
What is really the cause of unemployment in Africa "Nigeria"

I was asked "What is really the cause of unemployment in most African countries"?  I hope my one bit experience can try to explain.

First and formost we need to disabuse our minds from what we have been made to think employment is. Employment in my sense represents Purpose. Jobs, Contracts, Entrepreneurship, Supplying, Investments are descriptors of paths to making money, it isnt purpose itself. We have a lot of problems and that means one needs to apply themselves.

Politically we don't have a purpose, there is no blue print that we are following ie how do we get there. Our leaders are not educated or wrongly orientated when it comes to development steps but if speaking in business terms, we have all focused on managing the visible natural resources but built very little resembling an industry, even now the companies busy in extraction cant sell their products because there isnt a diversified need in the market, they are also suffering the effects of underdevelopment.
As people and our leaders alike who are a product of us, we have no respect for development process.
These are industries that have been developed in foreign countries.

Advertising- what products and services do we produce for the advertising world to present to the market? We are seeing ads of foreign brands. We have no faith in what we produce in-house, by buying what foreigners make we are giving out our hard cash.

Arts & Crafts- we have no endearing for the works of art of our artists. How lovely it would be to hang a painting with the curves of our women and illustrations of our lands?! We dont study arts anymore in schools and that is a foundation of architects and the works that give us jobs in building stadiums, so it also affects the real-estate industry. A craft is what a profession is. Crafts is the core of any industry, it supports the engineering world. Art is an expression of how one sees life, an edified soul is secure.

Autos/Transportation- If we dont make cars why do we need roads? How do we reach our loved ones when they are far? How do we fly to the moon and improve communication if we don't industrialise?!

Beauty/Personal Care- We have really bad self care, our women are wearing fake hair and copying fashion, we dont promote the african look both for men and women. you may say its easy but in hindsight is it achieving the greater communal good?

Business Services. the business service sector is struggling because our educational sector is based on content developed to orientate us on foreign interests. A for apple can be A for akpu. Our kids dont know how to read or write properly which affects the art of communication and analytics of data found.

Apart from the fact that to actually yield returns in this sector we have to change the structure of how we do business. Most of us are traders, and that is just one sided. We need to improve the tax and its collection polices! There is a difference between a sugarcane seller and sugar producer. Business consultants are complex based, sales consultants how ever are transaction based. We have little respect for consult because we think we know it all. If we all realise that a consultant is a counsellor you will allow them to inform you. the knowledge of Pro and cons is only extracted during discuss, it isnt an actual science. A coach will hold your hand while achieving your goals towards full potential.
Children's Businesses- we are doing ok in this area but thats because women have taken it up. how ever the vastness of this area is huge and indirectly linked with several other industries. Ask your self who dosnt have kids? Who wants to raise them safe and sound?

Computers- as i explained earlier the fact that we have no nepa stops us from industrialising, our kids cant do programming, so software that solve african problems cant be developed.

Education/Instruction- forget about this if we have lecturers who never practised are teaching and sleep with students to give them marks. I resigned from a job at 22 because the employer who had a business in teaching computer literacy advertised and never intended in giving the kids what he said he would. I dont do witch hunting but if adults are riping knowledge out of kids what safety would they have for their pensions not to be rubbed in return.

Family values have disintegrated to supporting kids and adults in the name of survival to steal and cheat. Your kids buy you a car while not having a stable job and you say it is fine? Lawyers have now been labeled as 419.

Entertainment & Events - we like to dance but do we know that the Olympics is an event and must be entertaining? Do we support grass root games? Do we value our cultural heritage? Entertainment is an expression of art.

Financial- what do we produce to have what to regulate or manage? Financial industry isnt responsible for long term loans they are traders of paper. If our businesses are only trade based then we have the banks we have. Finance industry is a bank that supports savings of effort in paper. They are not meant for credit but they can offer it when the business has a well defined revenue generating path.

Food- do we diversify our dishes? We have mamaputs all over, do we belive in chefs? Most of our women cook, thats fine but the agricultural sector has been neglected. We have kids who go to study agriculture yet have never seen a farm or planted a garden seed. Food is a way of bringing people together.

Health Care/Medical - we go to babalawos, self medicate ourselves, drink ogogoro and then we face dealing with heartdeseas, liver failure and we dont have equipments to save lives. Our students dont care for life why should they care for a patient?
Home Products/Services- we dont decorate our homes, it isnt an expression of style, we put things but they dont represent who lives in it. Personally i would prefer to live in a Mud house and it has character than what we see today. The Interior designers are suffering to make business because we dont like to express our individuality through our homes. Our women are still cutting onions with their hands, where are our old day stone grinders, they sure help making better tasting dishes.

Import/Export - what african products do we produce to lure foreigners to buy our products? We have no standards which is why we loose ground to exportation. This industry represents quality. If we are wearing Gucci cant we influence the foreign fashion industry with our african prints? we havnt understood what pallet means "A TASTE of a continent"

Maintenance - do we have a maintenance culture or are we consumers? Anything produced, built, developed needs maintaining, this sector is the highest employer abroad.

Manufacturing- they produce practical tools, the manufacturing sector depends on what other sectors and people need to enhance lives and businesses. In one word they are the hardware to the rest industries which one can call software. They are the Matter to the minds design.

Media/Publishing - Do we read? Do we as people express? Freedom of speech the channels of communication is who they are. We are all each others guardians. If i may use a religeous way to describe them they are the "hopi ghosts" of the business and social world.

Online Businesses - this is just logistics in virtual form. You dont need an office any more, thats if the market can deal with not seeing someone for reassurance of delivery. They reduced the rate at which trees are cut. Post office has lost its value because they invented email. They are the products of the telecom and tech world.

Pet Businesses - which animal do we respect in africa? If we still think cats are witches, forgeting that kids who have no siblings can learn to communicate and care for another through handling animals. This industry was developed by explorers of the physical world and its habitants. We all love discovery channel and ofen times animals teach us better humanity. isn't the film industry supported through the natural world?

Plants/Agriculture - it is about our eco system, survival of which we cant do without. Creams are made of plants, herbs are used in pharmaceuticals, etc

Real Estate - what is the point of owning a land if we build houses face me i face you, fence to fence, no parks for kids to play and kids are arrested infront of the tv? What architecture is there? I personally dont buy a house if my kids need to be driven to the streets.

