SUS WORKSHOP for Young adults and Adults or startups 
Missy Elliott - She's A B**ch 
Missy Elliot - We Run This 
Top Ten College Basketball Coaches Of All Time
UCLA's John Wooden - College Basketball's Greatest Coach
Stevie Wonder "Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing" 
Elvis Presley-Surrender-
taming of the shrew
The Merchant Of Venice 

Wiz Khalifa - See You Again ft. Charlie Puth 
Digging For The Truth - Cleopatra: The Last Pharaoh 
For easy structuring of a business plan or even a movie use the Maslow hierarchy of needs as a guide. Will draft a sample shortly and show how I use it in planning and developing people within an organisation.

I am taking a sample business idea on Cooking Classes and applying the Maslow guidelines to depict the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats (there will be those to find threats without me even trying) in this business service area.

This business can it be applied to all the levels in the hierarchy? To understand how to
apply/approach it people have to understand the use of the words definitions.

Shelter, what is it? Shelter is applied towards identifying comfort, of what use is it to a person cooking classes? In the African setting it is presumed that every girl knows how to cook, I am hearing guys complain that that isn't the case, I can present this issue from an argumentative point of view as it questions the morality with which guys are approaching this issue. Guys have been made to think that cooking applies to only girls, I would ask a simple question which is complex in its essence. Do guys know what skills develop in the process of learning and becoming good at cooking? For one intuitive resource management techniques develop even in something as simple as dish washing, it teaches people how to ration resources, if it were all about eating and preparing a meal then I can understand where the boredom comes from, but if the process is broken down into stages a lot more can be deduced from it. What stops people from being persuasive on anything is the fact that even mundane chores about the house is taken as a drag because they think it's beneath them. Complex business issues are often solved better by people who enjoy cooking and cleaning. If you look at the function of cooking you will see a lot of activities going on, its a process based activity, cleaning develops maintenance culture.

What is warmth? It's presentation in reverse, a visual design activity, combining colours and shapes to complement a meal trains the senses to accepting even the poorest dish that one can ever find.

The food and drink aspect is about taste, understanding taste allows people who cook the skill in advocacy how? If someone creates a piece would they not know how to defend it? My statements my sound absurd to many but at least I am not confused about what I am doing, those who come closer would see deeper, attitude only messes with those who aren't willing or don't want to or aren't interested.

On the scale of security knowing how to cook sorts out the needs for care on a resource level, imagine a healthy meal in a restaurant costs 300r equivalent to 5000 Naira, I am sure there will be those who will say with that amount they can feed for 1week some even use that amount in a month in Nigeria, I did when I was young and not just for food but an entire month in the year 2000. So distribution of resources also develops a security level within a person in order to survive in a competitive market.

On a social needs level knowing how to cook allows an individual the opportunity to socialise, that's for those who don't have natural skills in reaching out to people, barbecuing, parties are ways for entertaining yourself without needing to spend exuberant amounts that a young person may not have.

This are reasons why going into the business of opening cooking classes is beneficial, I am sure that there will be those who will see weaknesses and threats in this suggestions however my mind does not work like that, I always look for ways to approach any perceived project. As per the financial expenses and projections on this type of business all I can say is everyone has their budget cuts and they suit their desires for growth and expansion based on their will and ability.

In these statements you can find what marketing, advertising, pr and sales tools to use, everyone approaches from their point of view and that in essence makes for a plan. Decision making is a risk but responsibility is in the hands of those who act towards their desires.

Kylie Minogue Bio | Life and Career | Filmography |
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Soundtrack - 02. Hope and Memory
Angels & Demons
Sting - They Dance Alone (Cueca Solo)
John Hagee | The Three Heavens: How Jesus Dealt with Demons Part 2
Westlife - Turn Around
Eve - Thug in the Street ft. The Lox & Drag-on
Polaroid - Eros Ramazzotti
Bruce Springsteen - Better Days
There are spiritual beings that bring either good or bad, it's also a behavioural pattern witch people choose to follow, there is no question that there are people who have extraordinary talents and it's usually cultivated on technical levels and there are those gifted spiritually, identifying anyone as an angel with wings is wrong as we all know how people react to those who have disabilities let alone those who have special abilities, usually people like that hide from public view or they tend to shy away from overexposure.

