
Never Give Up! Better schools better Neighbourhoods!

I watched a film yesterday and it related to a mum moving the motion to change the old fashioned structure that didn't support her Dyslexic daughter and cos she herself was sidelined in school and now had to live in poverty because no one found a way to help her with her learning difficulty, she was even more fired up to change things. She had to face the Union who was more interested in the teachers rather than the student or the paying parent. I ask wouldn't the Job be much more secure if more options are available to kids? A quote said "Better schools better Neighbourhoods." Dosnt quality education increase quality of life and more job security for the Teachers?

I am a mum of a son who is Autistic, more towards being defined as an Aspergers kid, and i am hell bent to change the minds of people and the educational sector who measures everyone by one stick. My boy has talents that the ordinary "average kid" dosnt pick interest in. He does maths, and constructs models, has a voice and controls it in a way that amazes the adults that come across him. When you least expect him to embrace knowledge he creates even a new dimension to it, but he cant communicate it in voice yet, i am not giving up on him, and refuse for the system and systematic thinking individuals to rub him off having a full life.

I have had to battle with our daft educational system and the mindset of teachers, who if i wasnt informed by the assistant in the class that they put him at the back seat for months in a class of 30 kids i would have lost my son forever. This is what happens to many kids within the African environment. We are practising the Spartan way of life, yet we fail to research that although many cases are genetic, loads are also created by us the supposed heathy humans. Vaccines, and Antibiotics, Accidents "falling head down at a tender age" are playing a huge role in increasing the levels of cases registered, not counting that some kids are misdiagnosed to have learning deficiencies rather than trying the different learning styles that kids have.

We learn from movies "site", we learn from toughing/touching, we learn from words "hearing and reading" we even learn from the inner voice "Spiritually" our own unique way of processing ideas and projecting. A lot of geniuses are considered mad cos they dont think the way others think or do. My boy had shown the skill in using his left hand for writing and a teacher right in front of me forced him to use his right hand because she didn't know how to help him with his unique way. That day still angers me, because if one dosnt know that coordination of the brain is what makes you do what you do and if you switch forcefully someone from one physiology to the other, you are messing with his natural instincts. It is widely known that those who write with the left think with the right brain, and those with the right think with the left. Most left hand individuals are up the charts in Leadership in the world. Obama is One, do you wish i name most who are? You mess with someones uniqueness you are messing with their life. Fiddle on yourselves than others, a much more productive way at changing the world we live in. Our lack of acceptance of self is messing with our ability to accept the world. We are so used to being told that we are so blind to see when change is required. We are hurting others and in return ourselves.

This learning style problem dosnt just stop here but it also touches those who we consider disabled. We have accepted the notion that someone who is without a leg or an arm isnt capable, yet we dont think that someone without a heart is disabled.

Now you know my motivation behind what i do.

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