Recreation - Oambe and burials, thats all we attend. We have made a private family pain into social celebrations. It is changing and this isnt culture it needs to fade out. We dont know the content of our lands hence we trade it for peanuts, fighting for which is pointless later because the truth is "finders is always keepers".

Retail Businesses - we sell what others invent. this we are masters of. What else? we are depending on foreign trends, so if there isn't anything new on the market or a product ceases to exist then there is a hole in the pocket.

Security- Why security? This is handled by churches. Now terrorists have a better job to do barking at the flock to gather. What is security if not a philosophy/ideology in reverse?

Sports - this builds strategic minds, builds psychologically healthy individuals. It is a form of relaxation. Health is among the first needs that existed along side Arts and Agriculture which made it possible for the rest industries to develop. It also affects the sex drive of men in the positive sense.

Technology - our todays tools are only a modification of what was then. Facebook is a communication technology.

Travel - the only way you can see a vantage point to a situation is to travel, if you have no comparison you cant see the loopholes. Travel shows opportunities and this as Nigerians we do well but if we believe that it isnt possible to do at home what man has already done given the fact that the bright man lives in a harsher environment we have no excuse that we cant adopt and modify to our needs. South Africa wouldnt be what it is today if they didnt have the influence. We drove the colonialists but we didnt build from there. Creativity is bread through travel.

I could go on but a readable page will not be enough to draw a blue print so enjoy exploring your mind for possible opportunities. Every industry has its value but when we place value on money we cease to have a price. White man has no respect for money but they will demand quality and relax at doing the best in their own area. When someone comes to sell something to us we want it free or show no appreciation for effort. When money is stored it looses its value.

To have a good employment rate we need to have all these industries developed, we have to start and we should realise that during the starting phase there is little technology to leave many out of employment. If given a report, what industry do we know in Nigeria is succeeding or leading?
Employment is about putting minds and matter to good use. If one feels used one will never invest. We have loads of work to do but no one wants to be employed or maybe our politicians are not developers?

This is just a crude way of putting it out. i dont copy others theories but present what i have experienced.

Africa the cradle of life!

Africa the cradle of life
yet believes it is a slave!
your children are spread all over the world
yet you do not feel like a mother!
be happy that your kids are better than you.
be humble not arrogant in your joy
give more, remain endless for no one can be without you!"

by Alsu Odemwingie

Why do women insist?

"Why do women insist on native, church and legal ties and not just one?

Women need to be protected spiritually, financially, and culturally! The events however don't guarantee any success if in the heart of either party loyalty to the principle of care isn't present! Which is why women should do it for themselves! The day man dosnt feel trapped is the day a woman will submit! Men feel they don't need same securities, yet when any and all of this is taken from them they have all guns blazing!
Which is why a woman should just let a guy who dosn't want to marry them in any of the following ways go. One or 3 don't matter! Where was Adam when the serpent came? She was idle! While man was grazing!

Trying to persuade someone dosnt work! Which is why men love women who don't love them and later cry wolf who opened up! This dosnt mean that the woman who you are married to dosnt love you! Men don't appreciate easy, doesn't mean the one who makes it difficult loves you more! Just don't deny the lady the opportunity to give you more! A nun isn't better than a slut, they both have their wahala! Its the one that you can carry you choose and you all are wondering why women have shut their hearts, mind and soul, but left their legs apart?
Its not the women demanding for security! Its society saying to you; We need security to survive as man kind or we will be used as fuel like dinos to the next generations!

We are all born in sin, living in the pains of our fathers and mothers hurts! Parents respect your kids and children will honour you! God loves you because of your truth seeking heart, not because you think you are transactionally smart! Humans fall reguardless of financial security because they refuse to imbibe spirituality and understanding of systems! Change is inevitable, you either high with it or against it, the bruses are yours anyway! Reduce your risks by facing the obvious reguardless of it scares the life out of you!"

"A King "wisdom"!

"A King "wisdom" is never recognised in his own home. The Queen of the colonial land is always given more reverence outside of her country because no one comes close enough to see she is also human.

The art of story telling is to reach far, magnifying the existence of experience. There is no guarantee that those who project eloquence are actually well behaved ":)" i can be crazy but that doesn't make me not able to communicate. My character is far from, what i do to extract information others seek. This is for those who are trying to figure me out.

Man will always prefer to listen to things that is passed in whisper, rather than direct approach, so most times truth is presented in ways that is mysterious because it is impossible to digest it in its raw form. Gossip flies further than whats going on in our neighbourhoods. Listen to the sounds of your hood.

There is no doubt that there is a mighty force who created all, and to believe that Jesus was a wise man "reflective thinking", that had a normal life would not make people follow him, because men know how flawed they can be, we are all influenced by circumstances. Picturing him "like" everyone of us, makes him not special in the carnal "limited in vision" mind.

We are all children of God and we are not here to fight demons but principalities ie exploring views of life and accepting others opinions as communication of what we experience, rather than feeling forced in accepting another view.

Information is often misunderstood when presented in its direct form, we dont have shock absorbers, hence we must explore. First natures instinct is fear of the unknown, which makes us defensive. We praise God through how we live, hence makes his word "action" alive, and its hard for anyone to believe that God is in every one of us. In our own uniqueness he expresses himself, thats the only fact we can see, hence he becomes mysterious. Havnt you at some point found yourself hating what you loved or loving what you hated? Well its a mind shift so dont feel bad if you are misunderstood. people always come around in most cases when they find a way so dont shut the door. Invite them if they knock.

6 billion people on this planet, is six billion ways of expression. Speak your tong.


The antichrist is ME!

The antichrist is ME. Will you accept that revelation?
Arn't we all seeking peace? Arn't we who invited him by fighting each other? We are our own bad and good. We fight ourselves. Anyone who is anti creativity, exploration of knowledge, bias towards new and cant manage his own mind is an antichrist as i see.

I have long realised that if i fail to manage knowledge it means i am weak. In heart we are all killing ourselves. Everyday you react subjectively towards one event or the other you are destroying yourself and the world. Everyday they tell people to change their attitudes to life and how they use the world yet the instance 'instinct' uncontrolled leads to ones hell. We are saved by his grace, yet give him no glory, we have been mercilessly merced. I never react to my enemy because i will give out my position and that will make him arm himself. By not reacting i mean clearly making him use force to manipulate your mind to change.

