
Transformational 2pac or M.L.K????

Why don't kids follow MLK must they look for 2pac?

Both were murdered for 2 different reasons. Both in the society were creating wonders. I dont see either of them bad, 2pac i grew up on his music and marvelled at his art, not to talk of my first boyfriend having an influence because of it and it is the same with every youth. INFLUENCE.

When we as adults assassinate characters at home, in school, in public by creating the world as a bootcamp why will they not explode? Its hard to teach parents how to behave or go knocking the heads of people in public. The university is a controlled environment where everything outside can be blocked. When that in there is messed up, whats left for the kid to do? We have also allowed fraternities to thrive in there.

The school is their only sanctuary where peer to peer they are developing themselves both in mind and matter and the lecturers are just guardians of souls and technical information. I agree that teachers are to be taken care of but why have they lost their value? I was a kid who saw the breakup of the USSR and i saw the immediate change in attitude and again i say attitude in the teachers. They became emotional. I asked myself why will someone with so much knowledge feel so insecure? I have always had a sensitive mind towards change even as a 12 year old. Knowledgeable people are supposed to be transformational. I dropped out of school, my bro also because we couldn't cope with emotions of the adults there and took to the streets, he plaid football, i danced in a group. They were becoming verbally abusive because they lost control within themselves. At some point i had to tell a teacher to F'off, she told me to call my mother, i did, she went on a ramp on me infront of my parent, and then said "do you know that your daughter said i should F'off"? My mother with a smile said i can see why. She had no manners even infront of my mother. I was just bold enough to tell her to stop in a rude manner because there was no other way. There are many kids in school that are being verbally and physically abused by attitudes of adults who are to be guardians. Parents have submitted their kids lives to the notion that a teacher is a god rather than knowing a teacher is a tool to a system. Now do you realise why kids drop out of schools even if the knowledge is wealthy?

If you ask any successful dropout he will tell you its because he lost hope in his lecturer and in effect for the subject. Look at what our teachers are doing in our schools, where they flog a kid to death. Teachers have become stagnant seeking no growth and have relegated to thugs. Life is a better teacher as far as i am concerned. I came to Nigeria from Russia knowing nada about english at 18, you know how i learnt? Listening to lyrics and writing them down with my almost extinct vocabulary, dugout from childhood foundation while in Nigeria.

WHERE ARE MY HELL RASERS............................

Elementary wasn't meant for me, can't regret it
God come save the youth
Ain't nothin else to do but have faith in you
Dear Lord I live the life of a Thug, hope you understand
Forgive me for my mistakes, I gotta play my hand
If my nigga knew the truth he'd hit the roof
Dear Lord can ya hear me, it's just me
A young nigga tryin to make it on these rough streets
I'm on my knees beggin please come and SAVE ME
THE WHOLE WORLD done made a nigga crazy!
Dear Lord if ya hear me, tell me why
2pac! R.I.P

Everyone listens to the sound of music and take what they want to take from it
I saw a cry of a youth like me of my time. I told myself.

Sometimes you need to dropout to get back in,
If only the society will let you in
They reject you but you go back in
Only refined within
Even if the scars are still achin'
Me at 18.

I made a decision and i am back in,
More refined and not aching.
And MLK, Mandela my best pals,
Although 2pac still within.
Me now.

Be transformational.

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