
Religion didn't teach me to be kind!!!

Religion didn't teach me to be kind and social, i was born with my soul this way and I was introduced "lived" to 3 of them before making my choice!

Buddhism prepared "incubated me," made me aware of myself and Christianity & Islam showed me the away of people! Islam thought me you have a right to protect yourself from the world that thinks it owns you! It is that middle finger to the world of greedy men! Buddhism doesn't show you the middle finger but be aware that that is what is on my mind; when with a smile i deal with someone who thinks they know better what works for me! Assassinators of character! Mental strength is what I needed because a lot of people took my kindness to mean I am stupid! Christianity gave me the words to use to express what I see! I see it as a social expression of faith! Buddhism is my inner expression! That's why it doesn't feel intrusive when around me! Christianity and Islam is intrusive. It believes in using or giving force rather than respecting force!

What suited my need and soul is the one I went with! It doesn't mean because I got to know all 3 I am lost, in fact it has sharpened me more! I take the best of 3 worlds and make them mine and use it when i please! Who is to tell me what i should or be? If I like you I will listen to what you have to say, i will agree to your words if it makes sense, not because it is eloquently placed! If I don't I will give you my own 2 bit sense and leave!

Those that are confused are those who want to place me in one box, so that it is convenient for them to make up their minds on how they want to act, certainly being unpredictable protects me! My mind is made about me and that is what is important for me! It means i know where i am going; you double agent spy, do you need to know? I am Jane Bond, all my gadgets are specially manufactured to fit me and me alone! I will not change for any "man," and will not change any "man" to be me! I respect everyone's choice! Want to be friends? let's do science and research together! Don't climb into my soul, it wasn't meant for you!

I had a friend ask me "so how was church today?!" I told him "I don't go to church!" I am not a Christian, I am a Buddhist" and then he says "I don't believe you!" I say "why?", and he says "because you are Nigerian and there is hardly a Nigerian who is a Buddhist!" I asked him that does he know that I am also a Russian and if to break it down more deeper, I am of the Tribe of Tatar Mongols "the Genghis Khan's Clan" the influence of my choice comes from the journey search of my ancestral and personal identity! Africans religion is not Christianity either, we were like the Red-Indians! We lived in peace with nature! For me to find myself I had to go back to my roots!

Christianity failed to hold me because it directed me towards people, what I already knew! Everyone is brought up to be nice to aunties, and uncles, and to family friends and extended public for networking purposes but how many parents allow the child to know himself? I can't be Christ but I am Christlike towards people! Am i born to keep your faith alive, or is that your personal responsibility? My duty is not to kill your faith but do you want to know who I am when no one but me sees me when I am alone? Does anyone know Christ outside his social duties when he went in solitude to pray? Even his disciples hadn't been able to describe him outside his deeds! Correct me if I am wrong! Who is Christ?

Buddhism is the religion who introduced me to me! Christianity introduced me to the needs of the outward man "society"! To me it is a social religion! I don't need a personal relationship with Christ, if he is within me then I need what will give me a personal relationship with me! Clearly if people cant seem to control their emotions and body discipline then they have been unplugged and Christianity wouldn't give me to me, it take me away to people. What i should be to others, what i should do to others. How about for once really focus on the golden rule? How can you treat your neighbour as yourself? or is it another riddle that says "how he treats his neighbour is how he treats himself?" I need to connect with me! Knowing me allows me to relate to me! Being connected to me allows me to know how to connect to you! A seed starts its growth from within, have you ever seen how a flower opens up from within to the out, not from outside In or a butterfly coming out of a cocoon?

  • Those who know me, have seen me wear the Islam dresses because I find it sexy, only my eyes sparkle through the vale. Allah help the man who thinks I wear it so that he feels safe.
  • I wear Hindu Sari - I grew up in Nigeria on Indian Movies. Watching religiously every Friday because that was the only day I was allowed to stay up late!
  • I like the Chinese Traditional wears they make me look compact! Like Bruce Lee :). I had developed an endearing to the culture because I practised marshal arts! Now I only wrestle in bed :)!
  • I love the Jeans and Cowboy boots because I watched too much of Chuck Noris :) or the Adverts of the Cigarettes Camel/Marlboro at sun rise and sun set!

They say you get to know a child when his parents are no more. My parents know me because they know themselves! They are not going to be surprised if tomorrow I decide to be on the moon, because I am already there! Happiness is the only thing that man seeks yet it eludes him because he wasn't given the chance to find himself. Lost to the worlds noise!

Maybe you could start from just realising that you are a person, you have a right to your own personality and this has nothing to do with religion but comes as a result of interacting with the world and the universe within!

I used to look at pastors and see blank people! Totally rubbed of their skin, if you understand what I mean! No character nor personality! Can't talk about anything but scriptures! I know now a few of my big brothers, they don't pretend to be who they are not! Christ has Character! Yesterday I was sharply reminded of why some people need to stay away from some people and why you need to cut of an arm because he was getting abusive! Yo yo yo it was terrible!

May the force be with you all and use it wisely! May your mind "reason" always be present in everything you do and do walk in mysterious ways, to protect yourself from evil shooting at you from point blank range!

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