I hate profecies because they hold both bad and good events to come and an ignorant mind "subjective view" will turn good to bad and someone pays the price. Every-time a mother and a father gives a child the benefits of their experiences to a child they brainwash the child and invariably create a picture for the child and he eventually follows that path. Every time a dad tells his boy that women are bad because he refuses to realise that his behaviour is what turned the woman who once loved him into his own enemy with his absent minded behaviour now stirs the son toward undue behaviour towards females. Anytime a mother makes her son pay for what her husband did because she dosnt know where to load her pain. Every time we dont face our fears and scare others from achieving their goals because we dont want to find out that it is us that have created our imaginary Ghosts of failure we invoke the antichrist.

Every time you dont stretch a hand because you are busy trying to amas riches that cannot be taken to the other world be it true or not. Every time you rub your neighbour of a smile with your hearts pain. Every time you pollute this earth with bad vibes you are affecting the forces that create rebirth. Every time you covet another's glory because you want it easy. Every time you worship that money yet have lost sight of value. Every time you are afraid to question what others are saying when you know it dosnt sit right with you or acknowledge that someone supported you. Every time you seas knowledge that is of no use to you alone away from someone in the bid to subject them to slavery you invoke the antichrist.

I hate prophesies because some moron like Hitler, who cant develop his own purpose uses others words to give himself an ideology for others. I hate the kind that says science is bad yet it has allowed so many lives to flourish. I hate to hate but i don't act in anger. You wake up in the morning when you know someone hasn't woken up on the other side of the planet and you cant smile just to yourself in the mirror or you went to bed with hate? Or you deprived your spouse of affection clearly seeing that the person has opened up because you want to hear sorry? Or you cant say sorry?

Today on youtube i saw a clip where they we likening Obama to be the Antichrist. I shake my head, we are all looking for physical signs when it is sitting in everyone. Sincerely how far can envy and jealousy be evoked in others by those who have the audacity to hope? He may be a mason, he may be all sorts of things, and so was said of Mandela. Where is the guy now? If he coughs everyone is afraid that hell will break loose. I wish you saw the anguish of the older generation, they cant belive this is what they have fought for. To Obama like Bill many women would like to have a chance at giving a blow job. Hey but we have a black sister who is there to woop his fine ass back home. Hmmmmm, envy, yeah, well it only hunts "them".

Men of power have always been envied. Why not! He is relevant and you are still a pauper? It begs to ask "does the black man in america think that it is a big deal for a black man to be president"? Try Buckingham palace, try be the president in Russia! Try be a black president of China, let us see. Is it in America where the natives there are Red Indians who havnt stepped up to the plate just like the Africans? or the Irish gangsters who were sent away? The land of the Mixed is what you think is hard to rule? Yeah man thinks he has achieved it all. Well how about this prophesy, lets see how workable it is to change the genetics of the linage of the kings.

He who has written of a thief to condemnation and gives no second chance to him to regain his strength to get back after he has realised his mistake, because he needs an outlet for hate. He who prosecutes the prostitute that he visits, who has written of a disabled to be unable. He who has kept a mother in bondage to religious and egoistical beliefs, who cant see a person outside of her sex is an antichrist.

Madeleine Albright said, “There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” and hell to men who keep their wives as maids for their children become servants. And mark me i have seen this happening a lot. Yes evil should come, so we remember what light is. You are afraid of the mark of the devil? Well if thou hath allowed his seed to brew in your hearts womb thou art him.

You are afraid of the Worlds Order? If you have failed to follow the simple rules of the 10 commandments what makes you think you wouldn't be imprisoned by your own guilt? The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Man should be careful of what he sows, the weapon used against others is the weapon that will be used in return. Personally i am happy that i have lived to 33, the age of Christ, now i am waiting for death for i fear it not, i have felt and seen it not once. I am waiting for the rapture because i have had a glimpse of it and i fear it not. The idle mind lives in hell, the informed become wise and thus happy that they have seen the kingdom of heaven.

The end sure is coming, the end of ignorance.


"With you!

In morning dreams,
I spend the day with you!
Oh dreaded stars of fallen dreams,
Am I to pay my dues?

Can someone tell?
How much is due?
How much should someone pay?

My mind says no!
My heart says yes!
My soul connects to you!

My head up high!
I take my days in strides,
Each step I am with you!

Someday I know,
My dream will wake,
For now is JUST!!!
I want to be with you!

Drifting in dreams!
I am right here but far away,
My soul traces your embrace,
The universe whispers,
Await for my return.

by Alsu Odemwingie

Punitive damages!

Any kind of relationship I judge on punitive damages and risk management. Not that they are bad but i ask myself "would I take someone of their path or they mine"? Because later I don't want arguments based on I or you sacrificed!

Many marry because they dont want to be alone, yet find themselves even more alone because they thought they found someone who understands them. But how is one to understand you if you dont know what you want? Where are you going, or who are you before you involve someone in your life? Do not subject others into your pain or loneliness, share it! They can only give you a piece of the puzzle not everything! Weigh your expectations dont load it on someone who dosnt know the inner workings of your mind! True relationships work when you show what makes you happy and sad, but at the end of the day the solution to your loneliness is to be your own best friend!"

Kiss me out of my sleep!

In the last days that i have had the time to think of your distance, i realized certain truths. I had tried to reflect on my actions in words! I had been subconsciously selfish! I had more to gain from communicating with you than you from me! I had spoken more than i listened to you, although i feel you! By talking about me a lot i hoped you would open up too. I know at this point you and i are not ready in essence to be together as a unit, both in circumstances and in heart! We both need to heal ourselves before one can give one that which we both deserve. Be it in friendship or otherwise! I am open to any probability!

I will always be here, i will always love you! Like i said before, i dont want any promises from you and i know you dont want any from me. Just know i always leave my door unlocked, you can walk in anytime! There is nothing selfish about you! I just got carried away with your attention i have craved for, for so many years walking alone! I hope the world around you experience what i had and value it and the universe rewards you for the heart that you are!!!

I now know why i connected to you! I hope someday you will find why you connected to me, beyond initial curiosity! My special one, i carry you always in my heart. Hope someday to experience your smile, kisses and your gentle hands even if its just a bum squeeze.

It was a blessing to have been your Queen all this time! You are my Prince, My Knight. I will wait for you to kiss me out of my sleep even if it takes a hundred years".

Why not a Love Letter to Oneself?

Its Not My Faith, Its Your Fear that betrays Me!!!!"

