

As a woman i don't feel funny about being told that i am a woman, just as much as a man is being reminded that he is a man! This implies that certain roles were assigned by nature to be, not by man. I know that when i was born, i was born a female and with a character all at once.

My father or men in the family never told me i was less about being me! He thought me how to cook, how to take care of the house and myself. They instructed me when i went out of line and actually never because i was a girl. I truly owe a lot to him, for who i am. I see no reason in hating men, because my dad never made me feel he had no duties himself. He never allowed my mother to wash his undies, he enjoyed to cook and play with his kids. He loved to iron his trousers and present himself the way he wanted to. We are living in a world where when a man is shown to love kids be it his or not, he is already under suspicion. WTF! What do women want? Do they want the kids only and yet complain of absent fathers?

Is the problem actually that character is being assassinated by telling a woman that her place is in the kitchen? Is it that women were never told that they can stand up for themselves? WERE ARE THE AMAZONS? WHERE ARE THE SEXY WOMEN OF THE WORLD, WHO ARE COMFORTABLE BEING WOMEN BECAUSE THEY KNOW WHAT A WOMAN IS. Comfortable with being a woman because she knows her character and finds pleasure in showing her personality by ignoring the shallow minds of "man"?

I realise that some people arnt comfortable being a woman or man, because of their experiences or inability to transform those experiences. I realise people find it hard to project their personalities because they were told all they are about is their sex.

Gender stereotyping is a global problem and rather than solving it rationally, people are getting emotional about it. For me its like climbing up ones own ass without vaseline. The Gay minded don't have this issue. I piss lazy women by being proud of being a woMan and enjoying it. They cant seem to understand that i dont care what anyone thinks about what man wants. I dont sit to defend my sex  but do know that i have a personality that i need to question from time to time because it may make some feel inferior.

TRULLY I LOVE BEING A WOMAN!!! I KNOW WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF! This i believe men find both scary and sexy!

If you are not happy being a woman, being in your own body, touching and gliding that smooth skin nature gave you. The softness, and tenderness of your heart while knowing the strength of it; why assassinate that in other women who do? Arnt you being sexist to your own kind? Trying to assassinate a character because you dont have one yourself? Have you then got a weak personality that feels bad about not being able to project it?

I really am trying to grasp this gender role politics that is going on. Please do help me with comments! Am i wrong for being ok with my sexuality and identity? I have always been a pretty girl, and now a full blown woman, i dont see why i should be uncomfortable with it, because i am surrounded by men and on occasion i have to put them in their place. I have never felt violated by mens advances, i simply show them where they belong based on their manner of approach. I am in charge of how a guest behaves in my house, i have the right to kick anyone out and keep those i like. So what is it, are women being told to be nice for far too long that they have now turned nasty?

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