
Bumbling idiot.

Just downloaded this from a chat group on a student network and curiosity drew me to read about him. This supposed bumbling idiot as he was labeled is said to have apparently invented the philosophy behind the conduct of implementing examination of students. If he conducted it himself then probably he wouldn't be labeled as such. In the bio read up on him and his work it is said that his work revolved around phenomenology "to feel and to experience oneself in every point of its being," ie meaning that putting oneself through desired experiences teaches one to understand the truth" considering that to translate someone's work from one cultural understanding to another as well as teaching his followers to implement it the way he viewed his philosophy gets lost in translation, this is why certain theories get screwed. Also consider another aspect that those who understood his philosophy would approach it from a different angle and the true meaning of his theory also gets screwed. To sustain an image of an upright scholar its is dangerous to teach others the methods of ones practice without first screening their moral and ethical stand towards life and people.

In the manner through which he is depicted in this picture there are 2 effects that it arouses. In a subjective "negative mind" one would instantly develop and project negativity to the person, a conscious mind that sees this and understands that a coin has 2 sides will show curiousity towards studying his practice first and then see if how he is depicted in the picture is really true.

As much as I am a rebel I do not totally eradicate the concept of examining people. Theories exist for expansiating on a thought through theorising more and practising the thought to find the results for another level of theory to surface. Looking at why the students are dissatisfied with exams is in direct relation to the practicians of theories in schools/universities then and today. The group in question is voicing out their displeasure with the manner with which they are handled by the teachers but the result is that it is backfiring at the founders of the theoretical practice but no one is questioning the followers or translators of his theories into practice.

To teach is to put someone through an experience either in thought or practice but what is going on is that they are being shoved with information that they can't relate to or often isn't used or may not be practiced due to circumstantial events. Again I say the curriculums of then do not entirely fit into what is going on now. Technology has changed a lot of things and this begs to review the theories that are being given.

To test or to examine someone would be more positively accepted and conducted if practice is done first,  then using the former developed theory to bridge the gap for knowledge to establish itself customary "customised to individual demands" within every individual or we will all continue to swim in nonsense and currently existing chaos.

Typing from my iPhone so I need to review this on my MacBook to edit the grammar. Lol this is exactly the process that theories need to go through to get to the bottom line of initiated thoughts.

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