
My heart greaves!!!

My heart greaves when i hear people talk about risk, yet have given themselves no promise.
Were the Israelites given reasons why they wouldn't get out of Egypt or were they given the Promise land? Yes there was an opposition to the idea for leaving, but i don't know if Moses would have succeeded should he have listened to the cries of the fearful. He came together with men that thought like him and had strengths (THE BOARD). Life in Egypt was unbearable as it was and the people were complaining about it, as a leader he had to do something, but they also complained when they reached the promise land, I am sure he told them "You have been given your promise, you are now free but you must earn your liberties. Rome was not built in one day, but by those who willed it so and same should happen with Africa.

Yes the Pharaoh was strong, yet he was defeated because of his arrogance and lack of knowledge. Being relentless means gathering knowledge to beat the obstacle, thats the Job of leaders, and not listening to cries. If you want to stay where you are, you are right it wouldn't work. If you want to grow, you will have to break out of the cocoon.

I am very intolerant to pessimism or those who call themselves realists by putting forward their fears as facts yet no alternative solution. When someone tells me it is impossible and dishes out textbook grammar, i dont listen. there is a huge risk in being too good. I am abrasive to people with emotions or attitudes. Pessimism brings nothing but strife, depression and that leads to nothing being done. I am a positive person, but not a dreamer because i put my brain and feet to work. If i see no commitment i dont negotiate, i stop any discuss before it wastes my time.

Everyday your pastors are saying "cast it in Jesus name and it will be well," maybe they should be more technical about it 'remove your emotions out of your way, clear your head off your fears before you say a word that would determine your own faith. Just as they say out of the abundance the heart, mouth speaketh so it is with "My word shall not go forth and return void," there is a reason people dont speak about their ideas in public and that is because of those who with their pessimism create the impression; Its called trashing and no one would like to associate with trash but with a promise.

Mind how you brand someones idea, if you find out they are doing something, ask appropriate questions that dont diminish the dream and if you must state something not good, send a message to their inbox. Should you have what to add, add constructive criticism i.e. an alternative to what has been presented, that shows collaboration because no one likes to join a fight.

Impossible - i am possible, ever tried breaking down negative words in positive ways? "If you can dream it you can do it" can also be seen as "If you can plan it you can implement it".

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