
My body is nothing if i left no name!

Lands are not inherited by the dead, but should you live a life of care for your family, no one will treat you like garbage!

Someone said: Do we wonder why they always come back to penury after selling off their parents final resting place? A child that waits to sell off his parents property in other to flesh up is nothing but a huge disgrace.

I am yet to see any family whose parents treated their kids like commodity to give back not with same penny! I have no qualms with people choosing where they want to be buried or how but there is this simple truth "When fathers are Fathers, son will be Sons! Do the sons bear the sins of the fathers or not? Yes if they dont depart from it! Change must and should be, however lack of creativity and transformational views or grounds prevent change, they will hold the grounds that supports him or her. They say in every war someone has a hand in it. One has to be smart in navigating a field to achieve results without destroying the old architecture! 

They say do not throw away the baby with the basket! True, but if the baby wishes not to live the nest, nature has built it such that the parent must make their child fly. We often don't watch mother nature, we don't study her. There are certain traditions that must be removed from our culture that has lead to our doom.

How we treat the Living and the dead and how the process is managed.
How we treat kids and how respect is defined towards the elders.

It is a sin "danger" not to pass on knowledge that would allow your kids to grow, thats what true inheritance is. If i should say, i have seen many African parents hide their knowledge from their kids just so they dont become better than them would be an understatement. Yes it is hard to comprehend that a parent wouldn't want the success of their child but looking at the state of Africa one can't say our ancestors did want progress. If you look around you will see clear evidence of it. Our lands are grave yards. Yes let the kids show the anger by selling the lands they buried their parents in. Can you imagine living next to a grave? Waking up every mooring and sleeping off on it? That is what i call witch craft on behalf of ancestors. Our ancestors have cursed their own land and kids.

My body shall never touch the ground, i belong to the wind. I have left a will that my kids burn my body and spread it to the wind. Should anyone question my will and persecute my kids for my choice, will inherit my pain. I will not bound my kids to a property, it means nothing if i will rot in the soil anyway. We all understand spirituality and we should respect the will of every parent, and parents should respect their kids in return by not hanging them with the umbilical cord before they even started to breath.
The practical reason for burying our elders in their own compound is because they dont want to be abandoned and forgotten, probably very aware that they sowed the seed. What if your parent did nothing to put you on your feet? What have parents left their kids to do?

My father who is a Benin man never brought me up to look at what he has, he gave me wings and thought me how to fly from the nest. Today he is a man who lives in peace and his kids prosper. May God bless him to live a hundred years. I actually dont know what i would do if he passes away. I would love to keep him near me, so i could talk to him like i did when he was alive. Good traditions come from values that build you strong but what is there to do for those who never looked after their kids? I say burn it to hell, if while the parents were alive they didnt take care of you and this is what happens to those houses where you see siblings squabbling for property of their parents, just to sell it off.

If i have no respect for a person i wouldnt even say hello, thats me, who doesnt treat me well, i will not harm, but i wouldnt remember them, regardless of if you are an ancestor or not. Yes this is why kids abandon the memory of their ancestors. It has been recorded in the bible. Matthew 12:47 - Who is my brethren?

I have been a witness to a family where they made their first born serve all and none of the members of the family or siblings grew to be anything. My dad always said "a family that thinks of only what to put in their mouth never leave the dining table." Breading lazy bums, who in return turn to vultures hovering your yet to be cold body. How is it that Africa isnt seeing what it has done to itself? MY BODY IS NOTHING IF I LEFT NO NAME!!!

For me, no child should wait for inheritance, if you find a young man or woman do so they should be shamed. What if we had such disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes would anyone have any hope to inherit? We africans have been blessed to live on a continent that has no disasters. BUT WE HAVE BECOME OUR OWN DISASTER!!!

One should be ashamed of even talking about inheritance they didn't earn, let it go to the wind. What a shame to see how brothers and sisters trample your name because they want a share of what they never worked for. A set of values should be established and it goes with this tune "if your father and you never built a name together you are lost to the land" boys will be fighting their fathers and fathers their boys and hope to grow? Never.

We have another culture in Africa where the young are kept to silence, not because they dont know but because they see what the elders try to hide. We have eroded our own land, yet we blame the white man. They hold their kids strong because they know that they are their future, at least a majority of them, which is why they are fighting for every liberty possible. BUT liberties have boundaries, same YES today becomes a down fall for tomorrow, one should be wise about what and when. If the youth today are not held up, your old age will be hell. I invest in my future "Kids and society" and my today "Myself and Society" are my reason to succeed but not sit and be a vulture on young heads.

Parenting skills are gone, i wonder, did we even have it?
We say the oldest child is the head, yet we dont build him up, we just give them the title. Has her Royal Majesty given the throne to her son? If he doesn't care about his ways he wouldnt get it, his child will get it. Not all kids inherit the blessings or the sins of their ancestors. What protects them are principles of sustenance.  Don't Judge a book by its cover. The son is not the father, not all apples fall from the tree. My kids may or would not have my strength because they are not me even if they grew up under me, every Prince must earn his right to leadership. story of (Pharaoh and Moses)

Yes the oldest child is all that, and must inherit the throne, but only when he is brought up to be responsible for his actions and manage the affairs of the young. The youngest are usually cheeky and get cheekier the younger they are, it is normal and may be. The oldest child is brought up to represent the family but seldom does he possess the skills of implementation because he was brought up to present face "BE NICE" while the youngest is told "BE KIND" instead of in reverse order except he cuts off the umbilical cord by instinct telling him he isnt strong enough to take leadership. For a child to achieve esteem isn't hard because his ego is often massaged, should he employ himself to achieve self actualisation then he would have greater strength.

The oldest is often berated in the process of upbringing, parenting skills suck. We make all mistakes on our first child and often easy on the second. The second child is smarter but only because he had learnt on where the oldest made mistakes and knows that he will get away with a slap on the wrist, what happens is the second now grows arrogant. The third child is always the perfect one because he is given the care, time, space and also learnt on his 2 brothers mistakes. I wonder if there was a sibling between Moses and Pharaoh? With what i think, if one is to lead, the young child may not be all that brave, hence the position is always given to the first because he shows that facade of bravery and his heart has been hardened by the poor rearing. We undermine the wisdom of nature and hence we do not see where our mistakes were made. The ancestors never passed on knowledge. All kids should be brought up as equals, and this is established when the parents don't see themselves as gods.

