
My 3 year old!

My 3 year old woke up at 4 this morning. She asked to go to the toilet, for a sip of water and an apple! Then she said "mummy eat it" I wondered if she thought I was thirsty and hungry, while I wanted just to sleep!

:) children pick weird times to show affections! Never the less it is attention! Should one really be demanding when or is it how?

I have noticed that my kids know when mama is down even if she is smiling, they come to put joy in your heart, when you think they do not know!

Aren't we all spiritual beings? We have instincts that lead us to actions the cause of which we do not know! That's what I call bond, that even though you may not see but you can sense some truths, even when not told!

This is how I feel that someone is watching, when you receive gifts from the universe you do not expect! Every experience I appreciate it, it teaches me to see what I did not know! I guess this is how prayers work, its in your heart even if you arnt aware of them. He hears the will of a clean heart!

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