
Some sexual exploration can turn to exploitation!

"Over ages since man has been created, people have been engaging in orgies in order to relief themselves of the enigma 'dark' side made out of sex. I think that the recent liberation in sexual exploration talked about between couples through the media is reducing the effect of boxing people
into hiding. When we make a taboo out of something it invariably creates avenues for things to exist in hiding.

Men and women should talk about sex more. Half the time if not more being able to talk about things creates a better way not to be taken advantage of by ignorance. Sex sells they say, i think sexy sells. Awareness of your sexuality and projecting it in a proper manner allows a confident Image to emerge.

Every one who has a sense of self has a sense of the influence their sexuality exudes. They are able to manage their actions better and reduce the need to engage in the acts that create the hell we all currently are going through socially and individually. Depressed people do not have sexual discipline, they have emotional and physiological issues, they are constantly seeking belonging through sex, its sometimes the only way they see instead of going for alcohol or drugs. A mind that is busy is disciplined."

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