
Woman Wrapper or is he a Rapper???

Marriage is not a place to seek hapiness but if you both are willing to make eachother happy, then it can be a happy one-----

Are you ready to make someone happy? Thats the question that gets people fearful of getting
married. When you are trying to woo a woman you like, hide your money and show your personality because money comes money goes but the person remains, that way you are sure that the person is with you because they like you. Marriage is not to be feared its to be entered.

Do i like the person? Do i like the personality or do i partake in what makes that personality to be wealthier? Life holds no guaranty does that mean you should commit suicide? So is marriage.

Soul mates don’t exist, someone you get along with and have something’s in common and someone that is complimentary to you (+ & -) is what you can find. I had been married for 10 years and have seen in mine and in most marriages that most people are not happy because they go into it with clouds in their heads. I have been found guilty but did i pay the price for loving blindly < or > YES and so do many and by the time they understand whats going on, they are back single again and even more miserable because they are too proud to say sorry and try make it work.

There are just somethings that many find hard to get over. There is no spoil in the soil, move on or get over. We all realise we make mistakes but not bridging that gap before comfort settles in is the problem. We all grow, we all understand and see where we have made mistakes but the chemistry is over.

Brew it to keep it safe and sound.
Safe and sound is what a healthy relationship is. A sound mind and a safe heart makes a safe heaven for all. Demand clarity or leave in clouds. A soul is always a gipsy, ever searching for Glitter to dance because it is never happy when stagnant. Be liberated in your freedom to explore the varieties of each other and the middle finger to the ignorant world that dosnt know the wealth of INTIMACY.

We call men who are presumed to follow their women woman wrapper because we are jealous of the textile design of happiness.

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