
Will get the boot.

Sometimes I question these policies of equal opportunity employment structures that are being enforced. Having companies obligated into employing people into jobs that they don't fancy or have no disposition towards is counterproductive for the business even if it somewhat seems to eliminate the underemployment rate, it can also cripple a company. Spending time dealing with moods as a result of a person working because they have to in a particular area, because that's the only opportunity presented, wears the employers out of even wanting to be in the business.

Someone asked why do I seem to practice nepotism "that was in reference to me having selected students from the class that I am in" I said, "regardless, I would still be accused that I didn't choose all from the class, so I can't win either way, but on the other side, if anyone brings down my practice or project be it family or not, will get the boot."

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