
Return our mothers back to being WOMAN?

I was just asked this question.

Well e go hard small small, well for some would mean total brain operation. First guys, no more than 2 kids and space them with difference of 6 years apart. I did that and it is excellent, one in uni as soon as the first is out the next goes in. Well i didn't really plan it this way given my boy needs a lot of attention, but as it has turned out not a bad plan God had for me. When you have kids that are very near apart it puts a strain on the young family, financial wise, emotionally and physically. A woman's body after child birth needs to rest. She needs to go back to work for mental health.

By the way every job must be looked at as a mental rehab. If it is boring either leave or do something about it. Jive your hands into literally everything, help your colleagues as a method of distraction you never know what additional skills that would give you. Many people are bored in their work, so you could switch positions. In my company every one does what they like there is a target to achieve on the week and they choose what they want, no job description, its like you come to office and its a blind date, our jobs are creative based we design, we craft, and mould businesses, we train people to be crazy, that's pretty much what it takes to achieve performance. We learn new tricks of sales, promotion and advertising, publishing, media so pretty much we see ourselves as movie actors, we get into the role and we the directors, script writers etc. oops did i just deviate from the topic to promote? loll cant help it to be naughty. Naughty is what keeps me as a woman. Once a woman looses that, you will be living with a hammer.

Now this is brain sugary, in Nigeria we have a lot of double standards, men can do this and women can do that, but never together. I wish you saw how the South African woman have redesigned our Naija boys here, no matter how they fight it, the government makes them comply to 50/50% lol i lie, which Naija man de comply, but when you are in an environment where you see others do this in time some habits change. Women are hard on women in Nigeria, we tell each other sorry if you don't do it who would. Common guys you are suffering in return. A prostitute, one night stands or outside affairs cant give you what by God was given to enjoy.

Then men again as i say learn some Kamasutra. Women and men are supposed to play. We are marrying for status and procreation. No feelings no passion. He becomes a wallet and she na toto. Forgive me for my French abi na bini i de speak?

Too many women have been brought up by women who came from polygamous homes where the hurts of generations has a strong hold. Apart from the fact that we have a lot of gals on the streets who have lost hope that they will ever have the opportunity to make an earnest and honest living without having to sleep with someone to get a job or retain it.

Our edu situation is breeding incompetence, so many women think that it is the order of the day to sleep with a guy to keep the place and then in time she turns into a tiger and when she is single doesn't even want to see men in ear sight.

Our men and women can't visit bars and meet in clubs without being perceived as loose. Come on where is a gal or a guy to meet that would be natural? In church? i heard one guy long time ago tell me "all good gals sit at home" i said yep, and 10 years later he met his wife and happily married at a night club. We need to grow up from local menta. Church forces everyone to pretend to be holy, now that we are having space fighters for pastors what do you expect will be going on there? Pastors in nija cant tell the truth cos many know what they are onto.

Take your women out, dump your kids with your parents for the weekend, have real good ............ with no one. Unfortunately our recreation and tourism isn't developed to help keep intimacy between couples. Guys we are having real epidemic in relationships where you men have been replaced with gadgets, aren't you tired?

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