
Negativity posed as risk management!

Negativity is an emotional state of mind, mostly of procrastinators and pessimists, or maybe often a tactic employed by people who fish for information because they know naturally anyone who has a good heart would rise to defend their stance! Now I have resolved not to pacify fears! If you feel you can't then you will find every reason to tear down the stars of the Skye. If you believe in yourself, you will ask
questions that would indicate you are reaching for the sun! If you are afraid of burning your wings, then crawl like a lizard! Has anyone reached the sun yet? Why set limitations before you even started, be it for you or others?

Risk assessment! ‘Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.’
— Ray Bradbury

Everyone wants to stay alive, yet they want to succeed! Does a child learn to walk without falling? Is he/she aware of the fall when making the first step? Does that prevent the child from growing further i.e. running, climbing? Those who are afraid of heights are usually those who are afraid to fall. Success comes at a price and it has greater rewards, you will be teaming with the champs!

I have noticed that many listen a lot to unfounded "imaginative" fears of others and their imagination running away with them, rather than devising creative "security" solutions! As much as having a sense of fear is an inbuilt by nature instinct to protect in order to survive, growth demands that you face the dangers! Your battle wounds are your medals, not shame!

How many know how to project? What if this and what If that? Thats how generals plan wars! Wars are not won by good or bad people, wars are won buy those who strategise well and have a really valid purpose; better if it is noble because the source of the drive "energy" is in there and will never end because so long as the world keeps trying to get worse, you have a job at always maintaining or pushing the standards up!

The danger of falling for emotions is that decisions never get taken! What if you have no other choice than to survive? What would you do other than get struck by fear in front of a moving train? Are you afraid of the speed? If there is no adrenalin rush, it indicates no motivation. Motivation is the sister to creativity!

Risk assessment to me is about projecting and creating Crossroads!
Imagine yourself approaching a field where there is nothing, or a thick forest with no roads, what are you going to do, stand there and gase? Shouldn't you remember what got you there? The ideas are your compass, which would you take? Risk assessment is about taking informed decisions on the pros and cons, regardless of the dangers, you may just get lucky and hit gold or it would take you time, you really don't have much choice, every beginner has little money and plenty of time!

Obviously it is a lot easier to thread where others have but you will have to pay toll fees my dear! That is what Taxation is, a toll fee for you using what others have created or allow. Unexplored lands have dangers, but should you survey first before taking your flock through, you will reduce your risk level. Will you stand and finish what you started?

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