
It is hard to be richeous in a world that condemns itself!

Amazing how wonderful this world of life is, no one can take with them anything. A heavy soul descends, a soul without burden ascends. For the sake of your kids tomorrow cleanse the earth with deeds that assure our species grace and survival.

There is no way one would know the truth without getting your hands dirty! Wash it of and hug no one with the dirt of your bad experience! Everyone has made mistakes, point no finger at them and stop the perpetuators of ignorance!

Do not judge for the same measure will be apportioned to you! He who has been judged condemns himself and others in defence of him/herself. We are living in a world of principles and certain principalities take knowledge from personal events of others further trampling one in dirt.

Digging in their past will make your foot dirty. There is a tendency for those who are hurt by our judgements to sink you in further with them, they have nothing to loose and a lot to gain in making you just as dirty as they are, to give you a taste of what it is to be them.

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