

I would like to understand a simple thing! Why are we so uptight about religion and lackadaisical to faith? If i can't have a laugh at religion then I have no faith! We are required in our days to apply some level of reason to scripts written by men, especially what was written 2000 years ago! Our religious representatives are making a mockery of our lives and we still hold on to scripts blindly!

A young lady questioned the story of the resurrection of Christ and people took it as an offence rather than try, even if you fail to provide an objective explanation to her! She asked why would any intelligent person believe in the resurrection of Christ? now one can decide to pick offence with the word intelligent or show her how unintelligent she is or ignore the question forever have her peace and make her ponder at the silence. But should we keep silent or should we try to persuade?

There are various angles to this, I tried to connect from a religious point if view, but I guess she wanted a scientific approach to it! Yes it dont make sense when looking from the science stand point but i am not strong in that area, but proceeded to try connect. I assumed and that did put an error to my approach. Assumptions make an ass of you and me, and we must satisfy curiosity both ours and others. Engage, full frontal or refrain from any discuss but should you, then be prepared. How many are prepared for battles with our consciousness. When someone questions you, don't draw back, all you need to do is first draw up the rules of engagement. Ask why she asked the question she asked, ask to clarify the position, and then you would be in a better position to give an answer.

I asked myself this question long a go, WHAT IS TRUE or FACTUAL. I continuously ask myself one simple question! Why should I believe in what I am told by other human beings who themselves get in a state of doubt? Am I brainless or have no right to question a picture painted to me? We live in a world today that shows little evidence of believers in their faith! The world is cold and people don't stand up for people any more, no one is able to explain rationally their beliefs. Everyone is getting sensitive when asked "WHY DO YOU BELIVE IN WHAT YOU BELIVE!" Did you accept your faith because you were told? Or did you accept because you have seen the manifestation of it in your life? Is it so hard to provide evidence?

A believer is a peaceful person because he has no fear about telling someone why, what, where, how, when! because he/she doesn't feel there is anything wrong with sharing experiences. Culturally we are brought up to be ashamed of our trials, everyone is made to present the fine face, and then that pressure gets to you where you are unable to differentiate Character from Beliefs. We think that being Christian/Muslim is who you are. Did the bible come out with you from the womb?

If you can't present evidence of your faith, then you are not able to defend it! No one says you owe anyone any explanation, and everyone should find their path, but at some point you need to ask yourself, in your dark moments "WHY YOU BELIVE IN WHAT TOU BELIVE!"

Saying you are a Christian or Muslim or Buddhist, or a Jedi isn't enough, your deeds question your faith! My journey in my faith started when I questioned the behaviour of man, why i found myself where i did! Why was i alive? I fell into depression and needed to get out! How can he hurt, how can he deny life to another in the bid to save his own life? You only realise you need God when you are in deep shit, or the world of man has struck you so bad, that you dont know what to do. Is it a shame to say YES I NEEDED YOU, AND PLEASE BE BY MY SIDE WHEN I GO THROUGH THE VALLYS OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH, AND I WILL FEAR NO EVEIL FOR THOU ARE WITH ME? how shameful can it be to ask for help, especially from someone you cant see or touch, but should you believe, his grace will fall. Its hard to trust man, let alone what you dont see. when they say surrender to his will they mean "LET GO, LET GO OF YOUR FEARS, AND HAVE THEM NOT RULE YOU."

The reason behind my questioning Christianity was because of the Christians that lived around me! But just because I question don't mean I have no faith, I test my faith by questioning me, why I feel, why I hate, why me!

There is a place in the bible that says, James 4:7 "study the word, so that when the devil "doubt" questions you, you are able to answer him! We all BELIVE things without evidence because we were told again that "blessed are those who see and BELIVE, but more blessed are those who hear and BELIVE and we leave it at that, contradictions all our lives. We don't pounder over what ever we see or what ever we hear! Trust is important to everyone but one cant get away with the "WHAT DONT YOU TRUST ME ENOUGH? When questioned we feel threatened, even when we don't see any attack! WHy have you given your negative emotions rule over Objectivity? A simple honest good morning can cause an argument if the person greeted wasn't feeling good about the morning! We have allowed all the negativity to thrive. We have turned into extremists. We are shoving our own ideas that we haven't pondered about on others in the bid to win souls, who gave you that target? The pastor that cant be bothered to educate you, arm you with the right approach to people, other than calling HELL FIRE? You are the one in hell fire because you are pressured to believe, if you weren't you would be meek! A soul is not won over by force! A soul is won over with words and the evidence of it!

I asked about 5months ago WHY IS THERE NO GOD? and today I found the answer, WE LIVE FAITHLESS LIVES. The further we go shying away from asking ourselves questions the darker we all become! There is no God because we are not in touch with our souls, and have little courage of our intentions!

Faith to me is the very word INTENTION! I again ask WHAT IS THE INTENT BEHIND YOUR CHOICE OF RELIGION? Why did you choose what you have chosen? What does it do for you? Why can't you defend your choice? Why can't you win the soul over? Why are you feeling threatened when someone says win me over? Have you built your faith on shaky grounds? Are you in your faith because you want to please another?

If someone doesn't BELIVE in God, then they have rationalised it for themselves! If you believed in God, why can't you rationalise it for yourself and seek evidence of it in your life? Don't you BELIVE that you are strong enough to stand in your defence? If anyone is ashamed of Me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels."

You have to make a stand for what you BELIVE in, and no one will question it if you make reason! An atheist will tell you why he don't BELIVE, why are Christians running? Christians have the most powerful tool on this planet, yet they have failed to use it! Their brain and the words that have been passed on from their ancestors, be it adopted or adapted to your needs!

Have you adapted to it without reason? I chose first my destiny, I then chose a religion that supports my destiny! I will present to you the picture of my destiny and show you how my religion supports it! Religion comes in handy only when one has identified their purpose, and it manifests faith in its works. Religion puts a presentation to your destiny! It is the skin, your destiny is the skeleton! Why are we so afraid to be questioned? Are we living a purposeless life? Are we selfish towards our own well being?

I did say earlier "I don't question faith, I question the knowledge behind it!" I want to dance with some body, I want to feel the heat with some body! That's what questioning is, I want to know you! Do you care to at least know yourself and leave me be me? They tell you unequally yoked, and you take it as a Christian and Muslim cant be friends. The spirit of the sheep and the wolf dont align, only lions play with lions.

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