
Status through Purpose!

True status is achieved through purpose, be it in any thing or with anyone.
Does it matter who, or is it about what do you want to do?
Your interests, your values, your experiences, all binding to create YOU!

No one is higher than purpose. You might as well forget your ego or pride. Through purpose you find your strengths and weaknesses, which is why i often say there is nothing like a mistake, only unsolved circumstances. TWICK, not the bogus word CHANGE. Risk increases by doing nothing. Little issues grow into big problems.

The only thing you have to do is work out the parameters, the scope of works that reveal the vision behind collaboration RULES OF ENGAGEMENT called body language. There are always signs "intuition'.

Are you on the right path? What is a path if not different roads leading to one gate "SOLUTION" Look is it the long or short road? Measure your strengths carry the back pack and head on the road.

Procrastination, the mother of all failures. If you say i don't know, it means you didnt care enough to explore. Dont say it is impossible because someone has already presented an example before you. No idea 'fruit" comes from no where, there is a root, find it. It may be deep, it maybe on the surface, the fact is that it is there.

The root of all findings lay in the process that pushes you to ask Why!

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