
At peace with oneself.

To be Holly is to be at peace with oneself and hopefully at points with others that surround you, be it a person or profession/calling.

Those who abuse those who they call holly with a scornful attitude are  those who couldn't break one into giving in to a preset rule that had no favour for both sides. Often offers come with little thought about the next person. Wanters are always takers, givers never lack.

To find oneself and to be at peace with what one has or is is to be wholesome. There are those who say they are content but with every action they give away their discontent with their lives. We live in a world that constantly seeks to subject others into a mindset and every one must find a middle ground for coexistence. Free will in free willing.

Most Men and Women are finding it hard to be content in the now and building according to self measured steps, projecting towards tomorrow because they are constantly competing with the shadows created by childhood and per-pressure zones that hadn't been healed and then results in taking the pressures out on others. It is said that children carry the burdens/sins of their parents but only when they do not partway with the ways of their fathers. Who you imitate and follow is who you become likened to.

For most it is difficult to detach themselves as the social order questions a child or a young person for wanting to leave an environment or parental home, the economic system within the underdeveloped countries subjects people to cluster and only a few fight those chains it's less in the developed worlds.

Why do people question "interfere" into decisions that an individual makes in fighting for their freedom or liberties? Greed is the the reason, everyone wants to know why a place that is likened to them someone else doesn't want to be in it, "did they find something or someone better? hence you see in some people's lives a friend would sway a friend from being with someone in specific if they hadn't found one to move on with.

Mothers hold back their sons because they don't want to be left alone even if they still have a living in spouse. Tell me if someone is happy would they fight the happiness of another? It's a terrible thing that is going on in families, religions and in economics, most are selfish and only charitable when they have found charity themselves.

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