
Why suffer???

We all suffer the consequences of bad connection!
A clouded mind can't see! Man must open up if he wants to be alive! A woman can never find belonging if she sees no purpose! In this regard man is responsible for his choice!

I havnt met a guy who isn't afraid of a woman but then he knows his intent is what sets his foot wrongly or rightly! We women are vessels, we initially accommodate what is being poured in us! Is the liquid water or wine? Why wouldn't we throw it out when you come with another woman's baggage? We women are not competitive we just intolerant of another's trash! We hold our lives sacred! Evaluate your sisters, mothers and aunties, if they didn't build trust in you, you will trust no woman!

I trust men because I could trust my father, brother, and uncles!
I love my women because I love the women in my family!
I protect and belive in kids and youth cos I was protected and cared for by my family!

Our roots of trust comes from where we were born!

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