Look at the story of Joseph, he was envied by his brothers and sold just so that they dont feel inadequate. Our elders shut down the young because they get embarrassed. The meek inherit the earth; a great leader dosnt surround himself with people who are not smarter than him. A leader knows he is just as strong as the weakest link. I am the eldest in my family, i listen to my younger one’s; gathering their critique and forming a plan because they know better where the shoe hurts them. I was placed by birth to look after  them. We shouldn't be quick to rule out the older one, but as the young, understand where their weak points are, support to build, you can decide after where you want to take over, because you cant do it all alone. The pyramids are still standing where the towers fell. A general that announces war before he attacks gets shot, before he even gets to battle. The eldest may be abiding time to teach the brat a lesson. There are certain things you cant rush. Attitude blinds people, and ruins great plans.

Traditions favoured the times and are still favouring some. I know i wouldnt burry my father the way the benin people would to the literal or lateral context. In short do you think with my hot head they will get what they want? Just as the west is now fighting the strong hold of religion so would be with our traditions but we should be wise about which to and which not to. If i should exaggerate 99.9 percent of our populace is illiterate, uneducated about having principles and development process. A system has been put in place but it is only a ticking bomb, i am confident that it would change because sincerely when i was 22 and thinking just as i am now, everyone laughed at me. Now there is a new generation that is more exposed and change will happen if like minds rub and not arrogant. My dad will still burry his mum in her Husbands house, i wouldn't fight it for the sake of the generation of my grand mother, if there is a proposed plan of communication with time we will transform beliefs. In my dads case i know i will have to talk to him because i know he also has mentally dragged friends idiosyncrasies and trust me i let them know thats how i think of them. There are so many strings attached that certain things cant just up and go but should one hit the right spot, the ripple effects will manage all.

Have you ever played peables on water "Joseph"? Thats how i think CHANGE should be dealt with, watch the impact, create the ripple effect and you will find the transitions.


Good vs Evil!

Just like your eyes can't see in the dark! Neither can your eyes carry the light for too long! Have you ever tried to see? Every thing has its benefits, we are here to find the balance between both worlds! If you shy away from both, you will get no answers to this world!

I see no wrong in knowing who is who and follow the truth that I have found! Everyone has his own path! All knowledge leads to the gates of paradise. Just as much as you may be the victim of your own choice at some point you are also a victor because you have found! When you restrict yourself or give no care, you find yourself knowing nothing of what the world is all about!

To survive in this world you must find the middle ground! Man lives in fear of both the light and the dark. What is the dark if you carry a torch light? Nothing ever remains a mystery but should you fear to use all the sensors nature gave you, you may be vulnerable to history!

A Mothers Scream!

Sometimes when you hear a mother shout at her kid, do not cast blame on her but ask her if she needs help because berating her will make her more angry. A child is young and dosn't know that he is blindly crossing the road. Sometimes the only way to stop disaster, a scream must be heard. A lot of secrets will be revealed in the next hundred years that would bring more enlightenment than grief, and do not shut your eyes Humanity for you to survive.

I sometime ago, 6 months prior questioned a pastor who posted messages "the words of revelation in the coming of the end of the world" he made me angry because i know that when you send out spooki messages without word, you end up scaring the flock that isn't made of understanding. Today i realise why he was doing what he did. He may not have known that he was led by the spirit and he was also wrong in his address to me when i demanded he give me answers to his actions of throwing "words" oblivious of what his actions spoke to me about. Yeah they do train some pastors to be silent in action.

I said to him "what mean your words?" he told me go read your bible and it would tell me that it meant and only for me. I did listen, i saw the script. Maybe what was on his mind was different from what the scripture meant to me. Today i had my own revelation of it, then it was different, tomorrow it will be something else. What the scripture told my spirit then was, our leaders are distant from the earth/people because i saw the truth in many peoples lives today.

I am no pastor, neither am i some one to be worshiped, i may be just a channel, just as the many pilgrims on earth and then a lovely friend came into my life, he sent a whisper: YOU ARE A JEDI FRIEND - he ignited a spark that i thought was dead. I have always been a social child, i love to connect with people, i see myself in everyones eyes. I feel their pain, i share in their joys and then there are times when something speaks to me and i can not stop the words.

Isaiah 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

I think Nostradamus was the same. He may have predicted or calculated the afflictions we had witnessed in the world but then it took some Ideot to try and create a world order. He sought his own acclaim by deceiving others, today his nation is paying the price, and many still hurt.

I wonder who is doing his best in stoping world war 3. Looking at the way we treat the world, i think mother nature is giving us a warning that we have raped the earth enough for her to turn around and give us a hiding of the century. When will we stop? Its time to think.

I am about to watch the "Slum Dog Millionaire" - a low budget film that shows how a boy survived the streets in pursuit of his child hood love and sought for her regardless of his trials. Will we pursue the world with same destiny of love?

My 3 year old!

My 3 year old woke up at 4 this morning. She asked to go to the toilet, for a sip of water and an apple! Then she said "mummy eat it" I wondered if she thought I was thirsty and hungry, while I wanted just to sleep!

:) children pick weird times to show affections! Never the less it is attention! Should one really be demanding when or is it how?

I have noticed that my kids know when mama is down even if she is smiling, they come to put joy in your heart, when you think they do not know!

Aren't we all spiritual beings? We have instincts that lead us to actions the cause of which we do not know! That's what I call bond, that even though you may not see but you can sense some truths, even when not told!

This is how I feel that someone is watching, when you receive gifts from the universe you do not expect! Every experience I appreciate it, it teaches me to see what I did not know! I guess this is how prayers work, its in your heart even if you arnt aware of them. He hears the will of a clean heart!

My Worlds order!

I think it's time I create my Worlds order! If there is something good I learnt in Africa vs from the rest of the world, it is tolerance and patience! I have been labeled with disorders!

Randomness disorder - I have been called mad for being not random enough for someone to shoot darts at me!

Civil disorder- I have been told that I disturb the ignorance of others.

I have been told, I have a fat decease called obis, yet they produce processed food to fuel my dis-ease! While my lover loves my curves with ease!

Anxiety disorder- I don't respond to noise, I shut down from negativity and pressure. I don't respond to others bullshit very well, yet I am Autistic!

Conversion disorder - They give me vaccines that don't suit my genes and then say it is my sins!

Mental disorder, - I don't see the world the way it sees itself, when its down, i raise it up and yet I am dyslexic. Someone who invented his own language, yet dosnt speak my tong corrects me rather than understand me!

Obsessive– they pollute my food with toxins, then tell me I am dirty because I want to stay clean!

I thought uniqueness was my call, now i am told i have a Personality disorder, an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the culture of the other, who has dictated it without knocking on my door.

Order and disorder (physics).
Lawlessness, a lack of laws or law enforcement. They violate my mind and space yet call me a murder of faith.

I read upside down, i am a maverick of talents, simple physics of my mind, what no one has tried to see if they can do, yet calls me I am hyperplexic!