Sometimes I wonder if it isn't better,
To just be a dum blond!
But since the universe made me soar,
I am building my wings as I fall,
Hoping that I start flapping my wings before the fall!
A voice is telling me
I am already flying,
But my eyes can't see!
The voice is telling me,
My wings are huge and beautiful,
But I can't feel its weight!

Its Not My Faith,
Its Your Fear that betrays Me!!!!"

I dropped out of school!

"i dropped out of school because i was bored with mediocrity, the world was going forward while the teachers got stuck in the past. If your kid isnt doing well in school then the stimulation is low for him/her. I have seen a lot of parents blaming their children for none performance, meanwhile the teacher has stopped performing miracles in class.

Reading the textbook is for home purpose, if not for the teachers themselves. Teachers should learn to act what they want the kids to memorise. This isn't about putting teachers down, it is about understanding the mind of a child and what can be done.

Their senses are like magnifying glass, they see through everything and if they dont find the waw in an information they are likely to get bored. Children's minds should be stimulated, talking does nothing, it is the same effect as a screaming mother in a home trying to get order.

Imagine what if each kid was given a task to redecorate their classrooms into what they have found in the books, wouldn't they read and remember rather than cram? Wouldn't they develop design skills? Wouldn't they know what project management is? Wouldn't they then dream of how next year they could do better? Wouldn't they be able to accept criticism better if they invited other classes to come and evaluate their piece of art as well as their efforts having physical evidence rather than a score they cant hold and parents obviously being able to see what their kid put on a wall?

This tables where they sit bored to death, breeding depression from the start.
or in the other focused kids who see evidence of their contribution everyday?" I guess it is quite evident why some nations excel farther than the others.

Common nonsense!

"I am so happy right at this moment, because something triggered in me to put to thought what i have
been seeing since i was conscious of the fact that i was born into a multicultural family. The divide between the black and the white has tormented to some extent my life and still sometimes does and many mixed raced kids. Mixed raced not just from the perspective of white and black but even from the same skin colored but different ethnic groups.

A white friend of mine said he is oblivious of the African culture. I did understand it from a positive perspective, he may never have had the chance to come live and study us. As a Nigerian i know and have seen that many white people adopt our life and love our meals. Does any party now owe either side to be like the other just to play politics? I have my best friend who is white yet she is Nija like inside. She loves everything about the African and even dances so, and i have my black women who behave white and all i demand is that they be true to what ever culture they like to be and not rub it on any party by force to be so.

I keep saying one thing, there is nothing like raceisim its culturisim, different mentality ie to me meaning mode of communication and methods of implementation. If as a true black man you respect the white man because he is a person then you have succeeded at being a human being. If as a white person you respect a black man for his swag and values then you also have succeeded in being human. Yes as a mixed person i would agree that the white man has been bright about his future, but the African isnt stupid either, we just have different values. Going by what we see today happening in the world the constant ego tripping on both side's is tearing everything apart. Inferiority complex on both sides.

Sad to say but the white man presumptions and ignorance of us and our stupidity to will development and rise to the occasion to project self worth has created a wall. I am mixed and have seen the various attitudes of both cultures both good and bad and it is all inaptitude on both sides. We both have our talents and abilities but we are unwilling to blend with each other to make something greater and rise above animalistic attitude's. I am able to be with both cultures but not when they are in the same room. And until both cultures decide to see in each other and build a common fence, we will keep thriving in common nonsense. No body likes the truth, no one owes one to say the truth but it has to be said, "If you are full of shit as a person or a nation it doesn't matter what skin colour you are and when we are living in a world that needs a common fence so we all have peace and prosperity, allowing attitudes to rule only makes both sides fools. No culture or person is an island we might as well start building a bridge above the common nonsense of rules."


"What if in our Senate "Benin, Nigeria" they started speaking pigeon language, wouldn't the nation have one voice cos they can make sense of what is being talked about, rather than bullying people with Honorificabilitudinitatibus to avoid pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis of our rights and we will have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious nation that we are, cos we are becoming the Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies for the rest of the world.

The effect of lack of common sense in our actions as a result of Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis of corruption cos our current speakers have no Hippopotomonstrosequippeddaliophobia."

Some sexual exploration can turn to exploitation!

"Over ages since man has been created, people have been engaging in orgies in order to relief themselves of the enigma 'dark' side made out of sex. I think that the recent liberation in sexual exploration talked about between couples through the media is reducing the effect of boxing people
into hiding. When we make a taboo out of something it invariably creates avenues for things to exist in hiding.

Men and women should talk about sex more. Half the time if not more being able to talk about things creates a better way not to be taken advantage of by ignorance. Sex sells they say, i think sexy sells. Awareness of your sexuality and projecting it in a proper manner allows a confident Image to emerge.

Every one who has a sense of self has a sense of the influence their sexuality exudes. They are able to manage their actions better and reduce the need to engage in the acts that create the hell we all currently are going through socially and individually. Depressed people do not have sexual discipline, they have emotional and physiological issues, they are constantly seeking belonging through sex, its sometimes the only way they see instead of going for alcohol or drugs. A mind that is busy is disciplined."

Yeah what a dilemma!

I just read this.
Inspire Your Man to be More Romantic! Transform him into Prince Charming literally overnight with simple little text messages - like!

It made me think, if romance is in the woman's head, how natural could it be for a man to be Romantic? This is an issue that women all over the world have. Given that many are complaining that men are absent minded, how can you make a man remember you always?

Women are not good at flirting, for men to be romantic.
When you live in a society that uses religion to cage the woman, how naughty can she be? Which is what the rules of flirting are. Being NAUGHTY meaning you do regardless of if anyone approves of or not. Am I pushing for chaos in this statement? Men sure are good at being flirty but how can you get a response from a prune? Are we in a fix here?
A woman who marries as a virgin where is she to get naughtiness from? Again am I begging for chaos here by breaking the rule we have so gotten used to hearing?

Yeah what a dilemma" Does Santa Have a Naughty List for you?"

The Sun and The Moon!

Survival is not about competition. In the question "Why do women love material things a lot" i had to look for an example to bring understanding to the men about women and material things.

Women get blamed for wanting, is it we or is it blame pushing?
I just dashed out to watch my son ride his bike. He came to meet me and said 'open the gate!' His intention was to enjoy himself, but as soon as he got outside to the compound I saw him turning back, I asked what happened and he said the rain. I came out and saw that it was just a drop here and there. I didn’t accept his excuse for not going forth with what he wanted. If the rain now is an excuse for him to turn back, then what will he comeback to me tomorrow to say “why he didn’t achieve the goals he set out to”?

