
Ask africa, why am I???

When you disintegrate family values, your kids are exposed. Disintegrated social values disintegrate a country. We don't need preachers, we need priests of hearts!

We are looting ourselves, our politicians are only negotiating our value. We are worth what we stand for. We have been worked on historically, probably unintentionally because the slave owners didnt realise the effects of their actions. Our chiefs in the bid to have our kids educated sold our pride. Who are we to blame for not knowing the value of our lands and people? Who are we going to blame for not geting up after a knock out? Are we expecting the world to tell us we are lovely? Thats for kids to develop confidence. For adults? A woop on fools backs. Our politicians are ignorantly whooping us into action and self discovery of mind and matter. We are all human, lets forgive them and ourselves for the ignorance or we will continue maintaining a nation of slaves.

There is nothing like a slave! A man born out of the womb of the earth is free. What you believe in imprisons or liberates you. Consciously we project what subconsciously we have been made to feel rather than consciously using our minds to lift up our bodies. To believe Africa can not be better, is what is stoping us from lifting up. We should first think better and then do even better. The day we start saying we are proud to be black and understanding that black isnt dark we will rise. Shone darkness with light and it will flee.

Feed people with positivity and they will see opportunities. The body functions on principles. Feed the mind, to get the heart beating and the body will rise. Heal Africa thats my message. Heal the family union to heal the social union. We have this job to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this isnt the responsibility of the government alone. They will fall to conscience. The responsibility of being conscious belongs to everyone.

We expect our politicians to be trustworthy, but what are the consequences of the nation using drugs? Arnt you feeling the itch that we have become addicted to self deception? The withdrawal symptoms can be deadly but only the strong will pull out. To revive one needs a shock.

Speaking in tongs- i speak the language of my times.
Find your integrity.

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