I am bored with what they say or do, yet I am ADHD. Why don't you entertain me, to focus on what you do or you?

Some one who comes to me with Judge Wiki he didn't experience himself, to tell me he or she knows me and what my problems are. I treat the world with kindness and understanding, yet I am boxed because I ain't of this world of madness!

When the perfect have made everyone not perfect, then what is left for those with real disability to do? Who is to tell who, who is mad and broken the worlds order?

Be careful except you can manage your own disorder there is no way to put the world to order! Who told us to do this to each other? I wonder why am I in this world and then a kid holds his own gun to let loose on this world!

Peace is sanity, do not be a hypochondriac, this is really a dis order! Do not accept what the world shoves at you!

:) When I am pissed, I am mean! Sodom and Gomorrah!


Why don't our African artists create cartoons that are of same as this? i ask why don't we create comics for our kids that show we are strong and smart, rather than emaciated? Our artists either don't know nor care to see that a heart is edified through reading and picturing. We complain that we are underdeveloped and persecuted, yet we do nothing to create the picture and then put in action that image. Spider Stories: An African Animation.
I asked a question the other day why is it difficult for people to answer this 2 questions


Do they believe these are mere fantasies? i initially made a mistake to spell mere as mare. One is being nothing and the others definition is hordes, they say faith without action is dead.

I got an answer by a friend Amy Kelly: It's hard for some people to answer the first question because they do not have the ability to see into the future, maybe they imagine all that could go wrong and instead of thinking up alternate plans they become immobile and doubt that tomorrow could be what they want it to be. The second question... the dream itself, the belief it can be done, a plan to put it in place, following through on the plan, the actual actions.

If all they are doing is stopping at the dream phase then it is just a fantasy. If wishes were horses they will fly. We need some energiser, we do, we do. if thinking about the what could go wrong actually creates the wrong, why not replace it with what can or is it the effort to make it come true that is the problem?

Nemesys Nexus said: Tomorrow can literally BE anything, what is missing from today are things like; a cure for cancer, an end to world hunger, better educational/political systems etc... I believe that all things in existence are the result of someone at some point thinking/dreaming/fantasising about it first and then working at making it a reality. Every advance we have had to have been thought about before it was created and evolved/improved. "If You Can DREAM It, You Can DO It!" Walt Disney once said and he was right, just look at how much WDW and DL have changed over the years due to people's visions of tomorrow. The rise of things like the Civil Rights Movement also hinged on the "Dream" of one Dr Martin Luther King jr. The problem is people have forgotten how to think for themselves, relying more and more on others to do the thinking for them, and it's high time that sheep mentality was put out to pasture.

Why don't we picture ourselves as heroes saving the world? Don't we have talented artists to create images other than promoting the wrong image of what we Africans aren't and show the true picture of our heritage other than history of slavery, gangsterism, name calling of our women as Bitches and men as Dogs so easily adopted by our youth copying our black brothers in America?

Africans don't live on trees, Africans are well travelled, even if we have poverty we haven't lost our sense of self and by far doing a lot better socially or family wise and very mannered, we don't label, nor tag anyone. We still consider our Black Americans as our kids, our doors are not shut down to the world. We are not feeling bad about who we are regardless of what any picture would like to propagate. No man is lost who lives on this planet. Its only a ticket flight away both physically and mentally.

I am a proud and well educated African woman and i ask when will it end this false picture of us? When will we make the world say There they are, rather than point fingers "that is it". Africa and my black brothers we are not stepping up even to make mistakes and build on it.

Scarlet- the Southern Bell!

Sometimes I ask myself a question, why did I bring kids to a world where people show so much hate, where governments barge into lives of people with no regard to their culture or memories!?

During wars or famine what makes women and kids and the old vulnerable is the fact that they are the one's who become the victims of systems, while the world of selfish men have full bellies! And this ties in the rulers of their nation!

I ask myself should war break out now how shall I save my child? Made to watch, be slaughtered or gassed before my eyes and they leave me alive?

My world changed when I saw my boy in the incubator and for 2 weeks was told he may not live! My dreams crashed, the world meant nothing to me! The pain was unbearable, i still look at him at nights to see if he is breathing, the reflex of fear hasnt gone, he lived but I was never the same again! I see life beyond today! I fight so hard to bring consciousness to who ever I touch so no one experiences that pain, that disappear; the doctors saved me no nerves. Even if it has its benefits, my passion that you see is fuelled by the pain and to protect you from causing pain. Not everyone comes out with the right mindset!

No soldier coming back from war can ever be the same! Young men drafted without the knowledge of what they would see or made to do! If they did they will never have gone! A bullet just like the greed and ignorance of selfish men is covered in blood and pain! The oppressors and the victims now loath themselves!

I look at what apartheid has done, majority are self loathing both the rullers nation and its oppressed! drugs, crime violence is an indicator of how many weren't able to overcome! And then you heal through the talents, who had transformed their pain to joy!

Nigeria's current and history of violence, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Serbia, the Jews and other aflicted nations are still going to rise and loath themselves at the same time through their pain, included are those who did inflict pain are in sorrow!

They say violence begets violence! And diamonds form under pressure!
Seven years of famine and seven years of feast! Man survives by killing his own! Sad animals don't do it! It's good if victims cry out, so the ignorant can feel at least even if they wouldn't experience it!

I tell you all always don't shut anyone down share your experiences it will save a life if not more! We have those siting at the governments who are oblivious of what they do seeking management through wars!

I still wouldn't believe that stalin didn't have a hunch on what hitler was doing, I still wouldn't believe that they couldn't foretell from the history of napoleons wars that someone wouldn't try their luck again! i write their names in small letter because they are small to me.

There is no way to stop war by arming your borders! It can only be stopped if "man" has peace and knowledge in their hearts! The source of my talent is pain, but I am happy the cause it serves! I gave myself the vow of Scarlet: I will not be gone with the wind.......Her vow after her whole world was destroyed...Tara, her family, everything lost except her courage and resolve to move on....

"...As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to lock me.
I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again.
No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again..." -Scarlett O'Hara

I don't have to steal, but ruthless to ignorance of man I shall. We never know how strong our hearts are until we overcome our sorrows that can heal the world in return!

What is liberty to you?

It really dosnt matter where you are from, no matter how much you may hate some decisions the current or past governments have taken, outside or within, in their words you will find what every man dreams and demands.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. "

How do you relate and see life?
What is liberty to you and in relation to others?
How do you pursue your happiness?

Philosophy and principles the foundation of success, the rest means nothing without them.


As a woman i don't feel funny about being told that i am a woman, just as much as a man is being reminded that he is a man! This implies that certain roles were assigned by nature to be, not by man. I know that when i was born, i was born a female and with a character all at once.

