
Muhammad’s example is normative for Muslims!

Muhammad’s example is normative for Muslims, since he is an “excellent example of conduct”
(Qur'an 33:21) – and according to a canonical hadith, Muhammad’s favorite wife, his child bride Aisha, reports that Muhammad struck her. Once he went out at night after he thought she was asleep, and she followed him surreptitiously. Muhammad saw her, and, as Aisha recounts: “He struck me on the chest which caused me pain, and then said: Did you think that Allah and His Apostle would deal unjustly with you?” (Sahih Muslim 2127) Aisha herself said it: “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women.” (Sahih Bukhari 7.72.715)
"Nearly half Saudi women are beaten at home," from Emirates 24/7, February 26 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):  

Nearly half Saudi women are beaten up by their husbands or other family members at home and many of them are hit by sticks and head cover, according to a university study published in local newspapers on Tuesday.

Surprisingly, the study found that the Bedouin men who still dwell the desert in the conservative Gulf Kingdom, are less violent than Saudi men in urban areas.  

The study found that the main reasons for violence against women include poor religious motives, drug addiction and alcoholism, arrogance and a tendency to control, psychological problems, poverty, and unemployment.

I took this part from a discuss i had with a group of friends and thought i should share. I dont speak much about Islam not because i hadn't lived it or know the culture of the people who live within the environment. It upsets me a bit because the forever throwing of daggers between supposed Christians and Muslims is getting to a level of absurd that both are loosing believers. Of course many would say why look at others just stick to your religion and worship in your own inner calling. Well this is exactly why many are leaving the faith, their inner calling is at loggerheads with what some want you to believe because it is convenient. My mother is Muslim and this makes one half of me being able to relate to the religion.

I do not wish to be un-objective about either religions but i think they both suck because of the people in it not because there is anything wrong with the law written within the books. For me any book is a book of code's that need to be decoded and its understandings solemnly depend on the character of the person who is holding the book. I heard a quote "if you want to hide anything from an African man put it in the books". I dont believe it really was said in direction towards the African but more the description fits the IGNORAMUSES.

Being struck in the chest could mean he broke her heart but then given that the mind that seeks excuses would take it as physical abuse is permitted. When women in Islam go through hurt due to death or other sorrows they beat their chest as well.

She was Mohamed's child bride usually a man of age treats her like a child, (talking from experience, that pissed me off greatly, but never the less many women enjoy it and want it, trust me after some time you will get tired of it), no woman is a child after she has had her first child, let alone 2 or 3. there is an awakening that happens instantly from the moment she knows she has taken in, a sense of wisdom kicks in born of natures natural instinct to protect and care.) Being a child bride she was thus a favtoy! If he was a man of example he would have had to have won the hearts of all and that includes women to retain thus power. Beating often could be using unfair verbal reprimand for distrusting him. The arabs have a very spiteful tongue, they can harm you verbally more effectively than what a knife cant do. They have very sweet and tender descriptives, where they describe a woman's beauty like that of a Lilly and they can equally call you names that manure would sound like gold after they have finished with you but again those who want to look for excuses will do so!

On an average most women aren't weak, they can kill you without even you knowing and I know Muslim women aren't different from the Christian women! My mother is Muslim, hell has no fury like hers! She is small but mighty, if a Benin man with all his pride needs to be given a medal. Imagine me 10 times amplified :). Besides if there was a record of physical abuse ask any forensic in moments of rage it is very uncomfortable to hit someone in the chest. It is usually the face with a slap, or hit the legs. No man uses a fist on a woman, check the nature of yourselves as men, a slap is enough to knock a woman down!

I lived and grew up with men and dated men, they calm when they sober and women can drive them mad with just a word :), men are bold to hit a woman only when they under influence "mind manipulation or substance abuse" and a woman only gets pissed at a man when he is under influence. By the way the fact that they can marry more than one wife makes the man less violent and the woman less demanding of his attention. For those African men who go out to their love birds let me burst y'all's bubble here, una wahala too much so we don't mind you going to give it to another :) "my friend here is telling me to shut up because am giving out our girls gist" y'all aren't that great in bed, let another teach you some tricks and maybe he has a little dick?" hehehehhe I am sure for this words that hurt the ego a woman will get a beating even from a Christian man! Some women sure are wicked just as men are violent!

The beduins are not as violent because they know a lot of their survival is due to the women. Men are practical about life, they don't spit in the cup they are going to drink from! Except they are manipulated by people or substance.

Trust me if the Islam women were tired of their situation men will have no choice. Just as circumsition being fought out its because women are protesting against it. The Islamic women have a skill that the Christian woman should look into, the art of negotiations, she can talk jetway out without the man even knowing anything. And the black vail they wear is protection from the harsh sun, a weather that can damage their skin. Black is mystique which draws inquisitiveness from men. So they ain't really suffering. check out the scene from Sex and the City 2. you will know. apart from the fact that the Arabian women are so beautiful that they need to hide themselves from men who are neanderthals (we all have them, and thats got nothing to do with religion).

We find what we seek! And an eye for an eye will make the word go blind and we Christians are also begging for it in search for our relevance and dominion over heavenly realms (the mind of man). There are cowards in the world who use religion as a coverup for their deeds!

Any man be christian or Muslim or Buddhist who lays his hand on any man or woman or child or old is a coward in my dictionary! You may fight, but never slay using religion as an excuse!

I was born and grew up in Uzbekistan in the city of Tashkent surrounded for most of my life by Muslims and the Asian culture and can only say never had I been treated like an unbeliever or extricated or violated. I have never really spoken about Islam on my posts and that's not because I have nothing to say but I guess the time hasn't come until now!

May Allah be with you all my half brothers! Hold on to the best principles of Islam and do not covert their brothers home. as it is apparent many of my Christian brothers are now doing in the bid to have dominion. In the same city of my birth we had the ignorant, illiterates and we called them hyenas, they walked in packs and attacked the lone walkers. Every society has that!

Drugs and alcoholism is sure a huge influenza or to violence against women, this is one of the catalyst to the South African crime rate and abuse of women. If you look at the men in both nations you Will be disgusted to be a woman!

My question is this. Would and can a man abuse a woman who is like MADEA?

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