
You are your own coach!!!

You are your own coach, looking for the best teachers or schools cant solve your doubts about the future. Investigate yourself to find the truth - inside and outside. Knowing yourself is most important.

In what ever we do we discover ourselves and in the heights we attain we measure ourselves. In Africa today if we are unable to give facilities for youth to learn about the world and themselves, then we have failed another generation. All i know today i didnt study in university but by challenging myself for my own self discovery. I know about the world because i have discovered whats within me. No man is different from the other. What i can you can if you like what i like. All that differentiates us is our level of will to discover whats within. Our will is either dampened or supported by others. My confidence allows me to reach out to others and because i am confident, i am embracing of others. The more ignorant the world, the more violent it becomes because it feels hopeless.

These days people dont search for the truth. People study simply in order to find information necessary to make a living, rase their families or look after themselves, thats all. To them being wise is more important than being smart.

It is wise to cram what others did. It is smart to produce your own thing rather than follow another persons path that has been a million times ridden over. Many are stuck today in the past unable to move on to the future. Today we are telling ourselves that we cant move further than the men of the past. Look around the worlds economy, its on stands still, what does it tell?....We are standing at the edge/end of old stretched roads and we are afraid to push further.

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