
Attitude, Ego and Ignorance. Vampires, Werwolf's and Prey!

A post was posted on a set of indicators that breaks Relationships; Attitude, Ego and Ignorance! If these 3 indicators exist, don't apologise about leaving! If I should make an analogy in defining people as vampires, werwolf's and preys, this way I will be able to define what and where the problems start!

In Spiritual terms: There are those you meet who drain your energy to life, they add no value to your growth, first on an emotional level! Ever wondered why some have cold feet on their wedding day? Those who come around you with the wrong set of attitude towards life and living seldom can open your life to good transformation and growth!

Clearly ask a simple question "what's your dream and what are you doing about it?" I wouldn't even hire a staff who has no dream! "DREAMS" that's an indicator of self commitment! Those who can't commit to themselves will have no understanding (principles) of commitment to the other. If the person can articulate and show some evidence of action, even if it has obstacles, then I know I have a human being worth investing my time! Pardon me for sounding arrogant but even I know that with all my abilities, I am not good for some if not many!

If in the first 6 months of my being around them, we both haven't grown then it is over for me  because that is an indication that the individual isnt present in body, mind and soul in the building. There are those who you will reveal your intentions for life and you start having one fall after the other. This to me says I have met a blood sucker! If people believe in spirituality they will understand what effect the energy of people they have near them affects what happens around them! Maybe this is what Christians call "unequally yoked?" You could both be Christians yet your spirits "values, interests, strengths" are not aligned!

If he can accept that you have a dream and has a thought to offer then there is a connection! If his family, friends are intimidated by your strength then know it is a no go area as you will always have intruders; these I label as werwolf's'. They tear everything down regardless of your efforts! Ego is just an indicator of no interest in your person and life! If you like someone you will be first to say "hi I am here" before being asked! If a gal or a guy isn't interested in you they wouldn't ask "interested in what you do" nor offer "a thought suggesting a solution/proposition," because they can't have you grow faster or greater than them. If relationship/marriage is defined as an alliance then both need their feet on the ground and not fall prey!

Sorry for the strong words but there are Vampires, Werwolf's and Preys, maybe that's what Attitude, Ego and Ignorance means?

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