
Those who write, write.

I feel the problem with our movie industry is that those who write, write from their minds not heart. Our actors are boxed in that frame therefore can't let the emotions brew to project, there is no sultriness or subtle expression, its over the top. When little research is done, the story lines remain mundane and repetitive.

Africans have been so desensitised that most don't even know who they are any more. Money is cherished over creativity, when we look at ourselves in the mirror we look at what haircut or shades to put on rather than ask "what should i do today to make someone feel better." Colonialism only worsened the already existing violent disposition that nature carved the black man to be and few black men fought against it or were murdered by the vultures. Harsh environments breeds harsh people.

When one holds an african man one feels no passion from within and an emptiness after an act, why would our women submit to such theft. Our women have shut down their hearts and minds. They have truly submitted and have refused to fight by worshiping the cross as a way of solace. with the child marriage laws being passed we are worsening the case. Men chase us based on what they think we are, ripping any affection and tenderness that could have been there.

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