
Why is the government at fault?

To give rhetorical written speeches is easy, how about drafting a blue print a nation will agree with to follow?

This is why political parties exist; a group of people who have outlined an executive plan for a nations development and growth projections, however what can derail those plans is the willingness of its people to follow, as well as lead themselves. If a government is busy micromanaging people then that growth is delayed and not only by the government but the people are responsible.

Why is the government at fault? Their inability to explain and manage a supposedly simple thing. Looking at the fact that people elect who they like not always who can why be surprised that most politicians present a nice face yet are difunctional. When people want air blown up their behinds then don't be surprised that a whooping may follow to get things done in projected time.

The government that wants to succeed with its people must know its people in terms of culture, traditions they uphold regardless of if it is good "strengths" or bad "weaknesses" and skill level, this is the core for developing an executive plan then during elections campaign be able to explain this in ways that people can understand.

The problem Africa has is that votes are bought through you the people accepting fringe benefits in return for your voice, after then who is going to listen to your hungry pleas that the food has finished? Why this happens is because "I would hate to say this" but the mass is uneducated in what it takes to get out of poverty that fuels decease and crime. I doubt that anyone will rejoice when told that should they not want to grow that the result is often not what people desire. It isn't for nothing when it is said "An idle mind is the devils workshop" in economic terms this would mean "an ignorant people can seldom produce something worthwhile."

Now the only way not to breach civil rights in return for industrialisation as a growth platform is to consider the time for labour works and values "skills" that people should possess. This orientation comes from the perspective of family rights as well as consideration to the single persons who still need to have a life outside of work. I had worked in establishments for 12 hrs a day and that wasn't a burden to me because I had a goal but 3 years within that establishment was enough. Any young unmarried none parent can decide for themselves how long they wish to work but for older and parents timing should be considered as the guilt felt by those who are serious about parenthood can affect their output both as professionals and as a parent.

Why is the government at fault? they lie and buy your votes because you want to be lied to and bought, without that you will pester them with delivery timelines which varies from person to person and can make a mess of what was initially proposed during campaigns yet they can't tell you the truth that you also play a big part to executing.

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