My father or men in the family never told me i was less about being me! He thought me how to cook, how to take care of the house and myself. They instructed me when i went out of line and actually never because i was a girl. I truly owe a lot to him, for who i am. I see no reason in hating men, because my dad never made me feel he had no duties himself. He never allowed my mother to wash his undies, he enjoyed to cook and play with his kids. He loved to iron his trousers and present himself the way he wanted to. We are living in a world where when a man is shown to love kids be it his or not, he is already under suspicion. WTF! What do women want? Do they want the kids only and yet complain of absent fathers?

Is the problem actually that character is being assassinated by telling a woman that her place is in the kitchen? Is it that women were never told that they can stand up for themselves? WERE ARE THE AMAZONS? WHERE ARE THE SEXY WOMEN OF THE WORLD, WHO ARE COMFORTABLE BEING WOMEN BECAUSE THEY KNOW WHAT A WOMAN IS. Comfortable with being a woman because she knows her character and finds pleasure in showing her personality by ignoring the shallow minds of "man"?

I realise that some people arnt comfortable being a woman or man, because of their experiences or inability to transform those experiences. I realise people find it hard to project their personalities because they were told all they are about is their sex.

Gender stereotyping is a global problem and rather than solving it rationally, people are getting emotional about it. For me its like climbing up ones own ass without vaseline. The Gay minded don't have this issue. I piss lazy women by being proud of being a woMan and enjoying it. They cant seem to understand that i dont care what anyone thinks about what man wants. I dont sit to defend my sex  but do know that i have a personality that i need to question from time to time because it may make some feel inferior.

TRULLY I LOVE BEING A WOMAN!!! I KNOW WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF! This i believe men find both scary and sexy!

If you are not happy being a woman, being in your own body, touching and gliding that smooth skin nature gave you. The softness, and tenderness of your heart while knowing the strength of it; why assassinate that in other women who do? Arnt you being sexist to your own kind? Trying to assassinate a character because you dont have one yourself? Have you then got a weak personality that feels bad about not being able to project it?

I really am trying to grasp this gender role politics that is going on. Please do help me with comments! Am i wrong for being ok with my sexuality and identity? I have always been a pretty girl, and now a full blown woman, i dont see why i should be uncomfortable with it, because i am surrounded by men and on occasion i have to put them in their place. I have never felt violated by mens advances, i simply show them where they belong based on their manner of approach. I am in charge of how a guest behaves in my house, i have the right to kick anyone out and keep those i like. So what is it, are women being told to be nice for far too long that they have now turned nasty?



To find owned Identity,
He images himself on the other,
He takes apart unable to find self in the other!
His search results to the dismembered other,

When found, he lacks the pleasure for his own,
Remembering the other rubbed of by its own,
He seeks to heal the long times gone,
Too late another Generation gone.
The world does not belong to one ethnicity,
You rob another, You loose out on your own.

I really want to understand this "Forgive and Forget" concept preached by Christians and i understand the reason why sometimes i believe that Islam is right to state an "eye for an eye" which to me means "prevention is better than cure or you get what you sow"

When they say that the Muslims are an aggressive lot, which i strongly disagree with but why doesn't one ask why? You cant be in that religion and not be meek, 7 if not ten times a day you are reminded that Allah is more important, while the christian is only on Sabbath "Sunday" day. It seems that christians forget easily except on sundays that HE exists and after on a Monday continue their crusade on hurting lives with their judgemental attitudes, no wonder they are considered hypocrites. Why dont one ask why? Why does it look like the christian althoe preaches forgiveness have hurt more the world with a smile than it wants to believe or admit?

It seems to me that HUMANS NATURALLY DONT KNOW OR RESPECT THE CONCEPT OF WHAT SPACE IS. If i tell someone that should they come to my territory and take it for granted; violating me i.e my beliefs and my built world which enables me to survive, why shouldn't i have the right to protect it from the ignorant that i have same rights to life and the world? If i allow you into my hall, why go into my bedroom? Don't i have a right to privacy? If i open up to you and you take me for a ride, dont i have the right to push you away? Can the law truly help me bring back my child who had been murdered? What therapy can erase my pain?

People seem not to have any form of respect to privacy, bullying me to accept their beliefs. I am bullied for setting boundaries to stop the bullies. If you set up boundaries they tell you you are bias or mean, deep down knowing that you are instinctively aware of advantage takers. They, the same lot who when you open up they crucify you for trusting.

Is the Christian world saying that everyone who comes into your life comes with good intentions, yet we witness how someone rips the life and lively hood out of you because to him or them you are just a piece of a puzzle to their survival? This is how men approach women, he needs her but in the kitchen and the bedroom, she dont have the right to sit in the parlour because she is a woman. HMMMMM INNATELY SELFISH and then you wonder why she went after your wallet?

In South Africa a lot of people are hurting because of Apartheid and no one was there to prevent it. Hurting by self inflicting pain on themselves because they were told to forgive yet proper measures to heal them wasnt given. Its going to take time but the young generation is carrying the pain of their fathers and this will continue for 50years if they dont take drastic measures to stitch up the wounds. Yes blood for blood would not justify anything, thats the logic of asking someone to forgive another. Both are hurting, one hopefully for hurting the other and the other for allowing the opportunity to be hurt. How does one heal?

One thing i know for sure is that i can handle the idea of why i shouldn't retaliate but the memories always keep coming back. Most behave in the same pattern that reminds you of why you got hurt, as well as we know that we hurt our selves for trusting. We have people who are shaming you for having to have been hurt, they don't let you speak because it horrifies them, they want to remain in self denial and keep you in self denial as to have hope for themselves towards life, yet they keep you in hurt, they don't know how to heal you. I can handle forgive, i can handle don't retaliate but i cant handle the idea of forgetting, there are just some pains you cant erase because one needs to erase ones memory, HOW CAN YOU ERASE MEMORY? Is there a medical way to do it? Some have resulted into drugs, prostitution, alcohol. Self ABUSE we all think it relates only to physical substance. How about the fact that it reveals that your inner substance has been violated. The least thing you should do is rip your self in addition to what the world has done to you. Don't retaliate because that would make you just like them. Piss them off by being stronger but don't deny yourself of acknowledging your pain.

Why do we let things happen and then are busy asking for a pardon and from the people who have been violated? Why shouldn't the Jews lash out back at the world for allowing the genoside? I think they will be fully justified according to the law of Islam. Are the palestinians happy now? Isn't it in the same bible written you shall fall by the same weapon you use? An eye for an eye after all isnt worth it because it suits the occasion for some to show you you were not better than them and they continue doing what they aim for. In event no one has learnt. Lost souls is lost heritage.

