
A Mothers Scream!

Sometimes when you hear a mother shout at her kid, do not cast blame on her but ask her if she needs help because berating her will make her more angry. A child is young and dosn't know that he is blindly crossing the road. Sometimes the only way to stop disaster, a scream must be heard. A lot of secrets will be revealed in the next hundred years that would bring more enlightenment than grief, and do not shut your eyes Humanity for you to survive.

I sometime ago, 6 months prior questioned a pastor who posted messages "the words of revelation in the coming of the end of the world" he made me angry because i know that when you send out spooki messages without word, you end up scaring the flock that isn't made of understanding. Today i realise why he was doing what he did. He may not have known that he was led by the spirit and he was also wrong in his address to me when i demanded he give me answers to his actions of throwing "words" oblivious of what his actions spoke to me about. Yeah they do train some pastors to be silent in action.

I said to him "what mean your words?" he told me go read your bible and it would tell me that it meant and only for me. I did listen, i saw the script. Maybe what was on his mind was different from what the scripture meant to me. Today i had my own revelation of it, then it was different, tomorrow it will be something else. What the scripture told my spirit then was, our leaders are distant from the earth/people because i saw the truth in many peoples lives today.

I am no pastor, neither am i some one to be worshiped, i may be just a channel, just as the many pilgrims on earth and then a lovely friend came into my life, he sent a whisper: YOU ARE A JEDI FRIEND - he ignited a spark that i thought was dead. I have always been a social child, i love to connect with people, i see myself in everyones eyes. I feel their pain, i share in their joys and then there are times when something speaks to me and i can not stop the words.

Isaiah 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

I think Nostradamus was the same. He may have predicted or calculated the afflictions we had witnessed in the world but then it took some Ideot to try and create a world order. He sought his own acclaim by deceiving others, today his nation is paying the price, and many still hurt.

I wonder who is doing his best in stoping world war 3. Looking at the way we treat the world, i think mother nature is giving us a warning that we have raped the earth enough for her to turn around and give us a hiding of the century. When will we stop? Its time to think.

I am about to watch the "Slum Dog Millionaire" - a low budget film that shows how a boy survived the streets in pursuit of his child hood love and sought for her regardless of his trials. Will we pursue the world with same destiny of love?

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