
I see no reason to hide my views!!!

I see no reason to hide my views if that could change something within any individual, precisely for one reason, to reduce the force with which we witch hunt, because we haven't spent time to ponder properly about issues. The emotions that some subject matters evoke in the mass minded people are often violent, and the repercussions of them are felt through generations. I believe that unjust judgements of certain interest groups is propaganda and hurt those who make private decisions about how to live their lives or what to believe in.

Arn't Nigerians lead to crime with the propaganda that has engraved an image about us to the world? We are all drug dealers, 419, Pimps & prostitutes and now worst of all incompetent. I guess if the shoe fits as they say but should i hide my face because my ancestor was a nigerian or should i rise to bring some joy to my world and help my kids avoid the same heart bashing shame when they need to present their passport? I have refused to use my russian passport. I have refused to accept the stigma placed on being Nigerian by our unwilling and incompetent PR makers, which includes the government who wouldn't rise to call to question the leaders of other countries who dont control their media.

Our religious leaders have poisoned the minds of our nation and it has eroded into our society that sometimes i feel Let the world end, so the Lord can start again. How are we going to find spirituality by keeping people ignorant? How long will our faith be ruled by hypocritical laws and statements? Till today i still believe in the most perfect 10 rules of all that have ever been written and not without taking some care when it comes to its interpretations. Especially the one persuasion ever communicated that summed it all "love thy neighbour".
I guess people do not understand the fragility of their minds, how easy it is to be brainwashed because of their ignorance of the world and its events.

What ever is said in private should be said in public to shame the devil and let peace reign, especially when it has to do with public matters and i am not and never have been an individual to sit and be quiet about things. Better hate me for the truth, than love me for a lie. One lie ruins a thousand truths, and one truth can save a million lives. How ever the truth must be honest for it to have a healing power. Speak the truth and it shall set you free and many others even if you will be nailed to the cross. When the ignorant put out posts and arguments about Gay people that is subjective i belive it is my duty to shed a light when i have it before we all adopt noncence as a norm, just as we have about many matters that does affect us in Africa.

Tomorrow a Gay person will save the world or a prostitute will protect your child from harm and we will change the dancing tune. The whole world wears fashion styles and products that came from a Gay mind, if you hate them so much go produce your own attire or best walk naked that would prove you not a hipocrite. Thats the nature of man, he seeks to adopt that which is in his favour.
Although i understand the concept behind the religious people attacking the concept of homosexuality, i also believe they haven't adopted a gay mind or probably not capable of it or clearly it may suit their interests.

In my mind a Gay person has ethics, a homosexual how ever isnt GAY, and cant be because he is just as disgusting as the wayward man and woman and its disgusting to me that one seeks safety in Ignorance. Yes it is supposedly not natural for a man to mate with a man but man readily accepts and can live with women being with women!!!!! Some if not majority fancy the idea of coming in contact with them. I distaste hypocrisy for it breads exactly what we fear the most to happen Ugliness. Let him who hath no sin cast the first stone. In a society that supports democracy and in that propagates self serving propagandas, i believe they should face a similar strong opposition in free speech "expression of beliefs".

How dare you macho exist and violate women and kids, yet you feel violence wouldn't return back in  thousand folds? Chauvinism has fuelled the birth of feminism. Women are now arming and protecting themselves with all means to rule you out of their lives, although the intention may have been to help reproductively challenged couples, IVF has now taken another tune or even worse women have now turned to have babies and not tell him only after 17 years when the kid start asking where is my genetic father. Do men really think the Gay issue is really their problem? Check again.

Love your neighbour but you do have a choice to what neighbourhood you live in.
Why do religeous people think that a gay person or couple (female/male) can not be christian or of any other religious type? `How about them dealing with the lack of balls to be a good spouse to your well abled wife and a father to the seeds men so enjoyably spread around when ever they covet the nest of another?

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