I have had many instances to turn back and drop what ever it is I set out to do because some say No it isn’t worth it or the weather wasn’t right. Little excuses now and there will be many more obstacles as a reason tomorrow. That’s why I don’t believe in obstacles, they create bigger emotional "esteem" and physiological 'actualization" problems later. The power of habit is great. He would have enjoyed his ride before the rain actually started.

As soon as he was persuaded to continue his ride, he saw other boys. Trying to show off distracted him. The other boys ignored him cos they had no bikes while he kept trying to approach them. Well if he came out on foot he would probably have had a greater chance to blend with them.

Men like to play with toys but not to take care of it. Sorry that’s not how life works. In the desire to possess one should pay the price. Men have posed the right to go after material things, given that the right to earn was given to them at first and women were given the duties to distribute the possessions in an even manner. We need it to manage affairs of the home. Now it has so gotten into the subconscious due to the upbringing "influence" where a gal is brought up to think that that’s what she should be demanding from man rather than go and get it herself.

This happening created both a positive and a negative effect. Positive is that the burden is off one shoulder and now on both. This would force men to count with the opinions she has, which often men resist cos they would like to believe they alone can do all and it will force them to think out of the box about what he needs to do to keep a woman other than just using money as a bait.

A friend of mine said: Too much material or property consciousness of a woman can make man 'kolo' ooo.

I said: man is a possessive based creature, liberate the women to go make their own living and you will find that man would resist that progress because he is egoistic, possessive. Why complain about the pressure? He is the sun that wants to sine for eternity and worshiped, forgetting the woman is the earth that reproduces from the heat the sunlight gives, she needs to be supported.

Another friend added: Even at that, some women still want d sun to shine heavily in the evening or night, haba!

I said: for some men that woman may be asking for little. The issue I would presume isn’t about "how much" the woman may be asking but the fact that she is asking for what one in particular cannot give. To some men to talk is like you are pulling on their balls and they say “why isn’t the money that is given not enough for her to shut up and leave me alone”. To some men her not asking for anything is a problem. The problem is that a woman "asks", rather than go and do it by herself. If she does, he blames her for him ceasing to be relevant other than just a tool for pleasure and even that comes to question cos he himself thinks he isn’t good enough. Men are always sizing their length to feel relevant.

He added again: In a situation were d men sizes their length 2 feel relevant and d woman insist on her demands with threats and all what not leading 2 chaos, mayhem ,..etc...Do we say d man has not lived up 2 his relevancy......

I said: he hasn’t lived up to it cos he cant manage the pressure. You will find plenty a man not fazed by what others say and demand, but if he feels trapped then woe to him.

he said: Do we now say d fault lies on d weak men, like d adage...if u can't beat a woman ..u can't marry her...abi..

I said: agreed but I would redefine the strong word weak to lack of discipline and principles. I don’t presume that men are weak, they are not equipped to manage pressure like women have through history. If you see what has happened in the course of life for centuries men have subjected women into a box, now they have to carry it.

We women are strong because we have been made to discipline our minds and body, now the tables have turned to bite in the ass, but we didn't start it. If you read in the bible the Virtuous woman she needs a lot to manage the many, try help me find one verse like that for the men.

If it wasn't for Jesus the Prostitute would have been stoned by the same men who visit her. Do you think we women enjoy being subjected as tools for punches and pleasure? Try do that to man and he will cry slavery and abuse. We women can carry a lot, but we aren’t dartboards. So if a man cant or dosnt want to carry the burden of pressure he should relinquish his powers to the moon. To him who much is given much is expected. He who buys in the market carries his load!

In all this if you want life to work, you will share the sun with the moon and rip the rewards!


We feel not guilty!

"We feel not guilty about what but how we do what we do! The intentions are always right but its the pain we inflict we never antisipate! When we see someone cry or hurt we get surprised because we didn't realise that someone could feel so much! We get ashamed that we didn't feel that much and then it is toooooo late that even the word Sorry can't mesure up to heal the pain!!"

"I value experience above anything! All the money in the world can not give real memories! I'd die to make sure I can relay a truthful story of my life and push others to do so same! Be it crash and burn! I live once"

Maybe it?

He whom love touches not walks in darkness. —Plato
Plato dear tell me more, i am writing a book on all my loves, never been the same and more passionate. Would you love to read the book called "Maybe it?"

Maybe it- some things you just don't question. Every girls fist love 'dad and guy' determines how she later responds to every other man. Love is an illusion until it meets reality and the realities of its existence! I remember my loves just as much as the trials of my life and tribulations of my heart and say "HELLO, I found myself in you"! I keep my muses alive! They inspire me! Love can be bitter sweet! I throw the bitter and leave the sweet! Love and Loving has mended my heart! Love can make a stone cry! I loved every one to the fullest before I met the realities of their hearts and the circumstances of life's environment!

I became aware of the feeling "state of heart" and the demands I posed on love ''state of mind"! First when I was 12! A guy came up to me and said in his broken Russian english "I love you" I said are you joking "Ti shutish"? He left to the guys that dared him he couldn't say that to any gal because they viewed him as a geek! He didn't know how handsome he really was hence he never believed he could be liked by any gal! He was an "A" student and his classmates teased him so they picked the only different gal "Mixed" that was in that school. I hail thee 178 school in Tashkent, the city of my birth! He was in class 10, I was in class 7! His name was Alex!

I went back into my literature class where on that faithful day we were exploring Alex Pushkin the great Russian poet who was also mixed like me! Coincidence? Well it didn't help me! In my mind I couldn't comprehend what did he see in me that would make him say he loved me! Was he watching me all this time? I was teased in school for being bigger than my average peer! I was always just as tall as the 10th grade kids at 7th grade! I wasn't aware much of myself as a gal until that moment! Many would call me to protect them from bullies but never knew that a gentle giant had a heart that got disturbed by a simple "I LOVE YOU"! I started seeing the world different even more!

I would dream about him until I had the courage to ask him for his phone number! He gave me! Probably feeling guilty that he disturbed my world, could be probable that he himself became aware what that word he uttered can do to someone and what he is now responsible for! He felt Guilt, I gave Love! He was a lovely guy and he still is! I dreamt of him and I walking in the park, no holding hands, just walking by, side by side! Nothing more or less! I wasn't aware that kisses existed let alone hugs!