Why are there people who are never involved in a situation that hurt someone, yet are first to ask the hurting party to forgive? Why when the person speaks out we shame them? Are we showing guilt by shutting someone down and then they pull the trigger on the society? Where do you think prostitutes.  gangsters and drug addicts come from? When a woman cries she dosnt want to hurt the man that took advantage, some men dont realise the grace it takes to cry instead of paying back, kind for kind.

Are we afraid to face the fact that half the time we dont go after the perpetrators because we are afraid and that the perpetrators are not to be found because we are/were lazy and we believe some innocent and ignorant heads should fly to teach everyone a lesson? In the bible it was recorded the Massacre of the Innocents should the world not do everything for it to be prevented? Why ask for forgiveness after you didnt take measures to prevent the event?

I believe making an advice to forget and forgive on a particular matter turns out wrong because what the hurting party may be saying is; why is/was there no one to prevent someone from hurting another, yet there are a lot to plead healing? Isn't prevention better than cure?

I dont like extremists they have turned religion into a farce, blaming everything on religion rather than ignorance and the greedy women who are a problem to it too; you like diamonds but you dont want to know where and how it is gotten. Some Women blame men for killing and hurting yet you want to stay blameless? All have been pond and all have been punished. A plague on both your religeous houses.

I realised life is about hurting and recovering thats how we learn about who we are and to God we hope he is there to have his revenge.


Where there is no vision, the people perish!

Just read on a friends picture profile; "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Proverb 29:18

I would rephrase it as "where there is no knowledge people cant develop vision" but he who respects his trade/talent wealthy is he" Everyone wants to know how the other makes his wealth, refusing to see that he studied his craft and acquired knowledge that gave him vision to create his destiny.

I believe the Jews were envied by the gentiles because they sacrificed a lot to their trade. How many people give their lives to a cause? How many care about their legacy?

It is not fair to hate someone for being good at what they do. A craft "profession" is law, it demands obedience for it to be loyal to you, regardless of how much sweat or blood you have to pay for it.

Wastefully extravagant!

I was Just reading up the story of the prodigal son, the word 'prodigal' means 'wastefully extravagant') according to Webster or wiki. According to my experience I could add!

When a child leaves home, they leave for many reasons; they may not have been loved as they wished or spoilt by frivolous affections or they crave experience to find out the truth. Their crave for Illumination! I am sure there would be loads of parents who would say I love my child but he don't understand or you gave him everything why did he waste it? It is unfortunate today that we are losing our boys to wayward lifestyles (drugs, prostitution, fraud) they are our prodigals because we didn't bring them up well and didn't create the infrastructure to support them and be safe from harm.. But it's all good. Life still has the need for survival of the fittest - faiths test. Amassing how life on its own filters/tests the weak to become strong and the strong are revealed their weaknesses regardless of how much parents think they had given them.

Children are not meant to understand what you are going through or what you want them to believe you are doing for them, you took the cross to have them and your resolve to have them would be tested. Were your actions truly about them? There are too many fake parents sorry to say especially in our society. Many have families just for status, because the world states that a man who hath a family is more trusted because he has something to loose. We all know that isn't true, there are fathers out there who sell their daughters to rich men to wedlock.

Kids come in a box (full of surprises) your job is to unpack-age them. There is a reason a soul is the way it is.

Children leave because they can't understand "why is it that this same person who does this says that"? They learn to lie or trust from us.  We don't tell them our experiences as they were;  we paint a picture that isn't there not because we want to protect them but because we are protecting ourselves; We do not want to loose face that we are not that strong and smart. To keep that self delusion of respect we paint a picture perfect and build imaginary heroes or demons but what happens in return is we do loose their respect when they find out the truth. Can Humans Fly? When one says nothing is impossible it implies; use your head to work things out and use your heart to see things through.

We make them extravagant and we also make them claustrophobic. The father of the prodigal child knew that he was the one who was at fault for the choice his son took! We often spoil our junior kids, the eldest child takes the cross of obedience. How ever it is, it seems that the child that gives us more headache or who makes us miss their presence we are happy to receive. They come back with experience "good or bad it is experience". Unfortunately obedient kids learn nothing and are always fearful, they are unable to preserve because they know no mistake. They become judgemental of others  foresight. To gain knowledge one must loose comfort.

To me another dimension on the prodigal child story is.
Your body could be outside but you left your heart at home. You could be home yet your mind is outside. Stay where you are at any given moment. Don't wonder, do and be.

Knowing stuff in advance!

Knowing stuff in advance will make you crazy - film (Time travellers wife)

This pretty much is what every man wants to know; will my kids be fine, will i make enough money, will this or will that? Will it and do it how ever you know how but never take advantage of your self or others in the bid to make it. The fact is, if you dont take care of your kids, how will they be fine? If you dont setup and manage your career how can you give yourself the assurance that you will be ok? If someone today told you you are definitely going to be rich isnt it a natural state that you will relax and drop your efforts? It happens to many men, and there are those few who need to hear it from someone and it gives them another set of energy.

We all need motivation not promises. You do know stuff in advance, you know that You do possess the skill that will take you there, you just have to believe in it and you wouldnt have it if it wasnt needed and channel yourself towards it. Everyone is everyones key to that door. If i didnt have my dream at 18 i wouldnt be where i am today. In comparison to Mark Zuckerberg i may be nothing but he started with same passion as i do.

Pick a role and act it. No energy is ever wasted.

Muhammad’s example is normative for Muslims!

Muhammad’s example is normative for Muslims, since he is an “excellent example of conduct”
(Qur'an 33:21) – and according to a canonical hadith, Muhammad’s favorite wife, his child bride Aisha, reports that Muhammad struck her. Once he went out at night after he thought she was asleep, and she followed him surreptitiously. Muhammad saw her, and, as Aisha recounts: “He struck me on the chest which caused me pain, and then said: Did you think that Allah and His Apostle would deal unjustly with you?” (Sahih Muslim 2127) Aisha herself said it: “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women.” (Sahih Bukhari 7.72.715)
"Nearly half Saudi women are beaten at home," from Emirates 24/7, February 26 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):  

Nearly half Saudi women are beaten up by their husbands or other family members at home and many of them are hit by sticks and head cover, according to a university study published in local newspapers on Tuesday.

Surprisingly, the study found that the Bedouin men who still dwell the desert in the conservative Gulf Kingdom, are less violent than Saudi men in urban areas.  

The study found that the main reasons for violence against women include poor religious motives, drug addiction and alcoholism, arrogance and a tendency to control, psychological problems, poverty, and unemployment.

