

Why don't our African artists create cartoons that are of same as this? i ask why don't we create comics for our kids that show we are strong and smart, rather than emaciated? Our artists either don't know nor care to see that a heart is edified through reading and picturing. We complain that we are underdeveloped and persecuted, yet we do nothing to create the picture and then put in action that image. Spider Stories: An African Animation.
I asked a question the other day why is it difficult for people to answer this 2 questions


Do they believe these are mere fantasies? i initially made a mistake to spell mere as mare. One is being nothing and the others definition is hordes, they say faith without action is dead.

I got an answer by a friend Amy Kelly: It's hard for some people to answer the first question because they do not have the ability to see into the future, maybe they imagine all that could go wrong and instead of thinking up alternate plans they become immobile and doubt that tomorrow could be what they want it to be. The second question... the dream itself, the belief it can be done, a plan to put it in place, following through on the plan, the actual actions.

If all they are doing is stopping at the dream phase then it is just a fantasy. If wishes were horses they will fly. We need some energiser, we do, we do. if thinking about the what could go wrong actually creates the wrong, why not replace it with what can or is it the effort to make it come true that is the problem?

Nemesys Nexus said: Tomorrow can literally BE anything, what is missing from today are things like; a cure for cancer, an end to world hunger, better educational/political systems etc... I believe that all things in existence are the result of someone at some point thinking/dreaming/fantasising about it first and then working at making it a reality. Every advance we have had to have been thought about before it was created and evolved/improved. "If You Can DREAM It, You Can DO It!" Walt Disney once said and he was right, just look at how much WDW and DL have changed over the years due to people's visions of tomorrow. The rise of things like the Civil Rights Movement also hinged on the "Dream" of one Dr Martin Luther King jr. The problem is people have forgotten how to think for themselves, relying more and more on others to do the thinking for them, and it's high time that sheep mentality was put out to pasture.

Why don't we picture ourselves as heroes saving the world? Don't we have talented artists to create images other than promoting the wrong image of what we Africans aren't and show the true picture of our heritage other than history of slavery, gangsterism, name calling of our women as Bitches and men as Dogs so easily adopted by our youth copying our black brothers in America?

Africans don't live on trees, Africans are well travelled, even if we have poverty we haven't lost our sense of self and by far doing a lot better socially or family wise and very mannered, we don't label, nor tag anyone. We still consider our Black Americans as our kids, our doors are not shut down to the world. We are not feeling bad about who we are regardless of what any picture would like to propagate. No man is lost who lives on this planet. Its only a ticket flight away both physically and mentally.

I am a proud and well educated African woman and i ask when will it end this false picture of us? When will we make the world say There they are, rather than point fingers "that is it". Africa and my black brothers we are not stepping up even to make mistakes and build on it.

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