I got his phone from him, I wasn't afraid of rejection because I never experienced that before! I called everyday for about 2 weeks asking him if he would come see me! He declined giving one reason or the other. He didn't know the personality behind the face he said i love you to. He had a little brother who was in the same class as my little bro. They were always around me being a nuisance, probably using me as a shield from the bullies. I made friends with his little bro. Amazing to what lengths infatuation can make one go. He brought me to his home, i guess it was a surprise for him. That's all i needed i guess to understand more "why did he say that word" and my infatuated dreams came true. He took me back home we walked and talked through the park, sweet nothings and then he said "Alsu you and i are not mates and i am sorry for playing with your heart". I said it was ok, although i didn't understand. I guess he was honest and i accepted, it was fine and it didn't feel like rejection. I moved on but until he graduated all i did was watch him pass by in school, feeling elated when he gave me a smile. We used to meet in breaks and have laughs, we became friends. I am sure Elena remembers me then.

My next was at 14 when i first went to a dance club. I stood there in my "H2O" dress my dad brought for me from Japan! Which i think my little sis Sasha inherited. Talk about passing on your heart to the next generation of women, oh i had schooled her about how not to dream a lot.
He bent his head and had this look that said to me, "who's that girl"? He was a sports guy, so big and yet could dance MC Hammer like he was him. I got to love dancing because of him, although as an African it is a natural instinct to have the beat he amazed me with his moves. He later told me he wasn't interested in me as a gal but only as a good friend. Again i wasn't fully aware of anything. Why would guys prefer to be just friends with me? I didn't question it, I let it be; "friends you say? Thats fine"! So long as it allows me to be around him. It kept my muse enough to save his ass in being deceived about getting another gal pregnant for him. His guys told him "if Alsu hears about this she will kill you both." Well not exactly but the feeling i had for him made me want to help him. I found out that it was a lie by talking to the gal and make her understand that it wasn't right to keep a guy by deceiving him. I still don't believe it is right to hold a guy with pregnancy. If it happens and you cant get him to understand that you were open enough to let him in, then leave him be. I wish many knew that only a woman that has that feeling is stupid enough in love to take in. She is not thinking of protecting herself, she gave all of herself in passion and then rejection kicks in.

My next 2 was at 15, bad boys but then i guess i was fed up with just being a friend and holding all the brewing fire within me. A kiss and another hmmmmmm. When it happened i hid from dad in fear that he would know. I became ashamed of being happy that i finally got rid of that thing that made me wonder was it because i was black in a white mans land, that the boys were afraid i am an alien? Being in an extreme environment when you are the only type of person and everyone is looking at you with interest, you don't know that that's cos you are of a different skin. Yeah you were alien to them. Nigeria isn't different either. In one place they reject you, in another you are fully taken in but used. Talk about extremes. At 18 i realised it didn't matter whether you were black, white, coloured or thin. You are a gal and that is him. Listen dads, its time for reality to kick in, your gals are losing their virginity at 15. Most volatile age, don't know if you can stop it except you lock her in. I was a stubborn head but who did i take it from? I am not ashamed cos it happened for LOVE, although i didn't understand then what does it really mean. How many do understand the word love? "Innocence' having no ulterior motive other than to give and share." My quest now is not to understand cos i know it; i felt it and gave it but did i get "the greatest thing called love, to be given in return?! I said long time ago at 19 that i would give regardless "COME WHAT MAY!"

MAY the birth of spring. 19, 19, 19. The age. Another leap and down the tunnel, never after this the same. I fell in love again. This time with my childhood friend, we became one under 2pac. Raised hell in the bedroom. I let it be as it felt;  crazy, held nothing back and so was he but reality kicked in. He was sent on to school where i couldn't reach him and i was in exile for 4 years waiting 'would he come back for me?" should i go to him? No he didn't, he couldn't, he had to finish school but then gossip he has moved in with another. Oh dear, my childhood dream gone. How can i cut him off because we are bond by family ties since we were 5. I got a call 'i am leaving Benin." "Why? because my parents said it is my responsibility, we have to be sensible". I was in Kaduna he was in Benin. "When are you leaving? In 3 days, "'Shit, i don't even have time to say good bye. "Why didn't you tell me before this, while you were planing to leave"? "Alsu you know how Nigeria is, you don't really know when you will get a visa". I rush, I pack my bag and gave a lie to my parents that i had pressing matters. My boss is calling everyone early back in, cutting short his vacation for a job, i have to go back to Benin. I came and straight into his house i went. I was mute, my heart was mute, i couldn't scream. "Why you, now that i have found you". Why do you all want to take him. Don't go my heart, i only have you. For 3 days we walked around each other unable to explain the pain, we couldn't even be vain. I looked at his mum, she smiled but she didn't understand. For her it was important to be a parent, love can wait. I had to submit again, and this time to life. We went to Lagos, spent the last night. We drove his little brother out of the room. Held each other and didn't even realise how anguished our hearts were, we slept of without sharing each other. We woke up still in each others hands "Good morning." A broken smile from a broken heart. The plane is in 5 hrs; I didn't pack his bags, i couldn't. I still don't pack when i travel because i am afraid that he wouldn't come back.

At the airport, his little bro is trying to cheer us up by being silly. Small talks don't still stormy waters. He looks at me, i look at him, he turns away but i couldn't, keeping every moment. In my prayers "keep him with me".  Now its time he has to pass through the border, i am at my border saying good bye, we couldn't even kiss, we were shy in public. He was gone and i was broken. His uncle took me back to Benin. On the way from the airport i saw a corpse that we had grown used to seeing on our Lagos highway roads. I could identify with him. "Road Kill" i said to myself. How long will this continue? How long can i continue to give in and out with me? I came home to Benin, i opened my door. The room was never the same. I cried that night like once before. I couldn't believe, my life seemed gone with the wind. I remembered the Scarlet vow to never starve and if she was to kill, she would find a way to live with the kill. I was dead to the world, i shut down.

I picked myself up. I said to myself "you will not find me in stagnant waters, where you left me!" This didn't happen in one day. I waited for every letter. I got one that said "lets try and make amends, you have a life while i am away and then when we meet, we will start over again". I asked myself "am i a prisoner for him to decide when to release me"? No i held on to the dream. I moved towns just to forget him but not aware i was looking for a way to get close to him. Lagos the faithful town that took him or was it Benin? Life and its trials. One love so many lives entangled within.