I took this part from a discuss i had with a group of friends and thought i should share. I dont speak much about Islam not because i hadn't lived it or know the culture of the people who live within the environment. It upsets me a bit because the forever throwing of daggers between supposed Christians and Muslims is getting to a level of absurd that both are loosing believers. Of course many would say why look at others just stick to your religion and worship in your own inner calling. Well this is exactly why many are leaving the faith, their inner calling is at loggerheads with what some want you to believe because it is convenient. My mother is Muslim and this makes one half of me being able to relate to the religion.

I do not wish to be un-objective about either religions but i think they both suck because of the people in it not because there is anything wrong with the law written within the books. For me any book is a book of code's that need to be decoded and its understandings solemnly depend on the character of the person who is holding the book. I heard a quote "if you want to hide anything from an African man put it in the books". I dont believe it really was said in direction towards the African but more the description fits the IGNORAMUSES.

Being struck in the chest could mean he broke her heart but then given that the mind that seeks excuses would take it as physical abuse is permitted. When women in Islam go through hurt due to death or other sorrows they beat their chest as well.

She was Mohamed's child bride usually a man of age treats her like a child, (talking from experience, that pissed me off greatly, but never the less many women enjoy it and want it, trust me after some time you will get tired of it), no woman is a child after she has had her first child, let alone 2 or 3. there is an awakening that happens instantly from the moment she knows she has taken in, a sense of wisdom kicks in born of natures natural instinct to protect and care.) Being a child bride she was thus a favtoy! If he was a man of example he would have had to have won the hearts of all and that includes women to retain thus power. Beating often could be using unfair verbal reprimand for distrusting him. The arabs have a very spiteful tongue, they can harm you verbally more effectively than what a knife cant do. They have very sweet and tender descriptives, where they describe a woman's beauty like that of a Lilly and they can equally call you names that manure would sound like gold after they have finished with you but again those who want to look for excuses will do so!

On an average most women aren't weak, they can kill you without even you knowing and I know Muslim women aren't different from the Christian women! My mother is Muslim, hell has no fury like hers! She is small but mighty, if a Benin man with all his pride needs to be given a medal. Imagine me 10 times amplified :). Besides if there was a record of physical abuse ask any forensic in moments of rage it is very uncomfortable to hit someone in the chest. It is usually the face with a slap, or hit the legs. No man uses a fist on a woman, check the nature of yourselves as men, a slap is enough to knock a woman down!

I lived and grew up with men and dated men, they calm when they sober and women can drive them mad with just a word :), men are bold to hit a woman only when they under influence "mind manipulation or substance abuse" and a woman only gets pissed at a man when he is under influence. By the way the fact that they can marry more than one wife makes the man less violent and the woman less demanding of his attention. For those African men who go out to their love birds let me burst y'all's bubble here, una wahala too much so we don't mind you going to give it to another :) "my friend here is telling me to shut up because am giving out our girls gist" y'all aren't that great in bed, let another teach you some tricks and maybe he has a little dick?" hehehehhe I am sure for this words that hurt the ego a woman will get a beating even from a Christian man! Some women sure are wicked just as men are violent!

The beduins are not as violent because they know a lot of their survival is due to the women. Men are practical about life, they don't spit in the cup they are going to drink from! Except they are manipulated by people or substance.

Trust me if the Islam women were tired of their situation men will have no choice. Just as circumsition being fought out its because women are protesting against it. The Islamic women have a skill that the Christian woman should look into, the art of negotiations, she can talk jetway out without the man even knowing anything. And the black vail they wear is protection from the harsh sun, a weather that can damage their skin. Black is mystique which draws inquisitiveness from men. So they ain't really suffering. check out the scene from Sex and the City 2. you will know. apart from the fact that the Arabian women are so beautiful that they need to hide themselves from men who are neanderthals (we all have them, and thats got nothing to do with religion).

We find what we seek! And an eye for an eye will make the word go blind and we Christians are also begging for it in search for our relevance and dominion over heavenly realms (the mind of man). There are cowards in the world who use religion as a coverup for their deeds!

Any man be christian or Muslim or Buddhist who lays his hand on any man or woman or child or old is a coward in my dictionary! You may fight, but never slay using religion as an excuse!

I was born and grew up in Uzbekistan in the city of Tashkent surrounded for most of my life by Muslims and the Asian culture and can only say never had I been treated like an unbeliever or extricated or violated. I have never really spoken about Islam on my posts and that's not because I have nothing to say but I guess the time hasn't come until now!

May Allah be with you all my half brothers! Hold on to the best principles of Islam and do not covert their brothers home. as it is apparent many of my Christian brothers are now doing in the bid to have dominion. In the same city of my birth we had the ignorant, illiterates and we called them hyenas, they walked in packs and attacked the lone walkers. Every society has that!

Drugs and alcoholism is sure a huge influenza or to violence against women, this is one of the catalyst to the South African crime rate and abuse of women. If you look at the men in both nations you Will be disgusted to be a woman!

My question is this. Would and can a man abuse a woman who is like MADEA?

Church Heathen!

Churches have always embraced the down throned! Why are we surprised if Jesus stood by a prostitute? Unless it is the dressup that is shocking?

He who hath no sin cast the first stone!
Since when does the healthy need a doctor!?
I am beginning to wonder what wives do our boys seek in the temple?

Celestina Omeneki-gold said: Alsu, i applaud you for standing up for these ladies, i would have done the same,except this story is not true. These ladies were not at a church, but at some fashion function or so. Read it yesterday and the "Konbat Kontinues" was confronted by someone who knew of the show and his story was debunked. Sad that it had already circulated(and still circulating) fb. Church leaders have done some wrong, but lets not add to their attrocities with lies!

Well if women are paraded on the streets of life as trophys, why should they be shy in church? Does geography change a rat? If they met Jesus in the streets wouldn't they show it in church? I am beginning to understand this effect, church is a reflection of the society we live in! If the richeous women come all glittering and the richeous men come in parading their flashy cars, why shouldn't they come with their trade mark, given that they are accepted and patronised in the society?
I would invite them to show the hypocrites what they do than coming to the house of The Lord pretending to be upright, at least they are honest!

Celestina Omeneki-gold my sweet sis you know I can be naughty as well as naive! My naïveté comes as a result of what I see. Our girls have turned to harlots; students instead of studying are carried out by their sugar daddies!

I am one who will stand up for a prostitute any day but who will stand up for the yet to be corrupted gal or gals? For the kombats to post this it means there is a problem. For it to go that viral means people are looking for physical evidence to what they witness inside. There is no smoke without fire! I understand that sis you are a lawyer and you deal with evidence etc but intuition, perception are facts, they prompt people further into action. There is a reason even TV stations have PG ratings because perception is powerful.