There is nothing in the bible that shows how people can survive in the midst of treachery. I would honestly like to slap any man that speaks of abortion as a sin yet fails to address the indiscipline of fathers and their ways with their sons. If a girl comes to my home saying she holds a child by my son I will call her in to live with me and care for her until she gives birth, should my son claim that he isn't sure I will slap him for being loose himself simply because there is a principle as a woman and a sister I will not tolerate from even the men in my family, if he doesn't care for the girl he shouldn't paint her as a deceitful person, a girl that knows for whom she has a child will not stay to be cared for till being exposed and there is no excuse as a mother for me to say a girl who has had fun and given fun to my child is unworthy of being treated humainly. If she can't take care of the child I will take the child as mine should it be from my son.

To rape someone is to rip a person apart, to molest someone is to mess with minds, to abuse someone is to deny them simple amenities of life be it physically or mentally. We all think that rape, molestation and abuse is on a physical level alone but those who use psychological attacks on people are but a step away from using physical influence. What is tyranny? Anyone that uses any method in forcing a person to accept a way of life without being there to help through growth is just blabbing his or her mouth off.

To inform people of what is going on is different from being there to make sure they can sustain their equilibrium. To be a guardian is different from being a priest. There are clearly three heavens and it means there are levels of practise in leading people to where they wish to go. Counsellors are priests, people who provide basic information hopefully without flaws, there are coaches who are bystanders on the path with those who seek to reach their destination and there are the consultants who are analysts and projectors on technical grounds.

I would strongly advice anyone who chooses a spiritual path to be mindful of how they convey the messages claiming its from God as it may not simply because religion has been used to manipulate people over the years, to reference to the bible is ok but back it up with facts in personal experiences rather than claiming its as said. Holly book my ass, it's a guide and doesn't often answer the sought questions to an immediate problem, In my understanding God is an active participant through the holly spirit in people's lives not a bystander who looks in helplessness and can't intervene when things are done wrongly "violating another's life" as regards those who consider themselves priests they only bark to bring people to attention on a social level, they seldom have the time to be in someones life day to day, to tend to a flock and leave outside of the flock is only half the duty of a shepherd.

Administration is in distribution of strengths if people don't develop their mental capacity there would be little hope in achieving even the simplest tasks. What is talent? Everyone has an interest level towards something by practising one becomes better, to be an administrator requires patiently being by persons and supporting their activities. I enjoy seeing others succeed, in that I support behind and in that is my happiness as a couch and counsellor and consultant. I am able to switch hats at different moments by giving tips and implementing side by side, it's so boring to be a pen pusher, its wickedness to put people trough tests yet not be in their midst. For all it is I am the one who tests myself and call others to join even if I know I can go it alone, the joy is in the laughter's and memories built while on the journey. My philosophy is to live and have a life regardless of how short lived it may be. It isn't about fame even if that recognition my follow, I enjoy being busy.

My boy is getting better and better every day at his Lego construction, he is my silent bravery. He has
a voice and mind for building just like his mama.

I have never sought to push my kids into areas I think it's profitable I let their talents tell me what and where to prepare to support them when they become of age to move and live their own lives. As a mum I gave birth to have what to look forward to rather than forcing them just as my father did for me and my brother. I honestly feel bad for kids who are forced into areas that isn't their calling, they eventually become poppers and puppets for others. The African kids today aren't able to orientate themselves because the method of direction has been compromised. I am proud not boastful of the men in my family because I have sons be they step kids or students who have come in contact with me. I am hard on parents who play with their children's lives, who breed them to serve others rather than to be of service.

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