Don't toy with a woman's heart! Or did she toy with hers?
An African woman does feel. Her Love is powerful beyond measure. It raises those who fall. Above all obstacles. To be continued..............what happened 10years later? Did i find him and bring them all back? I loved you even when i didn't know you!

Our movie, publishing industry is blind and daft to what goes on on its soil.

Status through Purpose!

True status is achieved through purpose, be it in any thing or with anyone.
Does it matter who, or is it about what do you want to do?
Your interests, your values, your experiences, all binding to create YOU!

No one is higher than purpose. You might as well forget your ego or pride. Through purpose you find your strengths and weaknesses, which is why i often say there is nothing like a mistake, only unsolved circumstances. TWICK, not the bogus word CHANGE. Risk increases by doing nothing. Little issues grow into big problems.

The only thing you have to do is work out the parameters, the scope of works that reveal the vision behind collaboration RULES OF ENGAGEMENT called body language. There are always signs "intuition'.

Are you on the right path? What is a path if not different roads leading to one gate "SOLUTION" Look is it the long or short road? Measure your strengths carry the back pack and head on the road.

Procrastination, the mother of all failures. If you say i don't know, it means you didnt care enough to explore. Dont say it is impossible because someone has already presented an example before you. No idea 'fruit" comes from no where, there is a root, find it. It may be deep, it maybe on the surface, the fact is that it is there.

The root of all findings lay in the process that pushes you to ask Why!

Looking for a way home!

We are all looking for a way home! The key is you  and the door is where you stand! We have been fed with a lot of theories about success! That's how others made theirs but yours can only show when you start acting!

Is it in having a house, a car, marrying? Is it in emotional and spiritual safety? Is it in social or personal belonging? All these are earthly signs of success! Facts that say I havnt left myself behind! The higher being is he who finds esteem in every little step that leads him to implement the dreams he so wills!

Look at kids, they find delight in doing what ever presents itself before them! They are not affected by what anyone has an impression on about! They are doing!

IMPRESSION that's the word that cages every adult in facing what's before them! Brand, Image! What about what your heart tells you? We question everything and ourselves. Are we going the right way? Disabuse your mind of impressions so your heart can lead!

John 10.9:- I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture.

The last Prince takes the bride!

Just picked up my kids from a dear friend! I do this periodically to clear my head and see myself other than just a mother. This is an exercise many mothers don't give themselves or almost never allowed. We cling to our kids so much that we as a person ceases to exist.

Most women are brought up in families one dimensionally; clean, cook, care for siblings, go to school to be a better subject for who ever can benefit from it. Today many men are saying why cant i find a real woman? Well she is buried in duties that she ceases to be a personality, until the day she breaks and goes on the journey of self discovery.

The last prince takes the bride, when others have exhausted her strength in pursuit of possessing, he comes with humbleness in his eyes because he has seen his life in her.

I look at my kids and i look at Africa!

I look at my kids and i look at Africa and tell myself how can i make their world much safer? I build a vision and i create its realities, thats my drive for them and other kids who may not have the chance because no one set a path. There is nothing more we can give our kids than a safer tomorrow. Amassing
riches does not create wealth. If our kids are surrounded by vultures and poverty, what guarantee that our riches will protect them?

No matter how much you be nice to people, when hunger strikes everyone forgets his brother. Economical growth must be achieved and maintained. Girls are turning into prostitutes daily, boys are turning into 419. Slavery hasnt ended even if we have taken back the illusion of freedom. To help them be what God has put in them is our responsibility as parents to implement. Government or no government, the principle is in governance of life and the living.

There is no excuse to remain ignorant, examples have been presented.

Return our mothers back to being WOMAN?

I was just asked this question.

Well e go hard small small, well for some would mean total brain operation. First guys, no more than 2 kids and space them with difference of 6 years apart. I did that and it is excellent, one in uni as soon as the first is out the next goes in. Well i didn't really plan it this way given my boy needs a lot of attention, but as it has turned out not a bad plan God had for me. When you have kids that are very near apart it puts a strain on the young family, financial wise, emotionally and physically. A woman's body after child birth needs to rest. She needs to go back to work for mental health.

By the way every job must be looked at as a mental rehab. If it is boring either leave or do something about it. Jive your hands into literally everything, help your colleagues as a method of distraction you never know what additional skills that would give you. Many people are bored in their work, so you could switch positions. In my company every one does what they like there is a target to achieve on the week and they choose what they want, no job description, its like you come to office and its a blind date, our jobs are creative based we design, we craft, and mould businesses, we train people to be crazy, that's pretty much what it takes to achieve performance. We learn new tricks of sales, promotion and advertising, publishing, media so pretty much we see ourselves as movie actors, we get into the role and we the directors, script writers etc. oops did i just deviate from the topic to promote? loll cant help it to be naughty. Naughty is what keeps me as a woman. Once a woman looses that, you will be living with a hammer.

Now this is brain sugary, in Nigeria we have a lot of double standards, men can do this and women can do that, but never together. I wish you saw how the South African woman have redesigned our Naija boys here, no matter how they fight it, the government makes them comply to 50/50% lol i lie, which Naija man de comply, but when you are in an environment where you see others do this in time some habits change. Women are hard on women in Nigeria, we tell each other sorry if you don't do it who would. Common guys you are suffering in return. A prostitute, one night stands or outside affairs cant give you what by God was given to enjoy.

Then men again as i say learn some Kamasutra. Women and men are supposed to play. We are marrying for status and procreation. No feelings no passion. He becomes a wallet and she na toto. Forgive me for my French abi na bini i de speak?

Too many women have been brought up by women who came from polygamous homes where the hurts of generations has a strong hold. Apart from the fact that we have a lot of gals on the streets who have lost hope that they will ever have the opportunity to make an earnest and honest living without having to sleep with someone to get a job or retain it.

Our edu situation is breeding incompetence, so many women think that it is the order of the day to sleep with a guy to keep the place and then in time she turns into a tiger and when she is single doesn't even want to see men in ear sight.

Our men and women can't visit bars and meet in clubs without being perceived as loose. Come on where is a gal or a guy to meet that would be natural? In church? i heard one guy long time ago tell me "all good gals sit at home" i said yep, and 10 years later he met his wife and happily married at a night club. We need to grow up from local menta. Church forces everyone to pretend to be holy, now that we are having space fighters for pastors what do you expect will be going on there? Pastors in nija cant tell the truth cos many know what they are onto.

