
Is the Pastor Pasteurising????

I don't bother myself much with remembering the verses number this, paragraph that! I think that's just for admin purposes "tracking" if it helps you to use it when needing to make reference then cool but many for the sake of quoting miss the message! One verse can not explain what one means, you have to study it up and down! What came before it and what came after it!

This opinion of mine was solidified when I had to bring a pastor to answer me on what purpose did he put a verse that was totally detached from any meaning! It read beware the world is coming to an end! Hehe I said but my God told me otherwise! Am I to believe a man over the holy spirit? However he may claim he got that from his holly spirit! I know my God dosnt scare me, he tells me he has given me today to live to its fullest, to earn the right to have tomorrow! In my mind I said this man hasn't seen death! I made it a purpose to assassinate his faith in that scripture, just as he was trying to do mine "unknowingly probably" but then having that title of pastor and him further in arrogance not answering my question told me he dosnt even believe in what he had posted or he would have given me his opinion and I would engage him to find knowledge in it! He simply said go and read the bible! I told him no, I want to connect to why he posted that post because I know everyone reads the same thing yet interpret it differently! I wanted him to connect with me but because I questioned his authority he became defensive and totaly forgot about using the word to his defence, which meant he wasn't prepered, he thought the congregation that he was preaching to are illiterate but then we have that black sheep that stands up to say "Hey Mind your language"!

What is a Pastor? He is likened to the image of the messenger. He should refrain from being the dog that barks and bites the sheep to get them in order. The shepard will gather his sheep, the dogs job is to be a force to the wolf, alert the shepard that danger is coming near. You will exhaust yourself trying to bring together the lost sheep, because they only flock when the shepherd is around! Do your job at driving the wolf rather than scattering the sheep with noise!

I could breakdown the meaning of someone being of a Pastoral nature! He layeth the field on which the grass would grow for the sheep to be fat! To Pasturise is to lay heat. Their duty is to edify the soil that the soul grazes on and not put in fear, which also but only sometimes can do some some good!

There are some stubborn heads in our mist who don't listen to things but laying heat to ones soul must be of positive intent ie understanding the variety of effects and having wisdom to know when it is required! There are people who are naturally sensitive and there are those who aren't but the Lord wants us all! Sometimes you need to smack a child to behave but what if the parent lacks knowledge in the method of how to address a behaviour? He will end up levelling everyone as same yet the thorn is still there; spreading the word in a manner that could create a feeling of being violated! A self proclaimed authority is often brought down by his own arrogance and ignorant "presumptuous" mind!

The title Pastor you must earn it, not by preaching but by helping! We are not leaving in the day when people can not read but everyone who has a mind can draw his own understanding regardless of if he can or can not read, he sees a fool infront of him when he speaks not to the soul! Pastors be global to be transformational! We need you but not in a box, the world is round not flat!

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