
Wastefully extravagant!

I was Just reading up the story of the prodigal son, the word 'prodigal' means 'wastefully extravagant') according to Webster or wiki. According to my experience I could add!

When a child leaves home, they leave for many reasons; they may not have been loved as they wished or spoilt by frivolous affections or they crave experience to find out the truth. Their crave for Illumination! I am sure there would be loads of parents who would say I love my child but he don't understand or you gave him everything why did he waste it? It is unfortunate today that we are losing our boys to wayward lifestyles (drugs, prostitution, fraud) they are our prodigals because we didn't bring them up well and didn't create the infrastructure to support them and be safe from harm.. But it's all good. Life still has the need for survival of the fittest - faiths test. Amassing how life on its own filters/tests the weak to become strong and the strong are revealed their weaknesses regardless of how much parents think they had given them.

Children are not meant to understand what you are going through or what you want them to believe you are doing for them, you took the cross to have them and your resolve to have them would be tested. Were your actions truly about them? There are too many fake parents sorry to say especially in our society. Many have families just for status, because the world states that a man who hath a family is more trusted because he has something to loose. We all know that isn't true, there are fathers out there who sell their daughters to rich men to wedlock.

Kids come in a box (full of surprises) your job is to unpack-age them. There is a reason a soul is the way it is.

Children leave because they can't understand "why is it that this same person who does this says that"? They learn to lie or trust from us.  We don't tell them our experiences as they were;  we paint a picture that isn't there not because we want to protect them but because we are protecting ourselves; We do not want to loose face that we are not that strong and smart. To keep that self delusion of respect we paint a picture perfect and build imaginary heroes or demons but what happens in return is we do loose their respect when they find out the truth. Can Humans Fly? When one says nothing is impossible it implies; use your head to work things out and use your heart to see things through.

We make them extravagant and we also make them claustrophobic. The father of the prodigal child knew that he was the one who was at fault for the choice his son took! We often spoil our junior kids, the eldest child takes the cross of obedience. How ever it is, it seems that the child that gives us more headache or who makes us miss their presence we are happy to receive. They come back with experience "good or bad it is experience". Unfortunately obedient kids learn nothing and are always fearful, they are unable to preserve because they know no mistake. They become judgemental of others  foresight. To gain knowledge one must loose comfort.

To me another dimension on the prodigal child story is.
Your body could be outside but you left your heart at home. You could be home yet your mind is outside. Stay where you are at any given moment. Don't wonder, do and be.

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