
Why does man make it all about him?

Why does man make it all about him? Why do we bring up our daughters to think that marriage revolves around men? Why do we limit ourselves as women? I am hard on women because we are giving men the room to be lazy!

"Man" as he/she grows changes. The more he experiences the more he transforms his mind to accept that life doesn't just revolve around needs but the desires of the heart! A woman is an experience that should change man to be better. Feeding and procreating seems to be the basics of populating but what is surviving? There is a factor that many often miss!

SECURITY! The root of all evils and good! Should man not feel insecure there will be a whole load of love that goes around! Lack of security leads to possessiveness. Everyday we battle to gain security! In body, mind and soul! In body to sustain life, in mind and matter to find knowledge to sustain body in soul: stretching to find knowledge not to be the devils workshop; that can sustain body and mind together!

Self actualisation is the ultimate security any man can experience! Security is experience and it is experience itself. If I be just carnal I would inflict havoc because all I will seek is to eat and shelter! I have accepted death as a way to give my soul the opportunity to grow! I transend!

A girl that is made focused in looking at man as a source of her life is bound to treat the individual she lives with as a commodity! In return the male cages himself in the box he created! Of course there is danger that when you choose to chase the wind you may be lost but to others and never to self! We seek to keep our kids grounded in duties rather than rooted in knowledge,  to me that is dangerous! How can one ground a soul that wasn't made to be trapped in the body? We seldom use our minds to mediate between body and the soul! The "father" is grounded, he is the past. The Son he is today, survival. And the Holy Spirit, the stretcher of visions! How can today's survival justify the events of the past and hold tomorrow to be sure as the moment is?

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