Emeka intelligence isn't in just smelling a rat. You want to tell me you have no inclination to add that this even in a fashion event is horrendous and soon wouldn't start happening in church? The gals may not be dressed like this but there are complaints circulating and such as private jets being bought by pastors! If the Catholic Church is going through what they do in reference to child molestations and gay priests, is it prostitutes being in the house of God that we should be ashamed to say is there? You see, for it is all those well dressed sugar mummies and daddies who come well dressed and ogle the young! Would you be surprised? I wouldn't !

I will applaud a prostitute who comes to church in what she works in because it would shame those who come to be with them just a night before. The picture itself of women dressed up like this on a fashion show is horrible, this ain't fashion nor style and the event is the temple of the industry. Someone needs to filter where what is appropriate.

On the naughty side if me I will ask; if to church all we demand is that people don't bring their outside life in and then we allow pastors to give sons wives, what are we setting ourselves up on!? This I think is what kombat may be trying to convey. Just because you dressed up like a Queen don't remove the harlot within! We are reacting badly to what the men with money allow themselves. I married a man 22 years older because I couldn't find one decent guy on the street who wasn't doing 419, every body get standard, I am not one to judge but one must discriminate!

Even in a fashion show this is bad! It's even worse because in church everyone is welcome!

It is hard to be richeous in a world that condemns itself!

Amazing how wonderful this world of life is, no one can take with them anything. A heavy soul descends, a soul without burden ascends. For the sake of your kids tomorrow cleanse the earth with deeds that assure our species grace and survival.

There is no way one would know the truth without getting your hands dirty! Wash it of and hug no one with the dirt of your bad experience! Everyone has made mistakes, point no finger at them and stop the perpetuators of ignorance!

Do not judge for the same measure will be apportioned to you! He who has been judged condemns himself and others in defence of him/herself. We are living in a world of principles and certain principalities take knowledge from personal events of others further trampling one in dirt.

Digging in their past will make your foot dirty. There is a tendency for those who are hurt by our judgements to sink you in further with them, they have nothing to loose and a lot to gain in making you just as dirty as they are, to give you a taste of what it is to be them.

They say be careful what you wish for you just might get it!

Well in relationships you really don't get what you give except you ask for it! Do we know what we want? 

We demand love in the same degree as we experience it within! Considering that human beings are subjective creatures, why would one pose ones wishes as the wishes if the other? If man is self condemning would he/she not mistrust what is given? Everyone deserves to be treated right regardless of your experiences that has nothing to do with the other. 

Just because one guy broke your heart don't mean others would. I need to heed to my own advice! Amazing world we live in, shut yourself and you will find who wants to release you! Relieve yourself and you will find who wants to cage you! What is the right thing to do? Experience tells you to find a balance!

If I say I love you I will be giving you what I want to get because that's all I know of. I will be showing you indirectly "subconsciously" how i want to be treated. Arnt we setting ourselves up for failure at start assuming that what we are giving is what the other wants? How do you know if what you are giving is what the other can give? Strengths differ. Wouldn't it be safer to ask "how would you like to be loved or treated?"

  • In reference to friendship if I treat you In a manner, I would be indirectly telling you how I want to be treated. So why would it be the same in the love relationships?
  • In reference to business areas if we want to make money why don't we set solutions that would help the clients make money?
If men are busy buying their women's affections wouldn't they have a trophy? Why should you be expecting anything in return apart from a shiny object? In return you cage it because you are afraid innately you built nothing within that individual. In the bid to possess you cage! 

If women are supposedly demanding security and men loyalty, shouldn't they give the opposit to each other since that attracts? Men want security, women want loyalty. Hmmmm how often does one get rewarded with what they need? Magnet- opposits attract!

I am a very respectful child!

I am a very respectful child, but I choose what to accept from my elders! Half of their advice comes incomplete from their experiences and subjective analysis of my strengths.

My parents are shocked to who I am today and the strengths I exhibit because they didn't notice I watched them even when they thought I didn't listen to their advice. I read between the lines and questoned their actions!

I am proud of the men in my family, they built me a strong personality image, never killed the spirit of the individual that reflected their strengths and humble to the memory of the women in my family, whose experiences made me enduring to the cause of womanhood.

Dads are very important in a gals life and moms of course to a boy, building the tender or strong side to life! Now I am a mother and auntie. I have a job to do to keep the next generation strong as I was allowed! The social family is just as much important as the nuclear family, because our kids belong to the world not us! Every lost kid is a lost society, every cheated kid is a cheated society. We adults need to understand that what goes around comes around!

We are borrowing from the future by what we do today, reflective of the past!


Oliver Twist- Who caged you?

I loved and lived in fairy tales, I have always imagined myself either RobinHood or Athos (one of the Musketeers) and always had my quests outlined and hoped to find like minds as mine! Unfortunately i have been riding on my own but the journey isn't less adventurous.

Lies! some are sweet and some are dark! I love my sweet lies, they keep me going so long as i am the one dreaming my vision up. I pick the puzzles of the picture i see. We are all used to stories, it is our fab past time to listen to gossip of how someone else had lived their life. We use them subconsciously to place landmarks for ours! The lives of our leaders are far from the truth to what we see or are shown! What it took for Oprah to have a mind that She has would be hard to absorb in one day so some truths need to be coated and left for later. 

We are afraid of the truth because we really are very self critical. We will shut down the truth because "We cant handle it" as Jack Nicholson had said! Now how many of them quotes we know today were really told by those who they said quoted them? Well these people are respected so why not just add a bit more grease to their elbows right? It dosnt really take away anything, right? Or they call anonymous those quotes whose name they wish not to compromise. PR is such a devil, that i refrain from using anyone to do my publications, i'd rather die from my own mouth and shamed for my grammatical blunders of the soul than deceive anyone to be what i am not. I aint here to impress, just a gal doing her thing and happy you read what i have seen or experienced. I read yours too :) and same it is with my bro. He is just as honest to boot as i am maybe even worse, at least he aint pretending. There is no grace in spending money you steal by lieing to the public, thats how our parents brought us up. They did bring us up honest now they are like "cant these kids shut up sometimes?" Sorry habit daddy.

Milli Vanilli sang to us, yeah it was disappointing to find out that the Music industry lied to us because we probably wouldn't have accepted the face to the original voices.  We are so full of shit that we probably deserved to be lied to. Knowing nothing of our strengths we are actually persuaded off our natural strengths. We hate people who are proud of themselves and stand against principles widely adopted as a norm even when it is obvious it is leading us to doom because we recognise that we could be them but don't know how or afraid to shift just a bit away from the old to the new! We cling to those who we have been forced to believe think like us and then after a while realise "oh dear this isn't who I like" but we have made commitments such as friendship or relationship or a vow to stick to a religion that is clearly eroding our spirit and we have those guardians of faith who actually physically harm you if you wish to leave.

