
Looking for a way home!

We are all looking for a way home! The key is you  and the door is where you stand! We have been fed with a lot of theories about success! That's how others made theirs but yours can only show when you start acting!

Is it in having a house, a car, marrying? Is it in emotional and spiritual safety? Is it in social or personal belonging? All these are earthly signs of success! Facts that say I havnt left myself behind! The higher being is he who finds esteem in every little step that leads him to implement the dreams he so wills!

Look at kids, they find delight in doing what ever presents itself before them! They are not affected by what anyone has an impression on about! They are doing!

IMPRESSION that's the word that cages every adult in facing what's before them! Brand, Image! What about what your heart tells you? We question everything and ourselves. Are we going the right way? Disabuse your mind of impressions so your heart can lead!

John 10.9:- I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture.

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