Take your women out, dump your kids with your parents for the weekend, have real good ............ with no one. Unfortunately our recreation and tourism isn't developed to help keep intimacy between couples. Guys we are having real epidemic in relationships where you men have been replaced with gadgets, aren't you tired?

Statuses and Quotes that motivate me!

I like to use statuses that motivate me greatly and hope it does you too.

Make your plans as fantastic as you like: Because 25 years from now, they will seem mediocre. Make your plans 10 times as great as you first planned. Because 25 years from now, you will wonder why you did not make them 50 times as great. (Henry Curtis)

I have been contemplating on the hows and where and when and with whom and what for quite sometime with my project. Should i go slow, should i go hard, should i this and that? Well this status just told me, if it is fantastic and great to you, go do it. Although i am not one for ever trying to be perfect, worries do get hold of me. My thought "does my market actually want this regardless of if they need it"? Its like trying to feed a child the meal it dosnt want. My life long love called StartUpSity has been brewing for long and has achieved accolades and recognition from first day, yet i hadnt been satisfied with myself and created something that is bigger than myself :). Looking at where it first started and how i worried then, now seems nothing in comparison to what i am dealing with now. The bigger your dream the more protection it needs.

Perfection is now, tomorrow brings new tricks.

Circumcised in body isn't circumcised in mind!

I had met a gal who has been circumcised and i asked how does she feel?
I had been informed by a dear elder of mine when i asked "has that done anything really?"
Today i had a discus on this topic again and in my mind i wonder why was this in practice? Who told the men that this actually solves anything concerning promiscuity? Should i mutilate my daughter so men are given a sense of security? So since men are circumcised physically women should too? i guess that is the logic! What is good for the gander isn't always good for the goose!

A circumcised man is clean because naturally that cloth keeps dirt i.e. after you have had sex naturally there are particles left that brew infections because some men somewhat naturally dont keep clean. How many men shave? Its actually disgusting to us women to give oral pleasure. Please if you are sensitive to the matters of sex this is a PG 16 case.

A National or African wide awareness needs to be drawn, Nipples are sensorial zones, maybe we should also proceed to cut that off to? Ideots forget that thats what a man first touches and arouses the woman. I guess watin de sweet man im no go comot am. Imagine a poster to go round with a picture that says exactly that, it will have a lovely effect. Let it hurt, so we all can see, since we all seem to be ok with what we don't feel. Or a poster with a man kicked in his balls with a baseball bat, how about that. ooooooooo it huts yeah? Now how about the gal?

A friend of mine said "Alsu, you know that no community person can circumcise male/female without the parents consent! Abi?" yeah well if the whole community prior is circumcised and they all tell you if you dont like leave the village. Many comply because they dont know where to go.

Women unlike men have several zones. the head, neck, ear, skin, breasts, bum, vaginal walls legs and feet and the back. I am yet to find a woman who will actually confess the truth to the orgasim thing, so as not to make the men feel bad. Sorry guys the illusions joke is on you. Only a vibrator can do that work. Men may also enjoy same but they are busy focusing on penetration. Its mental for women as well.

Do you understand what circumcision is? Regardless of if you do in physical, if the mind isnt circumcised whats the point? Hasn't it been more obvious that circumcised men are more randy? Maybe its best if we cut the penis then we will all be safe. Factors that influence women going into prostitution or being loose isnt because of no circumcision. Most women actually dont enjoy sex, because men are lousy at pleasure giving. Why do you think most men complain at not having enough?! Most mutilated girls become cold and unaffectionate, as well as the effects of not having that tingle that warns you your bladder is full. It is humiliating.

Without a will!!!

Without education, you are not going anywhere in this world."
~ Malcolm

My 2 bit sense to this!
Such statements as these supposedly made by people of knowledge as Malcom X are not to be taken literarily. I never listen to what people say, except i am blinded by infatuation that their image evokes in me. I hear what it means. In hearing this statement one will probably feel deflated if one has no opportunity to pay for education. Education enlightens and so it is with life. Life gives greater facts, than words in some books. Any book is a book of records and the dots need to be connected. Very few people will chew and feed you in the business, social, or personal world, you have to have an internal will to survive.

We all relay on ACCURATE information but how accurate can something be without your added  experiences? Events educate us! If one is willing to find the truth and present facts and not basing their actions on assumptions then you might as well ask life for experience and life is faithful to teaching even high-end scholars some new tricks. If you dont trust to seek meaning behind words then whats the point in going to school?

Looking at the current level of our formal education where things are distorted, how is it that one can find the raw truth, if not "processing" (the act of wisdom) of the information you get. The white man keeps his life experiences in books. He isnt going to give it to you free. He earned his success through life. He died and killed for experience and is everyday rectifying the desperate mistakes of his ancestors.

The fact that i dropped out from school at age 18 has not hindered my ability to survive and thrive in the business world. The fact that i am moving towards my goals is what makes me know i have a place in the world. I am expected to reach there at any given time but this depends on the universe standing by me. If i am expected to run before i learn how to sit or sit before i learn to run then for me this is just someone who is ignorant or plain wants to put me under pressure. Who are you to tell me how to get educated? Your job is to tell me what you want and my duty is to deliver. We have too many paper holding individuals without the will to deliver.

There are people who will evaluate my success and say i havnt reached there or i shouldn't consider myself successful because someone did better than me. There are some who will say i wish i was where she is and there are some who would say, say say say. Sayings are subjective evaluations. Malcome may have stumbled upon certain realities that made him understand that he knew very little of what he was fighting against. The statement may be true but not from the angle of accepting it as an absolute truth.

It should be stated "without a will to learn and do, you are going no where in this world"!

Who is what i am "Personality"!

My personality draws many, and i embrace all. I create no cages so that i am not trapped in one. I do not seek security, i give loyalty. I know that security isnt possible without change. I seek change because i believe in it. I believe in it because nature has seasons and that to me means i should evolve.

I fight against habits, getting so used to anything that traps the mind traps the body. Although i know that my body has limits, in mind i remain global all the time regardless of setbacks. Everyday i am new because i observe the world and judge it not from my own narrow perspective shaped by events. I have no judgement even when someone hurts or makes me happy. I remain neutral even when i make statements, I allow possibilities. I have a dream but i also fear it not being accepted because many have been made to believe in one vantage point of education, that what they were told was the truth rather than look at what they had experienced, but they wernt told or thought that the truth always evolves to greater heights. I am like a child trusting everything and this is a personality that many are not used to, even if they are drawn to it.