We have been conditioned to lie to ourselves. We continue to live in that environment not because we like it but because we don't want to be extricated, left alone having to survive. Parents is the society that teaches their kids their own truths conveniently and self serving, used in protecting themselves or keep them kids illusionary protected "doped"! Did they think the old walls will hold when the new demands its turn? Milk teethes are always replaced. Teach your kids transformation, remove the rigid walls of self serving morals that arnt theirs.  In Africa our kids are still our pension, In the developed world at least the kids have been given a breather by parents who fought for the true meaning of parenthood! Maybe this happened by mistake! Who knows! Ask those rebels for parents who dared not to follow the crowd and you will find out the reason they may not advise one to follow their example! They call them rebels and may have lost their lives or close ones for a piece of their sanity, some succeed without a loss to their lives but sacrifice of a good living! As a society there are evidence of leaders being murdered for what they believed to be right and true!

Little red riding hood was a story invented to keep girls from the big bad wolf because there was no other way from protecting girls from men at the time. Today it is just a story yet it still has the same effect "put fear!" kids are perceived reckless, in the bid to try protect them we hurt some and keep some but that feeling, is hard to erase. It transforms into other areas creating complexities parents themselves become confused in, such as lack of self confidence and esteem.

Kids were told the story of Hansel and Gretel to protect them from falling pray of people who lure them with ...... Sweets, in another meaning for words of lies "witches". After the story became so wide spread people actually believed witches existed and some even took up the profession as mediums and in the bid to enforce people to believe in them they did make some predictions come true. How about being setup? Some old lady passes by you and says "you will be rich", or "you will be attacked in 5 days" and you snob her off rather than give her a penny for the warning and in 5 days she will send the gang to come harass you. Witchcraft isnt that much voodoo as much as it is a staged game on you.

There are parents that so crave power that even within the walls if their homes treat their kid so bad, that the child wishes they were an orphan and for the child to survive he has to learn to lie to protect himself should they have seen the opportunity to run. They after have to lie to the askers about their parents and the society levels them bad if they dare tell their story! "thou shall honour thy parents" after all God himself said it, so the kid has no hope to whom to go. So they lie to survive! "A parent cant possibly hate their child" every body shouts! Havnt you heard of mothers and fathers jealous of their kids confidence or beauty? Ivan the Great was one. You will only know the truth when they let you close to them or when its to late to save a life! I work with youth and I see the damage done to these kids who were made to believe in what isn't good for their future, or made to lie to keep their future. Sometimes i have to lie to bring them out, it is called "reverse therapy" to trick the mind to open up but then there is the other side "How do you tell the truth without little lies to soften the blow"?

Kids they say can be hurtful, we have created this stereotypes of beauty, that when one doesn't have the shape or size as Heidi Klum or Naomi Campbell we rule ourselves and others as ugly! There are actors we have wet dreams about and if a guy that approaches you and he doesn't quite look it, we say "sorry you are not my type". Or we say a sweet lie like, "i am in love with someone else". How can one be outrightly rude to say "You know, i am dyeing for Harrison Ford!" :) I am sure the same person out of his hurt will tell you "dream on" or would say to you, "you aint Harrys type". Telling sweet lies protect you from the attitudes of others.
Would we know who is our type if we weren't given an example?  I am sitting here watching Diane Keaton a woman in her 50 kissing Keanu Reeves who is 38 in the film called "Something's Gotta Give" and I am pissed :) Why? I like him to bits but then some would go on a crusade to look for him in every man and even him himself and then be surprised he isn't what they saw on screen because DAH he is acting on a script! I am also pissed that i live in a society that has created this lie about age being a factor to consider when in marriage that it has led gals like me to believe a man older than me has some brains. A wise heart is what one should be looking for.

A Lie is an evil script, delivered to achieve an aim but the author of it dosnt know what would be its effect. Misleading others into disaster and same it is with the truth, it could either cause damage or bring healing but the crusader should be wise and know when, where and how to deliver it. How many have the skill of communicating and faith in man or the person before them? One may have been mistaken and said something out of line, but that ain't a lie. A lie is a cooked up plan aimed at getting a specific result, what witchcraft really is. Maybe it's why religion and science are at log aheads. :)  Who knows who is lying and who is saying the truth? Only time can tell. The deeds of men within these is what makes it stand or fall. I always believed that there are 6 billion people on earth (dont know if it is true but we have to accept it, i sure know i didnt count) and with these 6 billion come 6 billion varying truths and lies, now you know why we are in such a mess. Is there something like the truth and nothing but the truth? Life sure is a fact. This no one can dispute.

A Lie is a script, delivered to achieve an aim but the author of it doesn't know what would be its effect. People shouldn't take every word uttered personal because that's when it takes hold of you and starts ruling your world! A compliment is a lie if you know you didnt earn it, it's called flattery. If you are beautiful say "na God do am", dont accept it as though you were the creator of it. If you feel beautiful then you know you have enhanced it within and can see you are beautiful through the lines of your face. What makes your beauty ugly is when you are rubbing others blind with it. The art of witchcraft, is when they attack your mind to accept an idea through gossip, slander and fabrication of facts! Everything that picks your fancy must be put to test! Depends on the liability level of course! Take your pick, dont forget to use a toothpick.

Remember the beautiful Lady in Red in "the Matrix" movie? Get distracted and when you turn around she has a gun to your head? But can we live in a world where we dont believe in anyone and anything to be real? Humans are social creatures, i refuse regardless of my downs to live a life of a rat!

Kids are often deaf, so a slap sometimes drives the truth home. :) Hey you! Wake up from your slumber! Have you ever as a parent one day turned around and said "I don't recognise my child anymore?" That happens to every parent because they all of a sudden realise they had spent all this time programming their child to act and talk a certain way! And then it all goes to smoke! That effort does come with a little too much effort in brain washing! We fit them with people who we think think like us and shield them away from people who we think don't think or behave like us!

You know how they say give a poor man money and you will see his true colour? or a chameleon changes its colour based on the environment it is in or decides to be? What is his true environment do you know? Survival instincts make us lie, we are all protecting our strengths to survive, be it on a physiological level or on the esteem level. Would it end?

I believe everything and nothing, what ever has no substance or can not be tested is therefore not true to me but then maybe even this thinking of mine is also a delusion. I choose to believe in what would push me there. That's why people believe, they have something to gain when telling or interested in the stories, they got the truth they need to move on.  It isnt about ideologies its about substantiating. Even the stories in the bible are half myth half examples of other people's lives compiled. Some people want and crave for the story of the treasure islands because it leads them on the adventure. They may not be interested in the actual treasure, they may not find it, but they lived in pursuit of it and that is their truth!

I have sobered up Captain Sparrow! Where is the Rum?