
Short term vs long term goals!!!

Short term vs long term goals. The following may sound a bit disjointed, but there are a list of
messages ringing on my mind concerning the following script!
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
The elderly look weak and that scares the young who judge the book by its cover until they are persuaded to read it! Did you "elder" paint the picture? An old broom knows the corners, because he was young and also made the mistake of not cleaning that area! The elders should be respectful to the young and explain to them their mistakes! The young are respectful of the elders who show them the ropes and the young will seek to fill in the loopholes left behind! I am yet to see any young person who wasn't grateful to the elders for protecting them from repeating their mistakes! We are born in sin because knowledge is hidden in guilt and shame of our fathers! If you were to be perfect you would have come with a manual tied to your umbilical cord! Own up and set the generations to come free!

The elderly are supposed to have mental and emotional strength because of their experience. Their battle wounds should be a pride that they survived but they throw valuable knowledge away in exchange for shame, feeling guilty that they failed to be perfect "an example without blemish." That's a myth, it is not possible to Plod-right the soul, succeed at surviving yet be clean! The young have endurance due to physical health but that don't make them strong, they will also tread that path of survival, will you reduce their scars?

The Perception you create is how most people will take you! Everyone wants to be worshipped and everyone is looking for a role model, the blind lead the blind, but its only the one eyed man in the world of 2 eyed men that is the king! It takes grace not to repeat history, you've gat to read between the lines! No one will tell the absolute truth, there is nothing absolute, there is always a vantage point that will be invisible! Can you see the possible?

It is perceived that those who have money have good values, hence they are blessed with riches in return for their personal "internal" wealth! Don't know how many will agree on riches meaning having good values especially in our days but there is some wisdom to " Ask and it shall be given unto you" If you treat yourself right you will be treated right! How ever what is right to one could be wrong to the other! Always know who you are dealing with or what you are working on! You get what you ask for, "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it" are you asking for what you didn't sow? You should also be ready to put in the work if you wish to be respected!

People would betray their own beliefs if it doesn't support their today. Your beliefs can betray you tomorrow because it has served it's purpose! Sometimes if not most times you have to accept that your beliefs today can't help your tomorrow! It doesn't mean you are unprincipled, it means you are aware that life is dynamic!

Loads of young people take for granted their future because they think they will always be young. The rich forget that they wouldn't always be rich, spending away rather than investing in the future! Bad investors invest in today! That's just banking, not venturing! Beliefs to hang on to are those that don't change but what doesn't change? Life doesn't change, lifestyle changes!

I have often wondered why people to an obvious need for change can't seem to embrace change! The lack of foresight due to a rigid mindset? Kids grow so easy because they have little fear or need for physical safety! They have such flexible minds "unpredictable" they do today what catches their attention, they don't wait to be paid before they do. They hold no grudge nor pain, they are not afraid of falling or loosing, they have no emotions! Of course they are also prone to being hurt and its often by same adults that are within and outside their lives who tell them that their mates are better than them or are cheating them but that don't mean they someday wouldn't let loose after they have had enough of the negativity! How are we bringing up our kids? To be rigid? Are we forcing them to believe in what we believe today and have them stuck in it? They belong to the future, not to your today! If I had my way I would separate kids from the adults, this also creates another set of issues!

"Pressure" When the heart can't accept giving up the brain starts seeking other solutions! A young heart that has accepted pressure either breaks or pushes back! Pressure is one agent that makes you change or submit. Communication "meditation" is a better agent to change than force "brainwashing". Everyone needs solitude "independent prayer/thinking"

People will find themselves at points in their life agreeing to some principles that oppose what they used to believe! That don't make them hypocrites even if their family, friends and foes can't change their minds of them! That's their business! What operating system are you using? Windows or mac? Windows sure invites a set of viruses, too many hackers are employed. I love Bill he is now a philanthropist, he sure has changed! Steve is dead, took too much pressure in being perfect! How about the forbidden apple? One bite is enough and it creates a brand. Are you on OS Mountain Lion update constantly? ;) IPhone sure has its own mind! Hehehe! Look at how unique I am all made of grammatical and syntax errors!

Be like water "if put in a cup, it takes the shape of a cup, if in a bottle it takes the shape of a bottle! This way all you will have to do is adjust your livelihood because life will still go on regardless of how much you moan! the only thing that has a hard time adjusting to change is your mind! The body is very flexible!

Be the change you want to see! If you change, everyone around you will be forced to change "accept", or they flee! Friends of today will be enemies tomorrow and enemies of today will be friends tomorrow, so you are likely to still belong to a group!

It takes someone to put you in a shape, that's why they fight your new, they don't want you to change because it gives them the security that they need, even if it is killing you inside! I know a family that continues to treat their child like a child because they don't want to grow old and stop being parents! Man believes what he sees more than what he knows, so it is hard for them to accept when something transforms in their eyes. If you don't piss someone off, you are sure doing something wrong! Grow up!

To find internal balance one always has to keep a flexible mind, don't expect the environment to be same! Free yourself from mental slavery! No situation is permanent, you can delay change but change will come and only if you work on your inner self will you be prepared for it!

Today I posted and deleted a note that I felt wasn't complete! Now it makes more seance to me! I changed my mind and that's my free will right! Love me love my dogs! If your mind causes you unhappiness, re-brand it! ;) Short term vs long term goals is mostly about compensation planning.

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